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Second Substitute H.B. 75

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:53 PM by jeyring. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:00 AM by lerror. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 5:48 PM by lerror. -->

Representative Brian M. Greene proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Brian M. Greene

Senate Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee Act
             11      and Title 58, Occupations and Professions.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    defines terms;
             15          .    requires a person who proposes that the state license an occupation or profession
             16      that is not currently licensed by the state to submit an application for a sunrise
             17      review by the Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee;
             18          .    requires that the committee conduct sunrise and sunset reviews for all occupations
             19      and professions:
             20              .    proposed to be newly regulated; and
             21              .    that are subject to their related statutes being terminated under Section
             22      63I-1-258;
             23          .    requires that when conducting a sunrise or sunset review, the committee shall:
             24              .    consider whether state licensing of the profession is necessary to address a
             25      compelling state interest in protecting against present, recognizable, and

             26      significant harm to the health H. , [ or ] .H safety H. , or welfare .H of the public;
             27              .    if the committee determines that state licensing of the profession is not
             28      necessary to protect the health H. [ or ] , .H safety H. , or welfare .H of the public,
             28a      recommend to the
             29      Legislature that the state refrain from licensing the profession;
             30              .    if the committee determines that state licensing of the profession is necessary to
             31      protect the health H. , [ or ] .H safety H. , or welfare .H of the public, consider whether
             31a      the proposed or
             32      existing statute is narrowly tailored to protect the health H. , [ or ] .H safety
             32a      H. , or welfare .H of the public;
             33      and
             34              .    recommend to the Legislature any changes to the proposed or existing statute to
             35      ensure it is narrowly tailored to protect the health H. , [ or ] .H safety H. , or welfare .H
             35a      of the public;
             36          .    requires the committee to study alternatives to professional licensing in 2013,
             37      including registration and certification;
             38          .    requires that legislation proposing the licensing or regulation of an occupation or
             39      profession under Title 58, Occupations and Professions:
             40              .    may not be enacted by the Legislature H. [ until ] unless .H the proposal has been
             40a      reviewed by
             41      the committee H. or the proposed legislation contains a provision that expressly exempts the
             41a      legislation from requiring review by the committee .H ; and
             42              .    shall include a repeal date in Section 63I-1-258 that is no later than 10 years
             43      after the effective date of the legislation; and
             44          .    makes technical changes.
             45      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             46          None
             47      Other Special Clauses:
             48          None
             49      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             50      AMENDS:
             51          36-23-101.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 137
             52          36-23-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 218
             53          36-23-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 218
             54          36-23-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 286
             55          36-23-105, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1999, Chapter 152
             56          36-23-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 242

             57          36-23-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 137
             58      ENACTS:
             59          36-23-109, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             60          58-1-110, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             62      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             63          Section 1. Section 36-23-101.5 is amended to read:
             64           36-23-101.5. Definitions.
             65          As used in this chapter:
             66          (1) "Committee" means the Occupational and Professional Licensure Review
             67      Committee created in Section 36-23-102 .
             68          (2) "Government requestor" means:
             69          (a) the governor;
             70          (b) an executive branch officer other than the governor;
             71          (c) an executive branch agency;
             72          (d) a legislator; or
             73          (e) a legislative committee.
             74          [(2)] (3) "Newly regulate" means to regulate under Title 58, Occupations and
             75      Professions, an occupation or profession not regulated under Title 58 before the enactment of
             76      the new regulation.
             77          [(3)] (4) "Proposal" means:
             78          (a) an application submitted under Section 36-23-105 , with or without specific
             79      proposed statutory language;
             80          (b) a request for review by a legislator of the possibility of newly regulating an
             81      occupation or profession, with or without specific proposed statutory language; or
             82          (c) proposed [or introduced] legislation to newly regulate an occupation or profession
             83      referred to the committee by another legislative committee.
             84          [(4)] (5) "Sunrise review" means a review under this chapter of a proposal to newly
             85      regulate an occupation or profession.
             86          (6) "Sunset review" means a review under this chapter of a statute:
             87          (a) regarding a licensed profession under Title 58, Occupations and Professions; and

             88          (b) that is scheduled for termination under Section 63I-1-258 .
             89          Section 2. Section 36-23-102 is amended to read:
             90           36-23-102. Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee.
             91          (1) There is created the Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee.
             92          (2) The committee consists of nine members appointed as follows:
             93          (a) three members of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the
             94      House of Representatives, no more than two from the same political party;
             95          (b) three members of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate, no more
             96      than two from the same political party; and
             97          (c) three public members appointed jointly by the speaker of the House of
             98      Representatives and the president of the Senate [as follows] from the following two groups:
             99          (i) [two members who have] at least one member who has previously served, but [are]
             100      is no longer serving, on any [of the] advisory [boards] board created under Title 58,
             101      Occupations and Professions; and
             102          (ii) at least one member from the general public who does not hold any type of license
             103      issued by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.
             104          (3) (a) The speaker of the House of Representatives shall designate a member of the
             105      House of Representatives appointed under Subsection (2)(a) as a cochair of the committee.
             106          (b) The president of the Senate shall designate a member of the Senate appointed under
             107      Subsection (2)(b) as a cochair of the committee.
             108          Section 3. Section 36-23-103 is amended to read:
             109           36-23-103. Committee terms -- Vacancies.
             110          (1) A legislator serving on the committee shall serve a two-year term or until the
             111      legislator's successor is appointed.
             112          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a public member shall serve a
             113      three-year term or until the public member's successor is appointed.
             114          (b) The speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the Senate shall,
             115      at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms of the public members
             116      to ensure that approximately one of the public members is appointed every year.
             117          (3) A legislative or public member of the committee may serve one or more terms.
             118          (4) (a) A vacancy occurs:

             119          (i) when a legislative member ceases to be a member of the Legislature; [or]
             120          (ii) when a member of the committee resigns from the committee[.]; or
             121          (iii) when a member is removed by the appointing authority for cause.
             122          (b) A vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority, and the replacement member
             123      shall serve for the remaining unexpired term.
             124          Section 4. Section 36-23-104 is amended to read:
             125           36-23-104. Committee meetings -- Compensation -- Quorum -- Legislative rules.
             126          (1) The committee [may] shall meet H. [ as needed ] at least twice before November 1 of
             126a      each year .H , at the call of the committee chairs, to
             127      carry out the duties [set forth] described in [Section 36-23-106 ] this chapter.
             128          (2) A public member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's
             129      service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
             130          (a) Section 63A-3-106 ;
             131          (b) Section 63A-3-107 ; and
             132          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             133      63A-3-107 .
             134          (3) (a) Five members of the committee constitute a quorum.
             135          (b) If a quorum is present, the action of a majority of members present is the action of
             136      the committee.
             137          (4) Except as provided in Subsection (3), in conducting all its business, the committee
             138      shall comply with the rules of legislative interim committees regarding motions.
             139          Section 5. Section 36-23-105 is amended to read:
             140           36-23-105. Applications -- Fees.
             141          (1) [Representatives of occupations or professions who desire to have their occupation
             142      or profession licensed or regulated by the state may] If a government requestor or a
             143      representative of an occupation or profession that is not licensed by the state proposes that the
             144      state license or regulate an occupation or profession, the requestor or representative shall, prior
             145      to the introduction of any proposed legislation, submit an application for sunrise review to the
             146      Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel in a form approved by the committee.
             147          (2) [Applicants shall submit] If an application is submitted by a representative of an
             148      occupation or profession, the application shall include a nonrefundable fee of $500 [with each
             149      application].

             150          (3) All application fees shall be deposited in the General Fund.
             151          Section 6. Section 36-23-106 is amended to read:
             152           36-23-106. Duties -- Reporting.
             153          (1) The committee shall:
             154          (a) H. for each application submitted in accordance with Section 36-23-105, .H
             154a      conduct a sunrise review in accordance with Section 36-23-107 [for all
             155      applications] H. [ , within 12 months, for each application submitted in accordance with Section
             156      36-23-105 ;
before November 1:
             156a          (i) of the year in which the application is submitted, if the application is submitted on or
             156b      before July 1; or
             156c          (ii) of the year following the year in which the application is submitted, if the
             156d      application is submitted after July 1; .H
             157          (b) (i) conduct a sunset review for [an occupational or professional license
             158      classification that is referred to the committee by any other legislative committee by applying:]
             159      all statutes regarding a licensed occupation or profession under Title 58, Occupations and
             160      Professions, that are scheduled for termination under Section 63I-1-258;
             161          [(i) the criteria in Section 36-23-107 ;]
             162          [(ii) the criteria in Title 63I, Chapter 1, Legislative Oversight and Sunset Act; and]
             163          [(iii) any other appropriate criteria; and]
             164          [(c) submit a written report by no later than December 31 of each calendar year to:]
             165          [(i) the speaker of the House of Representatives;]
             166          [(ii) the president of the Senate;]
             167          [(iii) the chair of the House Rules Committee;]
             168          [(iv) the chair of the Senate Rules Committee; and]
             169          [(v) the chairs of the Business, Economic Development, and Labor Appropriations
             170      Subcommittee.]
             171          (ii) conduct a sunset review under this Subsection (1)(b) H. before November 1 of
             171a      the year .H prior to the last general
             172      session of the Legislature that is scheduled to meet before the scheduled termination date; and
             173          (iii) conduct a review or study regarding any other occupational or professional
             174      licensure matter referred to the committee by the Legislature, the Legislative Management
             175      Committee, or other legislative committee.
             176          (2) The committee shall submit an annual written report before November 1 to:
             177          (a) the Legislative Management Committee; and
             178          (b) the Business and Labor Interim Committee.
             179          [(2)] (3) The written report required by Subsection [(1)(c)] (2) shall include:
             180          (a) all findings and recommendations made by the committee [under Subsection (1) or

             181      (3) in that] in the calendar year; and
             182          (b) a summary report [for] of each [sunrise] review or study conducted by the
             183      committee stating:
             184          [(i) whether the sunrise review was conducted under Subsection (1) or (3);]
             185          [(ii)] (i) whether [or not] the [sunrise] review or study included a review of specific
             186      proposed or existing statutory language;
             187          [(iii)] (ii) [any] action taken by the committee as a result of the [sunrise] review or
             188      study; and
             189          [(iv) the number of legislative members that voted in favor of the action described in
             190      Subsection (2) (b)(iii).]
             191          (iii) a record of the vote for each action taken by the committee.
             192           H. [ [(3)] (4) The committee may[: (a) conduct a sunrise review of any proposal to newly
             193      regulate an occupation or profession; (b) conduct any other review referred to it by the
             194      Legislature, the Legislative Management Committee, or other legislative committee; or (c)]
             195      conduct any other review or study related to regulation of an occupation or profession under
             196      Title 58, Occupations and Professions[.], including:
             197          (a) using the criteria described for a sunrise or sunset review described in Section
             198      36-23-107 , the review of an occupation or profession that is not scheduled for future
             199      termination under Section 63I-1-258 ; and
             200          (b) a study or review of administrative rules related to an occupation or profession.
] .H

             201          Section 7. Section 36-23-107 is amended to read:
             202           36-23-107. Sunrise or sunset review -- Criteria.
             203          (1) In conducting a sunrise review or a sunset review under this chapter, the committee
             204      may:
             205          (a) receive information from:
             206          (i) representatives of the occupation or profession proposed to be newly regulated or
             207      that is subject to a sunset review;
             208          (ii) the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing; or
             209          (iii) any other person; and
             210          (b) review [the] a proposal with or without considering proposed statutory language[;].
             211          [(c) evaluate the criteria in Subsection (2) to determine whether or not the occupation

             212      or profession should be regulated by the state; and]
             213          [(d) as to the proposal, recommend:]
             214          [(i) that the proposal be adopted by the Legislature;]
             215          [(ii) that the proposal be adopted by the Legislature with recommended changes;]
             216          [(iii) that the proposal not be adopted by the Legislature; or]
             217          [(iv) any other action.]
             218          (2) When conducting a sunrise review or sunset review under this chapter, the
             219      committee shall [use the following criteria]:
             220          (a) consider whether state regulation of the occupation or profession is necessary to
             221      address a compelling state interest in protecting against present, recognizable, and significant
             222      harm to the health H. [ or ] , .H safety H. , or welfare .H of the public;
             223          (b) if the committee determines that state regulation of the occupation or profession is
             224      not necessary to protect against present, recognizable, and significant harm to the health H. ,
             224a      [ or ] .H
             225      safety H. , or welfare .H of the public, recommend to the Legislature that the state not
             225a      regulate the profession;
             226          (c) if the committee determines that state regulation of the occupation or profession is
             227      necessary in protecting against present, recognizable, and significant harm to the health H. ,
             227a      [ or ] .H
             228      safety H. , or welfare .H of the public, consider whether the proposed or existing
             228a      statute is narrowly tailored to
             229      protect against present, recognizable, and significant harm to the health H. , [ or ] .H safety
             229a      H. , or welfare .H of the public;
             230      and
             231          (d) recommend to the Legislature any necessary changes to the proposed or existing
             232      statute to ensure it is narrowly tailored to protect against present, recognizable, and significant
             233      harm to the health H. , [ or ] .H safety H. , or welfare .H of the public.
             234          (3) In its performance of each sunrise review or sunset review, the committee may
             235      apply the following criteria, to the extent that it is applicable:
             236          (a) whether [or not] the unregulated practice of the occupation or profession has clearly
             237      harmed or may harm or endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the public;
             238          (b) whether [or not] the potential for harm or endangerment described in Subsection
             239      [(2)] (3)(a) is easily recognizable and not remote;
             240          [(c) whether or not the public needs, and can reasonably be expected to benefit from,
             241      an assurance of initial and continuing occupational or professional competence;]
             242          (c) whether regulation of the occupation or profession will significantly diminish an

             243      identified risk to the health, safety, or welfare of the public;
             244          (d) whether [or not] regulation of the occupation or profession:
             245          (i) imposes significant new economic hardship on the public;
             246          (ii) significantly diminishes the supply of qualified practitioners; or
             247          (iii) otherwise creates barriers to service that are not consistent with the public welfare
             248      or interest;
             249          (e) whether [or not] the occupation or profession requires knowledge, skills, and
             250      abilities that are:
             251          (i) teachable; and
             252          (ii) testable;
             253          (f) whether [or not] the occupation or profession is clearly distinguishable from other
             254      occupations or professions that are already regulated;
             255          (g) whether [or not] the occupation or profession has:
             256          (i) an established code of ethics;
             257          (ii) a voluntary certification program; or
             258          (iii) other measures to ensure a minimum quality of service;
             259          (h) whether [or not]:
             260          (i) the occupation or profession involves the treatment of an illness, injury, or health
             261      care condition; and
             262          (ii) practitioners of the occupation or profession will request payment of benefits for
             263      the treatment under an insurance contract subject to Section 31A-22-618 ;
             264          (i) whether [or not] the public can be adequately protected by means other than
             265      regulation; and
             266          (j) other appropriate criteria as determined by the committee.
             267          Section 8. Section 36-23-109 is enacted to read:
             268          36-23-109. Review of state regulation of occupations and professions.
             269          Before the annual written report described in Section 36-23-107 is submitted for 2013,
             270      the committee shall study potentially less restrictive alternatives to licensing for the regulation
             271      of occupations and professions, including registration and certification if appropriate, that
             272      would better avoid unnecessary regulation and intrusion upon individual liberties by the state,
             273      while still protecting the health H. [ and ] , .H safety H. , [ or ] and welfare .H of the public.

             274          Section 9. Section 58-1-110 is enacted to read:
             275          58-1-110. Legislative review in Title 58, Occupations and Professions.
             276          Legislation proposing the licensing or regulation of an occupation or profession under
             277      Title 58, Occupations and Professions, that is not currently subject to licensing or regulation
             278      under Title 58, Occupations and Professions:
             279          (1) may not be enacted by the Legislature unless H. :
             279a          (a) .H a proposal to license or regulate the
             280      occupation or profession has been reviewed by the Occupational and Professional Licensure
             281      Review Committee as described in Title 36, Chapter 23, Occupational and Professional
             282      Licensure Review Committee Act; H. or
             282a          (b) the proposed legislation contains a provision that expressly exempts the legislation
             282b      from the review requirement of Subsection 1(a); .H
             283          (2) is subject to a reauthorization schedule as described in Title 63I, Chapter 1,
             284      Legislative Oversight and Sunset Act; and
             285          (3) shall include a repeal date in Section 63I-1-258 that is no later than 10 years after
             286      the effective date of the legislation.

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