H.B. 513

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 March 8, 2012 5:09 PM

Senator Scott K. Jenkins proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 15 through 18 :    

             15      that choose to offer the program;
{   and   }

             16          .    establishes guidelines for the State Board of Education to distribute early
             17      intervention funds, based on at-risk indicators
{   .   }        ;

    . requires the State Board of Education to select at least one technology provider, through a request for proposals process, to provide adaptive learning technology and assessments for early intervention students; and
    . requires the State Board of Education to report final testing data regarding an adaptive learning technology program, including student learning gains, to the Education Interim Committee and the governor.  

             18      Money Appropriated in this Bill:

2.    Page 2, Lines 49 through 50 :    

             49      for funding under Subsection (1).
  (5) In addition to an enhanced kindergarten program described in Subsection (2), the early intervention program includes a component to address early intervention through the use of adaptive learning technology.

     (6) The State Board of Education shall select one or more technology providers, through a request for proposals process, to provide:
    (a) adaptive learning technology and assessments for reading, mathematics, or science for early intervention kindergarten students;
    (b) an adaptive computer software program for literacy instruction for early intervention students in kindergarten through grade 1; or
    (c) both programs described in Subsections (6)(a) and (b) .
    (7) On or before November 1, 2013, and every year thereafter, the State Board of Education shall report final testing data regarding an adaptive learning technology program described in Subsection (6), including student learning gains as a result of the adaptive learning technology program, to:
    (a) the Education Interim Committee; and
    (b) the governor.  

             50          Section 2. Appropriation.

3.    Page 3, Lines 67 through 70 :    

             67          (2) the $2,500,000 appropriation from Contracts and Grants shall be used by the State
             68      Board of Education to
{   issue a request for proposals for adaptive learning technology and

             69      assessments for early intervention for kindergarten  
  carry out the requirements of Subsection 53A-17a-167(6)       ; and

             70          (3) the appropriation under this section:

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