H.B. 371 Tuition Reimbursement for Private Education

Bill Sponsor:

Rep. Grover, Keith
Floor Sponsor:
  • Drafting Attorney: Angela Oakes Stallings

  • Related Documents

    • Information
      • Last Action: 4 Feb 2012, Bill Numbered by Title Without any Substance
      • Last Location: Legislative Research and General Counsel

    Bill Status / Votes
    • Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
    2/3/2012 Bill Numbered by Title Without any SubstanceLegislative Research and General Counsel
    2/4/2012 Numbered Bill Publicly DistributedLegislative Research and General Counsel
    2/4/2012 Bill Numbered by Title Without any SubstanceLegislative Research and General Counsel
    Committee Hearings/Floor Debate