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First Substitute H.B. 496

Representative David Clark proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: David Clark

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill enacts the Technology and Life Science Economic Development Act and
             11      provides for tax credits related to certain technology and life science companies.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    amends a nonrefundable income tax credit related to certain capital gain
             15      transactions;
             16          .    enacts a nonrefundable income tax credit related to the purchase of an ownership
             17      interest in certain business entities;
             18          .    enacts refundable tax credits for certain business entities that generate an increase in
             19      state revenues;
             20          .    enacts the Technology and Life Science Economic Development Act, including:
             21              .    defining terms;
             22              .    granting rulemaking authority;
             23              .    authorizing the Governor's Office of Economic Development to enter into an
             24      agreement with an eligible business entity that will generate increased state tax
             25      revenues within the state; and

             26              .    establishing procedures to certify a tax credit;
             27          .    requires a report to and a study by the Workforce Services and Community and
             28      Economic Development Interim Committee and the Revenue and Taxation Interim
             29      Committee; and
             30          .    makes technical and conforming changes.
             31      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             32          None
             33      Other Special Clauses:
             34          This bill provides for effective dates.
             35      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             36      AMENDS:
             37          59-10-1022, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 389
             38      ENACTS:
             39          59-7-614.6, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40          59-10-1025, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41          59-10-1109, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42          63M-1-2901, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43          63M-1-2902, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          63M-1-2903, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          63M-1-2904, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46          63M-1-2905, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          63M-1-2906, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             50          Section 1. Section 59-7-614.6 is enacted to read:
             51          59-7-614.6. Refundable tax credit for certain business entities generating state
             52      revenue increases.
             53          (1) As used in this section:
             54          (a) "Eligible business entity" means a corporation that is an eligible business entity as
             55      defined in Section 63M-1-2902 .
             56          (b) "Eligible new state tax revenues" is as defined in Section 63M-1-2902 .

             57          (c) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
             58          (d) "Pass-through entity" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402 .
             59          (e) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402 .
             60          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, an eligible business entity may:
             61          (a) claim a refundable tax credit equal to the amount of eligible new state tax revenues
             62      generated by the eligible business entity; or
             63          (b) if the eligible business entity is a pass-through entity, pass through to one or more
             64      pass-through entity taxpayers, in accordance with Chapter 10, Part 14, Pass-Through Entities
             65      and Pass-Through Entity Taxpayers Act, a refundable tax credit that the eligible business entity
             66      could otherwise claim under this section.
             67          (3) The tax credit for an eligible business entity is the amount listed as the amount of
             68      eligible new state tax revenues generated by the eligible business entity on the tax credit
             69      certificate that the office issues to the eligible business entity for a taxable year.
             70          (4) An eligible business entity:
             71          (a) may claim or pass through a tax credit under this section for:
             72          (i) the taxable year in which the eligible business entity first generates eligible new
             73      state tax revenues; and
             74          (ii) two taxable years immediately following the year described in Subsection (4)(a)(i);
             75      and
             76          (b) may not carry forward or carry back a tax credit under this section.
             77          Section 2. Section 59-10-1022 is amended to read:
             78           59-10-1022. Nonrefundable tax credit for capital gain transactions.
             79          (1) As used in this section:
             80          (a) (i) "Capital gain transaction" means a transaction that results in a:
             81          (A) short-term capital gain; or
             82          (B) long-term capital gain.
             83          (ii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             84      commission may by rule define the term "transaction."
             85          (b) "Commercial domicile" means the principal place from which the trade or business
             86      of a Utah small business corporation is directed or managed.
             87          (c) "Long-term capital gain" is as defined in Section 1222, Internal Revenue Code.

             88          (d) "Pass-through entity" and "pass-through entity taxpayer" are as defined in Section
             89      59-10-1402 .
             90          [(d)] (e) "Qualifying [stock"] ownership interest" means [stock that is] an ownership
             91      interest that is:
             92          (i) (A) common stock; [or]
             93          (B) preferred stock; or
             94          (C) an ownership interest in a pass-through entity;
             95          (ii) [as defined by the commission by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter
             96      3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,] originally issued to:
             97          (A) a claimant, estate, or trust; or
             98          (B) a [partnership] pass-through entity if the claimant, estate, or trust that claims a tax
             99      credit under this section[: (I)] was a [partner] pass-through entity taxpayer on the day on which
             100      the [stock] qualifying ownership interest was issued[;] and [(II)] remains a [partner]
             101      pass-through entity taxpayer until the last day of the taxable year for which the claimant, estate,
             102      or trust claims a tax credit under this section; and
             103          (iii) issued:
             104          (A) by a Utah small business corporation;
             105          (B) on or after January 1, 2008; and
             106          (C) for[: (I)] money[;] or [(II)] other property, except for stock or securities.
             107          [(e)] (f) "Short-term capital gain" is as defined in Section 1222, Internal Revenue Code.
             108          [(f)] (g) (i) "Utah small business corporation" means a corporation that:
             109          (A) except as provided in Subsection (1)[(f)](g)(ii), is a small business corporation as
             110      defined in Section 1244(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code;
             111          (B) except as provided in Subsection (1)[(f)](g)(iii), meets the requirements of Section
             112      1244(c)(1)(C), Internal Revenue Code; and
             113          (C) has its commercial domicile in this state.
             114          (ii) For purposes of this section:
             115          [(ii) The] (A) the dollar amount listed in Section 1244(c)(3)(A), Internal Revenue
             116      Code, is considered to be $2,500,000[.]; and
             117          (B) a corporation under Section 1244(c)(3)(A), Internal Revenue Code, is considered to
             118      include a pass-through entity.

             119          (iii) The phrase "the date the loss on such stock was sustained" in Sections
             120      1244(c)(1)(C) and 1244(c)(2), Internal Revenue Code, is considered to be "the last day of the
             121      taxable year for which the claimant, estate, or trust claims a tax credit under this section."
             122          (2) [For] Subject to the other provisions of this section, for a taxable [years] year
             123      beginning on or after January 1, [2008] 2011, a claimant, estate, or trust that meets the
             124      requirements of Subsection (3) or Subsection (4) may claim a nonrefundable tax credit equal to
             125      the product of:
             126          (a) the total amount of the claimant's, estate's, or trust's short-term capital gain or
             127      long-term capital gain on a capital gain transaction that occurs on or after January 1, [2008]
             128      2011; and
             129          (b) [5%] the tax rate imposed under Subsection 59-10-104 (2)(b).
             130          (3) [For purposes of Subsection (2), a] A claimant, estate, or trust may claim the
             131      nonrefundable tax credit allowed by Subsection (2) if:
             132          (a) 70% or more of the gross proceeds of the capital gain transaction are expended:
             133          (i) to purchase a qualifying [stock] ownership interest in a Utah small business
             134      corporation; and
             135          (ii) within a 12-month period after the day on which the capital gain transaction occurs;
             136      and
             137          (b) prior to the purchase of the qualifying [stock] ownership interest described in
             138      Subsection (3)(a)(i), the claimant, estate, or trust did not have an ownership interest in the Utah
             139      small business corporation that issued the qualifying [stock] ownership interest.
             140          (4) A claimant, estate, or trust may claim the nonrefundable tax credit allowed by
             141      Subsection (2) if:
             142          (a) the gross proceeds of the capital gain transaction result from the sale of a qualifying
             143      ownership interest:
             144          (i) held for at least two taxable years before the sale of the qualifying ownership
             145      interest; and
             146          (ii) in a Utah small business corporation described in one of the following NAICS
             147      codes of the 2007 North American Industry Classification System of the federal Executive
             148      Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget:
             149          (A) NAICS Code 33911, Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing;

             150          (B) NAICS Code 334510, Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
             151      Manufacturing; or
             152          (C) NAICS Code 334517, Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing; and
             153          (b) on each day of the taxable year of the capital gain transaction, the Utah small
             154      business corporation described in Subsection (4)(a) has at least 50% of its employees in the
             155      state.
             156          [(4)] (5) A claimant, estate, or trust may not carry forward or carry back a tax credit
             157      under this section.
             158          [(5)] (6) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             159      Act, the commission may make rules:
             160          (a) defining the term "gross proceeds"; and
             161          (b) prescribing the circumstances under which a claimant, estate, or trust has an
             162      ownership interest in a Utah small business corporation.
             163          Section 3. Section 59-10-1025 is enacted to read:
             164          59-10-1025. Nonrefundable tax credit for investment in certain businesses.
             165          (1) As used in this section:
             166          (a) "Commercial domicile" means the principal place from which the trade or business
             167      of a Utah small business corporation is directed or managed.
             168          (b) "Pass-through entity" and "pass-through entity taxpayer" are as defined in Section
             169      59-10-1402 .
             170          (c) "Qualifying ownership interest" means an ownership interest that is:
             171          (i) (A) common stock;
             172          (B) preferred stock; or
             173          (C) an ownership interest in a pass-through entity;
             174          (ii) originally issued to:
             175          (A) a claimant, estate, or trust; or
             176          (B) a pass-through entity if the claimant, estate, or trust that claims a tax credit under
             177      this section was a pass-through entity taxpayer on the day on which the stock was issued and
             178      remains a pass-through entity taxpayer until the last day of the taxable year for which the
             179      claimant, estate, or trust claims a tax credit under this section; and
             180          (iii) issued:

             181          (A) by a Utah small business corporation;
             182          (B) on or after January 1, 2011; and
             183          (C) for money or other property, except for stock or securities.
             184          (d) (i) "Utah small business corporation" means a corporation that:
             185          (A) except as provided in Subsection (1)(d)(ii), is a small business corporation as
             186      defined in Section 1244(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code;
             187          (B) except as provided in Subsection (1)(d)(iii), meets the requirements of Section
             188      1244(c)(1)(C), Internal Revenue Code; and
             189          (C) has its commercial domicile in this state.
             190          (ii) For purposes of this section:
             191          (A) the dollar amount listed in Section 1244(c)(3)(A), Internal Revenue Code, is
             192      considered to be $2,500,000; and
             193          (B) a corporation under Section 1244(c)(3)(A), Internal Revenue Code, is considered to
             194      include a pass-through entity.
             195          (iii) The phrase "the date the loss on such stock was sustained" in Sections
             196      1244(c)(1)(C) and 1244(c)(2), Internal Revenue Code, is considered to be "the last day of the
             197      taxable year for which the claimant, estate, or trust claims a tax credit under this section."
             198          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, for a taxable year beginning on or
             199      after January 1, 2011, a claimant, estate, or trust may claim a nonrefundable tax credit in an
             200      amount up to 35% of the purchase price of a qualifying ownership interest if:
             201          (a) the qualifying ownership interest is issued by a Utah small business corporation
             202      described in one of the following NAICS codes of the 2007 North American Industry
             203      Classification System of the federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management
             204      and Budget:
             205          (i) NAICS Code 33911, Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing;
             206          (ii) NAICS Code 334510, Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
             207      Manufacturing; or
             208          (iii) NAICS Code 334517, Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing;
             209          (b) the qualifying ownership interest in the Utah small business corporation is
             210      purchased for at least $25,000;
             211          (c) the claimant, estate, or trust owned less than 30% of the qualifying ownership

             212      interest of the Utah small business corporation at the time of the purchase of the qualifying
             213      ownership interest; and
             214          (d) on each day of the taxable year of the purchase of the qualifying ownership interest,
             215      the Utah small business corporation described in Subsection (2)(a) has at least 50% of its
             216      employees in the state.
             217          (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the tax credit under Subsection (2) shall be
             218      claimed during a period of three taxable years as follows:
             219          (a) (i) the tax credit in the taxable year of the purchase of the qualifying ownership
             220      interest may not exceed 10% of the purchase price of the qualifying ownership interest;
             221          (ii) the tax credit in the taxable year after the taxable year described in Subsection
             222      (3)(a)(i) may not exceed 10% of the purchase price of the qualifying ownership interest; and
             223          (iii) the tax credit in the taxable year two years after the taxable year described in
             224      Subsection (3)(a)(i) may not exceed 15% of the purchase price of the qualifying ownership
             225      interest; and
             226          (b) may not exceed $350,000 in a taxable year.
             227          (4) A claimant, estate, or trust may not claim a tax credit under this section for a
             228      taxable year if the claimant, estate, or trust has sold any of the qualifying ownership interest
             229      during the taxable year.
             230          (5) If a Utah small business corporation from which a claimant, estate, or trust
             231      purchases a qualifying ownership interest fails, dissolves, or otherwise goes out of business, the
             232      claimant, estate, or trust may not claim both the tax credit provided in Subsection (2) and a
             233      capital loss on the qualifying ownership interest.
             234          (6) A claimant, estate, or trust may not carry forward or carry back a tax credit under
             235      this section.
             236          Section 4. Section 59-10-1109 is enacted to read:
             237          59-10-1109. Refundable tax credit for certain business entities generating state
             238      revenue increases.
             239          (1) As used in this section:
             240          (a) "Eligible business entity" means a claimant, estate, or trust that is an eligible
             241      business entity as defined in Section 63M-1-2902 .
             242          (b) "Eligible new state tax revenues" is as defined in Section 63M-1-2902 .

             243          (c) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
             244          (d) "Pass-through entity" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402 .
             245          (e) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402 .
             246          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, an eligible business entity may:
             247          (a) claim a refundable tax credit equal to the amount of eligible new state tax revenues
             248      generated by the eligible business entity; or
             249          (b) if the eligible business entity is a pass-through entity, pass through to one or more
             250      pass-through entity taxpayers, in accordance with Chapter 10, Part 14, Pass-Through Entities
             251      and Pass-Through Entity Taxpayers Act, a refundable tax credit that the eligible business entity
             252      could otherwise claim under this section.
             253          (3) The tax credit is:
             254          (a) for an eligible business entity, the amount listed as the amount of eligible new state
             255      tax revenues generated by the eligible business entity on the tax credit certificate that the office
             256      issues to the eligible business entity for the taxable year; or
             257          (b) for a pass-through entity taxpayer, the amount of a tax credit that an eligible
             258      business entity passes through to the pass-through entity taxpayer in accordance with
             259      Subsection (2)(b).
             260          (4) An eligible business entity:
             261          (a) may claim or pass through a tax credit under this section for:
             262          (i) the taxable year in which the eligible business entity first generates eligible new
             263      state tax revenues; and
             264          (ii) two taxable years following the year described in Subsection (4)(a)(i); and
             265          (b) may not carry forward or carry back a tax credit under this section.
             266          Section 5. Section 63M-1-2901 is enacted to read:
Part 29. Technology and Life Science Economic Development Act

             268          63M-1-2901. Title.
             269          This part is known as the "Technology and Life Science Economic Development Act."
             270          Section 6. Section 63M-1-2902 is enacted to read:
             271          63M-1-2902. Definitions.
             272          As used in this part:
             273          (1) "Eligible business entity" means a person that:

             274          (a) enters into an agreement with the office to produce an eligible product or project in
             275      Utah that will generate eligible new state tax revenues;
             276          (b) is described in one of the following NAICS codes of the 2007 North American
             277      Industry Classification System of the federal Executive Office of the President, Office of
             278      Management and Budget:
             279          (i) NAICS Code 33911, Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing;
             280          (ii) NAICS Code 334413, Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing;
             281          (iii) NAICS Code 334510, Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
             282      Manufacturing; or
             283          (iv) NAICS Code 334517, Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing; and
             284          (c) has at least 50% of its employees in the state for each day of a taxable year the
             285      eligible business entity claims a tax credit under Sections 59-7-614.6 or 59-10-1109 .
             286          (2) "Eligible business entity applicant" means a person that applies to the office to
             287      become an eligible business entity.
             288          (3) "Eligible new state tax revenues" means an increased amount of tax revenues
             289      generated as a result of an eligible product or project by an eligible business entity or a new
             290      incremental job within the state under the following:
             291          (i) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes;
             292          (ii) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
             293          (iii) Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act.
             294          (4) "Eligible product or project" means any product or project produced by an eligible
             295      business entity that was not produced prior to the date of an agreement with the office under
             296      Section 63M-1-2903 :
             297          (a) by the eligible business entity; and
             298          (b) within the state.
             299          (5) "New incremental job within the state" means an employment position at an
             300      eligible business entity that:
             301          (a) did not exist within the state before:
             302          (i) the eligible business entity entered into an agreement with the office; and
             303          (ii) the eligible product was produced or the eligible project began;
             304          (b) is not shifted from one location in the state to another location in the state; and

             305          (c) is established to the satisfaction of the office by amounts paid or withheld by the
             306      eligible business entity under Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
             307          (6) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
             308          (7) "Tax credit" means a tax credit under:
             309          (a) Section 59-7-614.6 ; or
             310          (b) Section 59-1-1109 .
             311          (8) "Tax credit certificate" means a certificate issued by the office that:
             312          (a) lists the name of the eligible business entity to which the office authorizes a tax
             313      credit;
             314          (b) lists the eligible business entity's taxpayer identification number;
             315          (c) lists the amount of the eligible business entity's eligible new state tax revenues for
             316      the taxable year; and
             317          (d) includes other information as determined by the office.
             318          Section 7. Section 63M-1-2903 is enacted to read:
             319          63M-1-2903. Tax credit agreement.
             320          (1) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             321      the office shall make rules establishing the conditions that an eligible business entity applicant
             322      shall meet to qualify for a tax credit under this part.
             323          (b) The office shall ensure that the conditions described in Subsection (1)(a) comply
             324      with the requirements of this part, including requiring the generation of eligible new state tax
             325      revenues.
             326          (2) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (2), the office, with advice
             327      from the board, may enter into an agreement authorizing a tax credit to an eligible business
             328      entity if an eligible business entity applicant meets the conditions established under Subsection
             329      (1).
             330          (b) The agreement required by this Subsection (2)(a) to qualify for a tax credit shall:
             331          (i) detail the requirements that the eligible business entity shall meet to quantify the
             332      amount of eligible new state tax revenues;
             333          (ii) require the eligible business entity to retain records supporting a claim for a tax
             334      credit for at least four years after the eligible business entity claims a tax credit under this part;
             335          (iii) require the eligible business entity to submit to audits for verification of the tax

             336      credit claimed, including audits by the office and by the State Tax Commission; and
             337          (iv) require the eligible business entity to provide tax return information to the office
             338      that is necessary for the office to determine the generation of eligible new state tax revenues.
             339          (3) The office may grant a tax credit certificate under this section to an eligible
             340      business entity:
             341          (a) for the first taxable year in which the eligible business entity enters into an
             342      agreement with the office and generates eligible new state tax revenues; and
             343          (b) the two taxable years immediately following the taxable year described in
             344      Subsection (3)(a).
             345          Section 8. Section 63M-1-2904 is enacted to read:
             346          63M-1-2904. Procedure to certify tax credit.
             347          (1) The office shall certify an eligible business entity's eligibility for a tax credit as
             348      provided in this section.
             349          (2) An eligible business entity applicant shall provide the office with:
             350          (a) an application for a tax credit certificate, on a form and in the manner designated by
             351      the office; and
             352          (b) documentation that the eligible business entity applicant has satisfied the conditions
             353      outlined in the agreement described in Section 63M-1-2903 .
             354          (3) If the office determines that the information is inadequate to provide a reasonable
             355      justification for authorizing a tax credit, the office shall:
             356          (a) deny the tax credit; or
             357          (b) inform the eligible business entity applicant that the information is inadequate and
             358      ask the eligible business entity applicant to submit new documentation.
             359          (4) If the office determines that there is reasonable justification for authorizing a tax
             360      credit, the office shall, for each year the office grants a tax credit certificate:
             361          (a) determine the amount of eligible new state tax revenues generated by the eligible
             362      business entity for the taxable year;
             363          (b) issue a tax credit certificate to the eligible business entity that states the amount of
             364      eligible new state tax revenues for the taxable year; and
             365          (c) provide a duplicate copy of the tax credit certificate to the State Tax Commission.
             366          (5) An eligible business entity may not claim or pass through a tax credit unless the

             367      eligible business entity has a tax credit certificate issued by the office.
             368          (6) An eligible business entity that receives a tax credit certificate may claim or pass
             369      through a tax credit, as provided in Section 59-7-614.6 or 59-10-1109 .
             370          (7) Upon request of the office, the State Tax Commission shall provide the office with
             371      summary information regarding eligible new state tax revenues generated by an eligible
             372      business entity.
             373          Section 9. Section 63M-1-2905 is enacted to read:
             374          63M-1-2905. Report to the Legislature -- Study by legislative committees.
             375          (1) The office shall annually report to the Legislature's Workforce Services and
             376      Community and Economic Development Interim Committee and Revenue and Taxation
             377      Interim Committee describing:
             378          (a) the total amount listed as eligible new state tax revenues on tax credit certificates
             379      the office issues to eligible business entities;
             380          (b) the criteria that the office uses in determining whether an eligible business entity
             381      generates eligible new state tax revenues; and
             382          (c) the economic impact on the state related to providing tax credits under this part.
             383          (2) (a) On or before November 1, 2016 and every five years after November 1, 2016,
             384      the Legislature's Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Interim
             385      Committee and Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall:
             386          (i) study the tax credits allowed under Sections 59-7-614.6 and 59-10-1109 ; and
             387          (ii) make recommendations concerning whether the tax credits should be continued,
             388      modified, or repealed.
             389          (b) The study under Subsection (2)(a) shall include an evaluation of:
             390          (i) the cost of the tax credits under Sections 59-7-614.6 or 59-10-1109 ;
             391          (ii) the purposes and effectiveness of the tax credits; and
             392          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credits.
             393          Section 10. Section 63M-1-2906 is enacted to read:
             394          63M-1-2906. Reports of tax credits.
             395          (1) Before December 1 of each year, the office shall submit a report to the Governor's
             396      Office of Planning and Budget, the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst, and the Division of
             397      Finance identifying:

             398          (a) the total amount listed as eligible new state tax revenues on tax credit certificates
             399      the office issues to eligible business entities; and
             400          (b) the criteria that the office uses in determining whether an eligible business entity
             401      generates eligible new state tax revenues.
             402          (2) By the first business day of each month, the office shall submit a report to the
             403      Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst, and the
             404      Division of Finance identifying:
             405          (a) each new agreement entered into by the office since the last report;
             406          (b) the total amount listed as eligible new state tax revenues on tax credit certificates
             407      the office issues to eligible business entities; and
             408          (c) the criteria that the office uses in determining whether an eligible business entity
             409      generates eligible new state tax revenues.
             410          Section 11. Effective date -- Retrospective operation.
             411          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on July 1, 2011.
             412          (2) The amendments to and enactments of the following sections have retrospective
             413      operation for a taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2011:
             414          (a) Section 59-7-614.6 ;
             415          (b) Section 59-10-1022 ;
             416          (c) Section 59-10-1025 ; and
             417          (d) Section 59-10-1109 .

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