TO:             Members of the Joint Social Services Appropriation Subcommittee


FROM:       Sen. Allen Christensen, Co-Chair

                   Rep. David Clark, Co-Chair



                   DATE:  Friday, January 28, 2011

                   TIME:   8:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.

                   PLACE: Room 30, House Building, State Capitol Complex




                        1.   8:00 a.m.   Unfinished Items from the Previous Agenda


                        2.  8:00 a.m.   Introduction and Approval of Minutes


                        3.   8:05 a.m.   Social Services Related Revenue Options


                        4.   8:15 a.m.   FY 2012 Budget Discussion and Voting


                        5.   9:45 a.m.   Other Business     


Times listed above are approximate. Please 3 hole punch all handouts.



Visit /lfa/reports/cobi2011/sctte_17.htm for background information on this subcommittee and the agencies and programs it oversees, including budget histories. For analysis of current budget requests and discussion of issues related to budgets covered by this subcommittee visit /asp/lfa/lfareports.asp?com=APPSOC             












Visit /lfa/reports/cobi2010/sctte_17.htm for background information on this subcommittee and the agencies and programs it oversees, including budget histories. For analysis of current budget requests and discussion of issues related to budgets covered by this subcommittee visit /asp/lfa/lfareports.asp?com=APPHHS.