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H.B. 37 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan

Senate Sponsor: John L. Valentine

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions of the Utah Code related to reports made to interim
             10      committees.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    repeals outdated reports including:
             14              .    a reporting requirement for a program related to prescription opiate use;
             15              .    reporting requirements by the insurance commissioner related to coordination
             16      with other states;
             17              .    a reporting requirement related to a study of premium assessments; and
             18              .    a report related to collecting information related to tracking effects of abuse of
             19      alcoholic products;
             20          .    repeals a reporting requirement related to complaint information related to title
             21      insurance;
             22          .    repeals a reporting requirement related to the Rocky Mountain Center for
             23      Occupational and Environmental Health;
             24          .    repeals a reporting requirement related to the nationwide database and mortgage
             25      related licensing;
             26          .    repeals a reporting requirement related to the Department of Financial Institutions
             27      and consumer credit education efforts; and
             28          .    makes technical and conforming amendments.
             29      Money Appropriated in this Bill:

             30          None
             31      Other Special Clauses:
             32          None
             33      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35          26-1-36, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 287
             36          31A-2-217, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             37          31A-2-404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 253
             38          34A-2-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
             39          53-1-119, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 357
             40          53B-17-804, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 323
             41          61-2c-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 166
             42          70C-8-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 65
             44      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             45          Section 1. Section 26-1-36 is amended to read:
             46           26-1-36. Duty to establish program to reduce deaths and other harm from
             47      prescription opiates used for chronic noncancer pain.
             48          (1) As used in this section, "opiate" means any drug or other substance having an
             49      addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability similar to morphine or being capable of
             50      conversion into a drug having addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability.
             51          (2) In addition to the duties listed in Section 26-1-30 , the department shall develop and
             52      implement a two-year program in coordination with the Division of Professional Licensing, the
             53      Utah Labor Commission, and the Utah attorney general, to:
             54          (a) investigate the causes of and risk factors for death and nonfatal complications of
             55      prescription opiate use and misuse in Utah for chronic pain by utilizing the Utah Controlled
             56      Substance Database created in Section 58-37f-201 ;
             57          (b) study the risks, warning signs, and solutions to the risks associated with

             58      prescription opiate medications for chronic pain, including risks and prevention of misuse and
             59      diversion of those medications;
             60          (c) provide education to health care providers, patients, insurers, and the general public
             61      on the appropriate management of chronic pain, including the effective use of medical
             62      treatment and quality care guidelines that are scientifically based and peer reviewed; and
             63          (d) educate the public regarding:
             64          (i) the purpose of the Controlled Substance Database established in Section
             65      58-37f-201 ; and
             66          (ii) the requirement that a person's name and prescription information be recorded on
             67      the database when the person fills a prescription for a schedule II, III, IV, or V controlled
             68      substance.
             69          [(3) The department shall report on the development and implementation of the
             70      program required in Subsection (2) to the legislative Health and Human Services Interim
             71      Committee and the legislative Business and Labor Interim Committee no later than the
             72      November interim meetings in 2008 and 2009. Each report shall include:]
             73          [(a) recommendations on:]
             74          [(i) use of the Utah Controlled Substance Database created in Section 58-37f-201 to
             75      identify and prevent:]
             76          [(A) misuse of opiates;]
             77          [(B) inappropriate prescribing; and]
             78          [(C) adverse outcomes of prescription opiate medications;]
             79          [(ii) interventions to prevent the diversion of prescription opiate medications; and]
             80          [(iii) medical treatment and quality care guidelines that are:]
             81          [(A) scientifically based; and]
             82          [(B) peer reviewed; and]
             83          [(b) (i) a measure of results against expectations under the program as of the date of the
             84      report; and]
             85          [(ii) an analysis of the application of the program, use of the appropriated funds, and

             86      the impact and results of the use of the funds.]
             87          [(4) The report provided under Subsection (3) for the 2008 interim shall also provide a
             88      final cumulative analysis of the measurable effectiveness of the program implemented under
             89      this section.]
             90          Section 2. Section 31A-2-217 is amended to read:
             91           31A-2-217. Coordination with other states.
             92          (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the commissioner, by rule, may adopt one or more
             93      agreements with another governmental regulatory agency, within and outside of this state, or
             94      with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to address:
             95          (i) licensing of insurance companies;
             96          (ii) licensing of agents;
             97          (iii) regulation of premium rates and policy forms; and
             98          (iv) regulation of insurer insolvency and insurance receiverships.
             99          (b) An agreement described in Subsection (1)(a), may authorize the commissioner to
             100      modify a requirement of this title if the commissioner determines that the requirements under
             101      the agreement provide protections similar to or greater than the requirements under this title.
             102          (2) (a) The commissioner may negotiate an interstate compact that addresses issuing
             103      certificates of authority, if the commissioner determines that:
             104          (i) each state participating in the compact has requirements for issuing certificates of
             105      authority that provide protections similar to or greater than the requirements of this title; or
             106          (ii) the interstate compact contains requirements for issuing certificates of authority
             107      that provide protections similar to or greater than the requirements of this title.
             108          (b) If an interstate compact described in Subsection (2)(a) is adopted by the
             109      Legislature, the commissioner may issue certificates of authority to insurers in accordance with
             110      the terms of the interstate compact.
             111          (3) If any provision of this title conflicts with a provision of the annual statement
             112      instructions or the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Accounting Practices and
             113      Procedures Manual, the commissioner may, by rule, resolve the conflict in favor of the annual

             114      statement instructions or the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Accounting
             115      Practices and Procedures Manual.
             116          (4) The commissioner may, by rule, accept the information prescribed by the National
             117      Association of Insurance Commissioners instead of the documents required to be filed with an
             118      application for a certificate of authority under:
             119          (a) Section 31A-4-103 , 31A-5-204 , 31A-8-205 , or 31A-14-201 ; or
             120          (b) rules made by the commissioner.
             121          [(5) Before November 30, 2001, the commissioner shall report to the Business and
             122      Labor Interim Committee regarding the status of:]
             123          [(a) any agreements entered into under Subsection (1);]
             124          [(b) any interstate compact entered into under Subsection (2); and]
             125          [(c) any rule made under Subsections (3) and (4).]
             126          [(6)] (5) This section shall be repealed in accordance with Section 63I-1-231 .
             127          Section 3. Section 31A-2-404 is amended to read:
             128           31A-2-404. Duties of the commissioner and Title and Escrow Commission.
             129          (1) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, to the extent provided in this
             130      part, the commissioner shall administer and enforce the provisions in this title related to:
             131          (a) title insurance; and
             132          (b) escrow conducted by a title licensee or title insurer.
             133          (2) The commission shall:
             134          (a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
             135      subject to Subsection (3), make rules for the administration of the provisions in this title related
             136      to title insurance including rules related to:
             137          (i) rating standards and rating methods for a title licensee, as provided in Section
             138      31A-19a-209 ;
             139          (ii) the licensing for a title licensee, including the licensing requirements of Section
             140      31A-23a-204 ;
             141          (iii) continuing education requirements of Section 31A-23a-202 ;

             142          (iv) examination procedures, after consultation with the commissioner and the
             143      commissioner's test administrator when required by Section 31A-23a-204 ; and
             144          (v) standards of conduct for a title licensee;
             145          (b) concur in the issuance and renewal of a license in accordance with Section
             146      31A-23a-105 or 31A-26-203 ;
             147          (c) in accordance with Section 31A-3-103 , establish, with the concurrence of the
             148      commissioner, the fees imposed by this title on a title licensee;
             149          (d) in accordance with Section 31A-23a-415 determine, after consulting with the
             150      commissioner, the assessment on a title insurer as defined in Section 31A-23a-415 ;
             151          (e) conduct an administrative hearing not delegated by the commission to an
             152      administrative law judge related to the:
             153          (i) licensing of an applicant;
             154          (ii) conduct of a title licensee; or
             155          (iii) approval of a continuing education program required by Section 31A-23a-202 ;
             156          (f) with the concurrence of the commissioner, approve a continuing education program
             157      required by Section 31A-23a-202 ;
             158          (g) with the concurrence of the commissioner, impose a penalty:
             159          (i) under this title related to:
             160          (A) title insurance; or
             161          (B) escrow conducted by a title licensee;
             162          (ii) after investigation by the commissioner in accordance with Part 3, Procedures and
             163      Enforcement; and
             164          (iii) that is enforced by the commissioner;
             165          (h) advise the commissioner on the administration and enforcement of any matter
             166      affecting the title insurance industry;
             167          (i) advise the commissioner on matters affecting the commissioner's budget related to
             168      title insurance; and
             169          (j) perform other duties as provided in this title.

             170          (3) The commission may make a rule under this title only if at the time the commission
             171      files its proposed rule and rule analysis with the Division of Administrative Rules in
             172      accordance with Section 63G-3-301 , the commission provides the Real Estate Commission that
             173      same information.
             174          (4) (a) The commissioner shall annually report the information described in Subsection
             175      (4)(b) in writing to[: (i)] the commission[; and].
             176          [(ii) the Business and Labor Interim Committee.]
             177          (b) The information required to be reported under this Subsection (4):
             178          (i) may not identify a person; and
             179          (ii) shall include:
             180          (A) the number of complaints the commissioner receives with regard to transactions
             181      involving title insurance or a title licensee during the calendar year immediately proceeding the
             182      report;
             183          (B) the type of complaints described in Subsection (4)(b)(ii)(A); and
             184          (C) for each complaint described in Subsection (4)(b)(ii)(A):
             185          (I) any action taken by the commissioner with regard to the complaint; and
             186          (II) the time-period beginning the day on which a complaint is made and ending the
             187      day on which the commissioner determines it will take no further action with regard to the
             188      complaint.
             189          Section 4. Section 34A-2-107 is amended to read:
             190           34A-2-107. Appointment of workers' compensation advisory council --
             191      Composition -- Terms of members -- Duties -- Compensation.
             192          (1) The commissioner shall appoint a workers' compensation advisory council
             193      composed of:
             194          (a) the following voting members:
             195          (i) five employer representatives; and
             196          (ii) five employee representatives; and
             197          (b) the following nonvoting members:

             198          (i) a representative of the Workers' Compensation Fund;
             199          (ii) a representative of a private insurance carrier;
             200          (iii) a representative of health care providers;
             201          (iv) the Utah insurance commissioner or the insurance commissioner's designee; and
             202          (v) the commissioner or the commissioner's designee.
             203          (2) Employers and employees shall consider nominating members of groups who
             204      historically may have been excluded from the council, such as women, minorities, and
             205      individuals with disabilities.
             206          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of current council members
             207      expire, the commissioner shall appoint each new member or reappointed member to a two-year
             208      term beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
             209          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the commissioner shall, at
             210      the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
             211      council members are staggered so that approximately half of the council is appointed every two
             212      years.
             213          (4) (a) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall
             214      be appointed for the unexpired term.
             215          (b) The commissioner shall terminate the term of a council member who ceases to be
             216      representative as designated by the member's original appointment.
             217          (5) [(a)] The council shall confer at least quarterly for the purpose of advising the
             218      commission, the division, and the Legislature on:
             219          [(i)] (a) the Utah workers' compensation and occupational disease laws;
             220          [(ii)] (b) the administration of the laws described in Subsection (5)(a)[(i)]; and
             221          [(iii)] (c) rules related to the laws described in Subsection (5)(a)[(i); and].
             222          [(iv) advising the Legislature in accordance with Subsection (5)(b).]
             223          [(b) (i) The council and the commission shall jointly study during 2009 the premium
             224      assessment under Section 59-9-101 on an admitted insurer writing workers' compensation
             225      insurance in this state and on a self-insured employer under Section 34A-2-202 as to:]

             226          [(A) whether or not the premium assessment should be changed; or]
             227          [(B) whether or not changes should be made to how the premium assessment is used.]
             228          [(ii) The council and commission shall jointly report the results of the study described
             229      in this Subsection (5)(b) to the Business and Labor Interim Committee by no later than the
             230      2009 November interim meeting.]
             231          (6) Regarding workers' compensation, rehabilitation, and reemployment of employees
             232      who acquire a disability because of an industrial injury or occupational disease the council
             233      shall:
             234          (a) offer advice on issues requested by:
             235          (i) the commission;
             236          (ii) the division; and
             237          (iii) the Legislature; and
             238          (b) make recommendations to:
             239          (i) the commission; and
             240          (ii) the division.
             241          (7) The commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall serve as the chair of the
             242      council and call the necessary meetings.
             243          (8) The commission shall provide staff support to the council.
             244          (9) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
             245      may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
             246          (a) Section 63A-3-106 ;
             247          (b) Section 63A-3-107 ; and
             248          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             249      63A-3-107 .
             250          Section 5. Section 53-1-119 is amended to read:
             251           53-1-119. Tracking effects of abuse of alcoholic products.
             252          (1) There is created a committee within the department known as the "Alcohol Abuse
             253      Tracking Committee" that consists of:

             254          (a) the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee;
             255          (b) the executive director of the Department of Health, or the executive director's
             256      designee;
             257          (c) the executive director of the Department of Human Services, or the executive
             258      director's designee;
             259          (d) the director of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, or the director's
             260      designee;
             261          (e) the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services, or the executive
             262      director's designee;
             263          (f) the chair of the Utah Substance Abuse Advisory Council, or the chair's designee;
             264          (g) the state court administrator or the state court administrator's designee; and
             265          (h) the executive director of the Department of Technology Services, or the executive
             266      director's designee.
             267          (2) The commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, shall chair the committee.
             268          (3) (a) Four members of the committee constitute a quorum.
             269          (b) A vote of the majority of the committee members present when a quorum is present
             270      is an action of the committee.
             271          (4) The committee shall meet at the call of the chair, except that the chair shall call a
             272      meeting at least quarterly.
             273          (5) The committee may adopt additional procedures or requirements for:
             274          (a) voting, when there is a tie of the committee members;
             275          (b) how meetings are to be called; and
             276          (c) the frequency of meetings.
             277          (6) The committee shall establish a process to collect for each fiscal year the following
             278      information:
             279          (a) the number of individuals statewide who are convicted of, plead guilty to, plead no
             280      contest to, plead guilty in a similar manner to, or resolve by diversion or its equivalent to a
             281      violation related to underage drinking of alcohol;

             282          (b) the number of individuals statewide who are convicted of, plead guilty to, plead no
             283      contest to, plead guilty in a similar manner to, or resolve by diversion or its equivalent to a
             284      violation related to driving under the influence of alcohol;
             285          (c) the number of violations statewide of Title 32B, Alcoholic Beverage Control Act,
             286      related to over-serving or over-consumption of an alcoholic product;
             287          (d) the cost of social services provided by the state related to abuse of alcohol,
             288      including services provided by the Division of Child and Family Services within the
             289      Department of Human Services;
             290          (e) where the alcoholic products are obtained that results in the violations or costs
             291      described in Subsections (6)(a) through (d); and
             292          (f) any information the committee determines can be collected and relates to the abuse
             293      of alcoholic products.
             294          (7) (a) The committee shall begin to collect the information described in Subsection (6)
             295      by January 1, 2013. For fiscal year 2012-13, the committee is required only to report the
             296      information collected between January 1, 2013 and June 30, 2013.
             297          (b) Beginning December 31, 2013, the committee shall report the information collected
             298      under Subsection (6) annually to the governor and Legislature by no later than the December
             299      31 immediately following the fiscal year for which the information is collected.
             300          [(8) Prior to the October 2012 Interim meeting of the Business and Labor Interim
             301      Committee, the committee shall report to the Business and Labor Interim Committee:]
             302          [(a) a list of information to be collected;]
             303          [(b) standards to be used in collecting the information;]
             304          [(c) criteria to be used in determining the level and extent that alcohol is related or
             305      contributed to the activities for which data is to be collected; and]
             306          [(d) how the collection of data will verify the presence of alcohol, blood alcohol levels,
             307      and differentiate between persons using other substances of impairment and persons consuming
             308      alcoholic beverages.]
             309          Section 6. Section 53B-17-804 is amended to read:

             310           53B-17-804. Reporting.
             311          (1) (a) The board, through the director and the board chair, shall provide by no later
             312      than July 1 of each year, a written report to[: (i)] the president of the university[; and].
             313          [(ii) the Business and Labor Interim Committee.]
             314          (b) The report required by this Subsection (1) shall:
             315          (i) summarize the center's activities and accomplishments in the immediate proceeding
             316      calendar year; and
             317          (ii) provide information and the board's advice and recommendations on how the state,
             318      university, and the center can:
             319          (A) improve workplace health and safety; and
             320          (B) contribute to economic growth and development in Utah and the surrounding
             321      region.
             322          (2) (a) If the center receives in a fiscal year money from the Eddie P. Mayne
             323      Workplace Safety and Occupational Health Funding Program provided for in Section
             324      34A-2-701 , the center shall provide a written report:
             325          (i) by no later than the August 15 following the fiscal year;
             326          (ii) to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst;
             327          (iii) for review by the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee;
             328          (iv) that accounts for the expenditure of money received in the fiscal year by the center
             329      from the Eddie P. Mayne Workplace Safety and Occupational Health Funding Program
             330      including impact on workplace safety in Utah; and
             331          (v) that includes a preliminary statement as to money the center will request from the
             332      Eddie P. Mayne Workplace Safety and Occupational Health Funding Program for the fiscal
             333      year following the day on which the report is provided.
             334          (b) A report provided under this Subsection (2) meets the reporting requirements under
             335      Subsection 34A-2-701 (5)(b)(i)(B).
             336          Section 7. Section 61-2c-103 is amended to read:
             337           61-2c-103. Powers and duties of the division.

             338          (1) The division shall administer this chapter.
             339          (2) In addition to a power or duty expressly provided in this chapter, the division may:
             340          (a) receive and act on a complaint including:
             341          (i) taking action designed to obtain voluntary compliance with this chapter; or
             342          (ii) commencing an administrative or judicial proceeding on the division's own
             343      initiative;
             344          (b) establish one or more programs for the education of consumers with respect to
             345      residential mortgage loans;
             346          (c) (i) make one or more studies appropriate to effectuate the purposes and policies of
             347      this chapter; and
             348          (ii) make the results of the studies described in Subsection (2)(c)(i) available to the
             349      public;
             350          (d) visit and investigate a person licensed under this chapter, regardless of whether the
             351      person is located in Utah;
             352          (e) employ one or more necessary hearing examiners, investigators, clerks, and other
             353      employees and agents; and
             354          (f) establish fees under Section 63J-1-504 for:
             355          (i) processing an application for licensing or certification; and
             356          (ii) any other function required or permitted by this chapter.
             357          (3) The division shall make rules for the administration of this chapter in accordance
             358      with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, including:
             359          (a) licensure procedures for:
             360          (i) a person required by this chapter to obtain a license with the division; and
             361          (ii) the establishment of a branch office by an entity;
             362          (b) proper handling of money received by a licensee;
             363          (c) record-keeping requirements by a licensee, including proper disposal of a record;
             364          (d) certification procedures for certifying an education provider; and
             365          (e) standards of conduct for a licensee or certified education provider.

             366          (4) The division may by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
             367      Administrative Rulemaking Act, require as a condition of maintaining a license or certification
             368      under this chapter that a person comply with a requirement of the nationwide database if:
             369          (a) required for uniformity amongst states; and
             370          (b) not inconsistent with this chapter.
             371          (5) The division shall by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
             372      Administrative Rulemaking Act, provide a process under which an individual may challenge
             373      information contained in the nationwide database.
             374          [(6) The division shall annually:]
             375          [(a) review the requirements related to the nationwide database imposed by federal
             376      licensing requirements or the nationwide database on:]
             377          [(i) the division;]
             378          [(ii) a licensee under this chapter;]
             379          [(iii) a certified education provider; or]
             380          [(iv) an approved examination provider; and]
             381          [(b) after the review required by Subsection (6)(a):]
             382          [(i) report to the Business and Labor Interim Committee the impact of the requirements
             383      on the implementation by the division of this chapter; and]
             384          [(ii) recommend legislation, if any, to the Business and Labor Interim Committee
             385      related to how the division should coordinate with the nationwide database.]
             386          [(7)] (6) The division may enter into a relationship or contract with the nationwide
             387      database or another entity designated by the nationwide database to do the following related to
             388      a licensee or other person subject to this chapter:
             389          (a) collect or maintain a record; and
             390          (b) process a transaction fee or other fee.
             391          [(8)] (7) The division shall regularly report the following to the nationwide database:
             392          (a) a violation of this chapter;
             393          (b) licensing or disciplinary action under this chapter; and

             394          (c) other information relevant to this chapter.
             395          [(9)] (8) If a person pays a fee or costs to the division with a negotiable instrument or
             396      any other method that is not honored for payment:
             397          (a) the transaction for which the payment is submitted is voidable by the division;
             398          (b) the division may reverse the transaction if payment of the applicable fee or costs is
             399      not received in full; and
             400          (c) the person's license, certification, or registration is automatically suspended:
             401          (i) beginning the day on which the payment is due; and
             402          (ii) ending the day on which payment is made in full.
             403          Section 8. Section 70C-8-102 is amended to read:
             404           70C-8-102. Powers of department -- Conformity with federal law -- Reliance on
             405      rules -- Consumer education.
             406          (1) In addition to other powers granted by this title, the department, within the
             407      limitations provided by law, may:
             408          (a) receive and act on complaints, take action designed to obtain voluntary compliance
             409      with this title, or commence administrative or judicial proceedings on its own initiative;
             410          (b) counsel persons and groups on their rights and duties under this title;
             411          (c) establish programs for the education of consumers with respect to credit practices
             412      and problems;
             413          (d) make studies appropriate to effectuate the purposes and policies of this title and
             414      make the results available to the public;
             415          (e) adopt, amend, and repeal rules to supplement, interpret, or carry out the provisions
             416      of this title;
             417          (f) maintain offices within this state; and
             418          (g) employ any necessary hearing examiners, clerks, and other employees and agents.
             419          (2) The department may adopt rules that supersede any provisions of this title that are
             420      or come into conflict with the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act or its implementing
             421      Regulation Z if the department:

             422          (a) finds such a conflict to exist; and
             423          (b) declares that the purpose of superseding this title is to resolve that conflict.
             424          (3) Except for refund of an excess charge, no liability is imposed under this title for an
             425      act done or omitted in conformity with the rule of the department, notwithstanding that after
             426      the act or omission the rule may be amended or repealed or be determined by judicial or other
             427      competent authority to be invalid for any reason.
             428          (4) A rule or any part of a rule adopted by the department under this title may not be
             429      determined by any judicial or other authority to be invalid in whole or in part unless such
             430      judicial or other authority expressly finds that the rule or part of the rule is arbitrary, capricious,
             431      and constitutes an abuse of discretion, or exceeds the authority granted to the department by
             432      this title, or is otherwise unlawful.
             433          (5) The department shall coordinate with representatives of education, government, and
             434      the financial services industry and assist in the preparation of an initiative to develop,
             435      implement, and monitor a financial services education curriculum that is:
             436          (a) to be made available to the public; and
             437          (b) appropriate for use in the public schools.
             438          [(6) Beginning in 1999, the department shall report biennially by no later than
             439      November 30 to the Business and Labor Interim Committee regarding:]
             440          [(a) the need for consumer education programs administered by the department to
             441      promote prudent and beneficial use of credit by consumers; and]
             442          [(b) department efforts to promote the education of consumers with respect to credit
             443      practices and problems, including:]
             444          [(i) its efforts to coordinate, encourage, and assist public and private persons in
             445      developing and operating voluntary educational and debt counseling programs; and]
             446          [(ii) its activities under Subsection (5).]

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