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H.B. 51 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan

Senate Sponsor: John L. Valentine

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the responsibilities and duties of the Division of Occupational and
             10      Professional Licensing (DOPL) and modifies certain provisions of Title 58,
             11      Occupations and Professions.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    defines terms;
             15          .    modifies DOPL's oversight of factory built housing;
             16          .    modifies DOPL's ability to remove board members for certain conduct;
             17          .    provides DOPL access to criminal background information for applicants applying
             18      for licensure, licensure renewal, licensure reinstatement, and relicensure;
             19          .    allows licensees to designate email addresses for correspondence with DOPL;
             20          .    provides that DOPL has the authority to place a license on probation and to issue
             21      fines to enforce probation violations;
             22          .    modifies the provisions for diversion to align them with the provisions for
             23      probation;
             24          .    modifies what constitutes unprofessional conduct by including the violation of the
             25      terms of an order governing a license;
             26          .    modifies the requirements to qualify as an approved education program for nursing
             27      education;
             28          .    clarifies who may have access to the Controlled Substance Database;
             29          .    reduces the statutory fee for manufactured housing dealers;

             30          .    modifies the supervision required for medical assistants to better align the
             31      requirements with current practice;
             32          .    repeals the statute creating the Controlled Substance Precursor Advisory Board; and
             33          .    makes technical changes.
             34      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             35          None
             36      Other Special Clauses:
             37          None
             38      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             39      AMENDS:
             40          15A-1-306, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
             41          58-1-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 367
             42          58-1-301.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 372
             43          58-1-301.7, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 367
             44          58-1-302, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 297
             45          58-1-304, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 297
             46          58-1-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 367
             47          58-1-404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 367
             48          58-1-501, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 214
             49          58-1-502, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 367
             50          58-17b-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 280
             51          58-17b-501, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 280
             52          58-17b-622, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 265
             53          58-22-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 277
             54          58-31b-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Fourth Special Session, Chapter 4
             55          58-37c-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             56          58-37c-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 240
             57          58-37c-11, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1999, Chapter 21

             58          58-37c-19, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 1
             59          58-37c-19.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 280
             60          58-37c-19.7, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 272
             61          58-37c-19.9, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 272
             62          58-37c-20, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 358
             63          58-37d-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 115
             64          58-37f-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 174 and 239
             65          58-40a-501, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 206
             66          58-56-17, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 72
             67          58-60-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 113
             68          58-60-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 214
             69          58-60-508, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 179
             70          58-61-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1994, Chapter 32
             71          58-61-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             72          58-67-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 362
             73          58-67-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 267
             74          58-67-806, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 162
             75          58-68-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 362
             76          58-68-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 267
             77      REPEALS:
             78          58-37c-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 297
             79          58-61-303, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1994, Chapter 32
             81      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             82          Section 1. Section 15A-1-306 is amended to read:
             83           15A-1-306. Factory built housing and modular units -- Division responsibility --
             84      Unlawful conduct.
             85          (1) The division:

             86          (a) shall maintain current information on the HUD Code and the portions of the State
             87      Construction Code relevant to manufactured housing installation and will provide at reasonable
             88      cost the information to compliance agencies, local regulators, or state regulators requesting
             89      such information;
             90          (b) shall provide qualified personnel to advise compliance agencies, local regulators,
             91      and state regulators regarding the standards for construction and setup, construction and setup
             92      inspection, and additions or modifications to factory built housing;
             93          (c) is designated as the state administrative agency for purposes of the HUD Code;
             94          (d) may inspect [the work of modular unit manufacturers] factory built housing units in
             95      the state during the construction process to determine compliance of the manufacturer with this
             96      chapter for those units to be installed within the state, and upon a finding of substantive
             97      deficiency, issue a corrective order to the manufacturer [with] and provide a copy of the order
             98      to the local regulator in the state's political subdivision [in which] where the unit is to be
             99      installed;
             100          (e) shall have rights of entry and inspection as specified under the HUD Code; and
             101          (f) shall implement by rule [as required by the HUD Code: (i) a dispute resolution
             102      program; and (ii)] a continuing education requirement for manufactured housing installation
             103      contractors.
             104          (2) The division may assess civil penalties payable to the state for violation of the
             105      HUD Code in an amount identical to those set forth in Section 611 of the National
             106      Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5410.
             107          (3) The state may impose criminal sanctions for violations of the HUD Code identical
             108      to those set forth in Section 611 of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and
             109      Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5410, provided that if the criminal sanction is a
             110      fine, the fine shall be payable to the state.
             111          Section 2. Section 58-1-201 is amended to read:
             112           58-1-201. Boards -- Appointment -- Membership -- Terms -- Vacancies --
             113      Quorum -- Per diem and expenses -- Chair -- Financial interest or faculty position in

             114      professional school that teaches continuing education prohibited.
             115          (1) (a) (i) The executive director shall appoint the members of the boards established
             116      under this title.
             117          (ii) In appointing these members the executive director shall give consideration to
             118      recommendations by members of the respective occupations and professions and by their
             119      organizations.
             120          (b) Each board shall be composed of five members, four of whom shall be licensed or
             121      certified practitioners in good standing of the occupation or profession the board represents,
             122      and one of whom shall be a member of the general public, unless otherwise provided under the
             123      specific licensing chapter.
             124          (c) (i) The [names] name of [all persons] each person appointed to [boards] a board
             125      shall be submitted to the governor for confirmation or rejection.
             126          (ii) If an appointee is rejected by the governor, the executive director shall appoint
             127      another person in the same manner as set forth in Subsection (1)(a).
             128          (2) (a) (i) Except as required by Subsection (2)(b), as terms of current board members
             129      expire, the executive director shall appoint each new member or reappointed member to a
             130      four-year term.
             131          (ii) Upon the expiration of the term of a board member, the board member shall
             132      continue to serve until a successor is appointed, but for a period not to exceed six months from
             133      the expiration date of the member's term.
             134          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (2)(a), the executive director shall,
             135      at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms
             136      of board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two
             137      years.
             138          (c) A board member may not serve more than two consecutive terms, and a board
             139      member who ceases to serve on a board may not serve again on that board until after the
             140      expiration of a two-year period beginning from that cessation of service.
             141          (d) (i) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall

             142      be appointed for the unexpired term.
             143          (ii) After filling that term, the replacement member may be appointed for only one
             144      additional full term.
             145          (e) [If a board member fails or refuses to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of a
             146      board member, including the attendance at board meetings, the executive] The director, with
             147      the approval of the [board] executive director, may remove [the] a board member and replace
             148      the member in accordance with this section[.] for the following reasons:
             149          (i) the member fails or refuses to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of a board
             150      member, including attendance at board meetings;
             151          (ii) the member engages in unlawful or unprofessional conduct; or
             152          (iii) if appointed to the board position as a licensed member of the board, the member
             153      fails to maintain a license that is active and in good standing.
             154          (3) A majority of the board members constitutes a quorum. A quorum is sufficient
             155      authority for the board to act.
             156          (4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
             157      may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
             158          (a) Section 63A-3-106 ;
             159          (b) Section 63A-3-107 ; and
             160          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             161      63A-3-107 .
             162          (5) Each board shall annually designate one of its members to serve as chair for a
             163      one-year period.
             164          (6) A board member may not be a member of the faculty of, or have [any] a financial
             165      interest in [any], a vocational or professional college or school [which] that provides
             166      continuing education to any licensee if that continuing education is required by statute or rule.
             167          Section 3. Section 58-1-301.5 is amended to read:
             168           58-1-301.5. Division access to Bureau of Criminal Identification records.
             169          (1) The division shall have direct access to criminal background information

             170      maintained by the Bureau of Criminal Identification under Title 53, Chapter 10, Part 2, Bureau
             171      of Criminal Identification, for background screening of [licensure applicants] persons who are
             172      applying for licensure, licensure renewal, licensure reinstatement, or relicensure, as required in:
             173          (a) Section 58-17b-307 of Title 58, Chapter 17b, Pharmacy Practice Act;
             174          (b) Section 58-31b-302 of Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act;
             175          (c) Section 58-47b-302 of Title 58, Chapter 47b, Massage Therapy Practice Act;
             176          (d) Section 58-55-302 of Title 58, Chapter 55, Utah Construction Trades Licensing
             177      Act, as it applies to alarm companies and alarm company agents;
             178          (e) Section 58-63-302 of Title 58, Chapter 63, Security Personnel Licensing Act; and
             179          (f) Section 58-64-302 of Title 58, Chapter 64, Deception Detection Examiners
             180      Licensing Act.
             181          (2) The [division] division's access to criminal background information under
             182      [Subsection (1) shall be] this section:
             183          (a) [in accordance with] shall meet the requirements of Section 53-10-108 ; and
             184          (b) [to all] includes convictions, pleas of nolo contendere, pleas of guilty or nolo
             185      contendere held in abeyance, [all] dismissed charges, and charges without a known disposition.
             186          Section 4. Section 58-1-301.7 is amended to read:
             187           58-1-301.7. Change of information.
             188          (1) (a) An applicant, licensee, or certificate holder shall send the division a signed
             189      statement, in [the] a form required by the division, notifying the division within 10 business
             190      days of [any] a change [of a] in mailing address.
             191          (b) When providing a mailing address, the individual may provide a post office box or
             192      other mail drop location.
             193          (c) In addition to providing a mailing address, an applicant, licensee, or certificate
             194      holder may provide to the division, in a form required by the division, an email address and
             195      may designate email as the preferred method of receiving notifications from the division.
             196          (2) An applicant, licensee, or certificate holder is considered to have received a
             197      notification that has been sent to the [last] most recent:

             198          (a) mailing address [furnished] provided to the division by the applicant, licensee, or
             199      certificate holder[.]; or
             200          (b) email address furnished to the division by the applicant, licensee, or certificate
             201      holder, if email has been designated by the applicant, licensee, or certificate holder as the
             202      preferred method of receiving notifications from the division.
             203          Section 5. Section 58-1-302 is amended to read:
             204           58-1-302. License by endorsement.
             205          (1) The division may issue a license without examination to a person who has been
             206      licensed in [any] a state, district, or territory of the United States, or in [any] a foreign country,
             207      [whose] where the education, experience, and examination requirements are, or were at the
             208      time the license was issued, substantially equal to [those] the requirements of this state.
             209          (2) Before [any] a person may be issued a license under this section, [he] the person
             210      shall produce satisfactory evidence of [his qualifications,] the person's identity, qualifications,
             211      and good standing in [his] the occupation or profession for which licensure is sought.
             212          Section 6. Section 58-1-304 is amended to read:
             213           58-1-304. Restricted license.
             214          (1) The division may issue a restricted or probationary license to an applicant for
             215      licensure, renewal, or reinstatement of licensure if:
             216          (a) the applicant appears to meet the qualifications for licensure, but has engaged in
             217      unlawful, unprofessional, or other conduct bearing upon the applicant's qualifications; and
             218          (b) the division determines the need to observe the applicant in a monitored or
             219      supervised practice of the applicant's occupation or profession or to attach other reasonable
             220      restrictions or conditions upon the applicant in order to accommodate licensure, while
             221      protecting the public health, safety, and welfare.
             222          (2) Issuance of a restricted or probationary license is considered a partial denial of
             223      licensure that is subject to agency review.
             224          Section 7. Section 58-1-401 is amended to read:
             225           58-1-401. Grounds for denial of license -- Disciplinary proceedings -- Time

             226      limitations -- Sanctions.
             227          (1) The division shall refuse to issue a license to an applicant and shall refuse to renew
             228      or shall revoke, suspend, restrict, place on probation, or otherwise act upon the license of a
             229      licensee who does not meet the qualifications for licensure under this title.
             230          (2) The division may refuse to issue a license to an applicant and may refuse to renew
             231      or may revoke, suspend, restrict, place on probation, issue a public reprimand to, or otherwise
             232      act upon the license of [any] a licensee [in any of] for the following [cases] reasons:
             233          (a) the applicant or licensee has engaged in unprofessional conduct, as defined by
             234      statute or rule under this title;
             235          (b) the applicant or licensee has engaged in unlawful conduct as defined by statute
             236      under this title;
             237          (c) the applicant or licensee has been determined to be mentally incompetent [for any
             238      reason] by a court of competent jurisdiction; or
             239          (d) the applicant or licensee is unable to practice the occupation or profession with
             240      reasonable skill and safety because of illness, drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics,
             241      chemicals, or [any] other type of material, or as a result of [any other] a mental or physical
             242      condition, when the [licensee's] condition demonstrates a threat or potential threat to the public
             243      health, safety, or welfare.
             244          (3) [Any] A licensee whose license to practice an occupation or profession regulated by
             245      this title has been suspended, revoked, placed on probation, or restricted may apply for
             246      reinstatement of the license at reasonable intervals and upon compliance with [any] conditions
             247      imposed upon the licensee by statute, rule, or terms of the license suspension, revocation,
             248      probation, or restriction.
             249          (4) The division may issue cease and desist orders to:
             250          (a) a licensee or applicant who may be disciplined under Subsection (1) or (2);
             251          (b) [any] a person who engages in or represents [himself to be] that the person is
             252      engaged in an occupation or profession regulated under this title; and
             253          (c) [any] a person who otherwise violates this title or [any rules] a rule adopted under

             254      this title.
             255          (5) The division may impose an administrative penalty in accordance with Section
             256      58-1-502 .
             257          (6) (a) The division may not take disciplinary action against [any] a person for
             258      unprofessional or unlawful conduct under this title, unless the division enters into a stipulated
             259      agreement or initiates an adjudicative proceeding regarding the conduct within four years after
             260      the conduct is reported to the division, except under Subsection (6)(b).
             261          (b) The division may not take disciplinary action against [any] a person for
             262      unprofessional or unlawful conduct more than 10 years after the occurrence of the conduct,
             263      unless the proceeding is in response to a civil or criminal judgment or settlement and the
             264      proceeding is initiated within one year following the judgment or settlement.
             265          Section 8. Section 58-1-404 is amended to read:
             266           58-1-404. Diversion -- Procedure.
             267          (1) As used in this section, "diversion" means suspending action to discipline a
             268      licensee who is or could be charged in a Notice of Agency Action with certain offenses within
             269      the category of unprofessional or unlawful conduct on the condition that the licensee agrees to
             270      participate in an educational or rehabilitation program or fulfill some other condition.
             271          (2) (a) (i) The director may establish[, as circumstances require,] a diversion advisory
             272      committee for each occupation or profession or similar groups of occupations or professions
             273      licensed by the division.
             274          (ii) The committees shall assist the director in the administration of this section.
             275          (b) (i) Each committee shall consist of at least three licensees from the same or similar
             276      occupation or profession as the person whose conduct is the subject of the committee's
             277      consideration.
             278          (ii) The director shall appoint the members of a diversion advisory committee from
             279      nominations submitted by the corresponding board established for the same or similar
             280      occupation or profession under Section 58-1-201 or from other qualified nominees developed
             281      by or submitted to the division.

             282          (iii) Committee members may not serve concurrently as members of the corresponding
             283      board.
             284          (iv) Committee members shall serve voluntarily without remuneration.
             285          (v) The director may:
             286          (A) dissolve [any] a diversion advisory committee;
             287          (B) remove or request the replacement of [any] a member of a committee; and
             288          (C) establish [any procedure] procedures that [is] are necessary and proper for a
             289      committee's administration.
             290          (3) The director may, after consultation with the appropriate diversion advisory
             291      committee and by written agreement with the licensee, divert the licensee to a diversion
             292      program:
             293          (a) at any time after receipt by the division of a complaint against the licensee when no
             294      adjudicative proceeding has been commenced;
             295          (b) at any time prior to the conclusion of a hearing under Section 63G-4-206 when an
             296      adjudicative proceeding has been commenced against the licensee; or
             297          (c) after a self-referral by a licensee who is not the subject of a current investigation,
             298      complaint, or adjudicative proceeding.
             299          (4) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             300      the division shall define by rule the particular offenses within the category of unprofessional or
             301      unlawful conduct [which] that may be subject to diversion.
             302          (b) A licensee may be eligible for a diversion program only once for the same or
             303      similar offense, whether the diversion program was in this state or another jurisdiction, and is
             304      not eligible if previously disciplined by the division, by a licensing agency of another state, or
             305      by a federal government agency for the same or a similar offense.
             306          (c) The term of a diversion agreement shall be five years or less, but may be extended
             307      for an additional period of time as agreed to by the parties in writing.
             308          (d) A decision by the director not to divert a licensee is not subject to appeal or judicial
             309      review.

             310          (5) A licensee may be represented by counsel:
             311          (a) during the negotiations for diversion;
             312          (b) at the time of the execution of the diversion agreement; and
             313          (c) at [any] each hearing before the director relating to a diversion program.
             314          (6) (a) As used in this section, "diversion agreement" means a written agreement
             315      between the division, through its director, and the licensee, which specifies formal terms and
             316      conditions the licensee must fulfill in order to comply with the diversion program.
             317          (b) (i) A diversion agreement shall contain a full detailed statement of the requirements
             318      agreed to by the licensee and a full detailed stipulation of the facts upon which the diversion
             319      agreement is premised.
             320          (ii) The facts stipulated in the diversion agreement shall constitute binding admissions
             321      of the licensee:
             322          (A) in [any] a proceeding under Subsection (6)(c) or (6)(d) to terminate the diversion
             323      agreement and impose disciplinary sanctions against the licensee; and
             324          (B) in [any] a disciplinary proceeding based on unprofessional or unlawful conduct that
             325      is not the basis of the diversion agreement.
             326          (c) The diversion agreement shall provide that if the licensee makes an intentional
             327      material misrepresentation of fact in the stipulation of facts contained in the diversion
             328      agreement, the director shall initiate the procedures set forth in Subsection (13) to terminate the
             329      diversion agreement and issue an order of license revocation.
             330          (d) (i) The diversion agreement shall provide that if the licensee fails to comply with its
             331      terms, the director shall initiate the procedures set forth in Subsection (14) to terminate the
             332      diversion agreement and issue an order of license suspension, which shall be stayed in favor of
             333      an order of probation having the same terms as those [which] that comprised the diversion
             334      agreement.
             335          (ii) The division may waive and not include as probationary requirements [any terms]
             336      each term of the diversion agreement it does not consider necessary to protect the public.
             337          (iii) The term of the order of probation shall be as provided in Subsection (14)(c)(ii).

             338          (e) The division director may not approve a diversion agreement unless the licensee, as
             339      part of the diversion agreement:
             340          (i) knowingly and intelligently waives the right to a hearing under Title 63G, Chapter
             341      4, Administrative Procedures Act, for the conduct upon which the diversion agreement was
             342      premised;
             343          (ii) agrees to be subject to the procedures and remedies set forth in this section;
             344          (iii) acknowledges an understanding of the consequences of making an intentional
             345      misrepresentation of fact in the stipulation of facts contained in the diversion agreement; and
             346          (iv) acknowledges an understanding of the consequences of failing to comply with the
             347      terms of the diversion agreement.
             348          (7) (a) If the division and the licensee enter into a diversion agreement after the
             349      division has commenced an adjudicative proceeding against the licensee, the director shall stay
             350      that proceeding pending completion of the diversion agreement.
             351          (b) The order staying the adjudicative proceeding shall be filed in that proceeding and
             352      may reference the diversion agreement.
             353          (8) (a) Upon successful completion of a diversion agreement, the director shall dismiss
             354      [any charges] each charge under the director's jurisdiction of unprofessional or unlawful
             355      conduct that [were] was filed against the licensee.
             356          (b) Whether or not an adjudicative proceeding had been commenced against the
             357      licensee, the division may not thereafter subject the licensee to disciplinary action for the
             358      conduct [which] that formed the basis of the completed diversion agreement.
             359          (c) Neither the execution of a diversion agreement nor the dismissal of filed charges
             360      constitute disciplinary action, and no report of either may be made to disciplinary databases.
             361          (d) The division may consider the completion of a diversion program and the contents
             362      of the diversion agreement in determining the appropriate disciplinary action if the licensee is
             363      charged in the future with the same or similar conduct.
             364          (e) The order of dismissal shall be filed in the adjudicative proceeding in which the
             365      misconduct was charged and may reference the diversion agreement.

             366          (9) (a) Acceptance of the licensee into diversion does not preclude the division from
             367      investigating or continuing to investigate the licensee for [any] unlawful or unprofessional
             368      conduct committed before, during, or after participation in the diversion program.
             369          (b) Acceptance of the licensee into diversion does not preclude the division from
             370      taking disciplinary action or continuing to take disciplinary action against the licensee for
             371      unlawful or unprofessional conduct committed before, during, or after participation in the
             372      diversion program, except for that conduct [which] that formed the basis for the diversion
             373      agreement.
             374          (c) [Any] A licensee terminated from the diversion program for failure to comply with
             375      the diversion agreement is subject to disciplinary action by the division for acts committed
             376      before, during, and after participation in the diversion program, including violations identified
             377      in the diversion agreement.
             378          (10) The classification, retention, and disclosure of records relating to a licensee's
             379      participation in the diversion program is governed by Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government
             380      Records Access and Management Act, except that [any] a provision in the diversion agreement
             381      [which] that addresses access to or release of diversion records regarding the licensee shall
             382      govern the access to and release of those records.
             383          (11) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the fact that the licensee
             384      completed a diversion program and the contents of the diversion agreement itself may be
             385      considered by the division in determining the appropriate disciplinary action if the licensee is
             386      charged in the future with the same or similar conduct.
             387          (12) Meetings regarding the diversion program are not subject to Title 52, Chapter 4,
             388      Open and Public Meetings Act.
             389          (13) (a) If, during the course of the diversion agreement, information is brought to the
             390      attention of the director that the licensee made an intentional material misrepresentation of fact
             391      in the stipulation of facts contained in the diversion agreement, the director shall cause to be
             392      served upon the licensee an order to show cause specifying the information relied upon by the
             393      director and setting a time and place for a hearing to determine whether or not the licensee

             394      made the intentional material misrepresentation of fact and whether the agreement should be
             395      terminated on that ground.
             396          (b) Proceedings to terminate a diversion agreement on the grounds that the licensee
             397      made an intentional material misrepresentation of fact in the stipulation of facts contained in
             398      the diversion agreement and to issue an order of license revocation shall comply with Title
             399      63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, except as follows:
             400          (i) the notice of agency action shall be in the form of an order to show cause, which
             401      shall contain all of the information specified in Subsection 63G-4-201 (2), except a statement
             402      that a written response to the order to show cause is required;
             403          (ii) no written response to the order to show cause is required;
             404          (iii) discovery is prohibited, but the division may issue subpoenas or other orders to
             405      compel production of necessary evidence on behalf of either party and all parties shall have
             406      access to information contained in the division's diversion file to the extent permitted by law;
             407          (iv) the hearing shall be held only after timely notice to all parties; and
             408          (v) [any] an agency review or reconsideration of an order terminating a diversion
             409      agreement or of an order of license revocation pursuant to this Subsection (13) shall be limited
             410      to the division director's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order [which] that arose out
             411      of the order to show cause proceeding.
             412          (c) Upon finding the licensee made an intentional material misrepresentation of fact in
             413      the stipulation of facts contained in the diversion agreement and that terminating the agreement
             414      is in the best interest of the public, and issuing an order to that effect, the director shall issue an
             415      order of license revocation, revoking the licensee's professional license.
             416          (d) The order terminating the diversion agreement and the order of license revocation
             417      shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law as determined by the director following
             418      the hearing or as otherwise stipulated and agreed to by the parties.
             419          (e) If the diversion agreement being terminated was entered into after the division had
             420      commenced an adjudicative proceeding against the licensee, that adjudicative proceeding shall
             421      be considered to be merged into the order of license revocation and it may not constitute a basis

             422      for [any] a separate disciplinary action against the licensee.
             423          (f) The order terminating the diversion agreement and the order of license revocation
             424      shall notify the licensee of the right to request agency review or reconsideration.
             425          (14) (a) If, during the course of the diversion agreement, information is brought to the
             426      attention of the director that the licensee has violated the diversion agreement and if it appears
             427      in the best interest of the public to proceed with charges, the director, after consultation with
             428      the diversion advisory committee, shall cause to be served upon the licensee an order to show
             429      cause specifying the facts relied upon by the director and setting a time and place for a hearing
             430      to determine whether or not the licensee has violated the diversion agreement and whether the
             431      agreement should be terminated.
             432          (b) Proceedings to terminate a diversion agreement [and to issue an order of license
             433      suspension and probation, and proceedings to terminate the probation and lift the stay of a
             434      license suspension,] as described in Subsection (14)(c) shall comply with Title 63G, Chapter 4,
             435      Administrative Procedures Act, except as follows:
             436          (i) the notice of agency action shall be in the form of an order to show cause, which
             437      shall contain all of the information specified in Subsection 63G-4-201 (2), except a statement
             438      that a written response to the order to show cause is required;
             439          (ii) no written response to the order to show cause shall be required;
             440          (iii) discovery is prohibited, but the division may issue subpoenas or other orders to
             441      compel production of necessary evidence on behalf of either party and all parties shall have
             442      access to information contained in the division's diversion file to the extent permitted by law;
             443          (iv) the hearing shall be held only after timely notice to all parties; and
             444          (v) [any] an agency review or reconsideration of an order terminating a diversion
             445      agreement or of an order of license suspension and probation pursuant to this Subsection (14)
             446      shall be limited to the division director's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order [which]
             447      that arose out of the order to show cause proceeding.
             448          (c) (i) Upon finding the licensee has violated the diversion agreement by conduct that
             449      is entirely the same or similar to the conduct upon which the diversion agreement is premised,

             450      or by violating a compliance provision contained in the diversion agreement, and further
             451      finding that terminating the agreement is in the best interest of the public, and after issuing an
             452      order to that effect, the director shall issue an order [of license suspension, suspending the
             453      licensee's professional license, but shall stay that suspension in favor of an order] of probation,
             454      consisting of the same terms as those which comprised the diversion agreement.
             455          (ii) Upon finding that the licensee has violated the diversion agreement by conduct that
             456      includes conduct that is not the same or similar to the conduct upon which the diversion
             457      agreement is premised, and further finding that terminating the agreement is in the best interest
             458      of the public, and after issuing an order to that effect, the director shall, after notice of
             459      opportunity to be heard is provided to the licensee, issue an order imposing each disciplinary
             460      sanction the division deems appropriate, including suspension, public reprimand, a fine,
             461      probation, or revocation of licensure.
             462          [(ii)] (iii) The period of probation shall be the time period which remained under the
             463      diversion agreement, or five years from the date of the order of license suspension and
             464      probation, whichever is longer, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
             465          [(iii)] (iv) The period of probation is tolled during [any] the time [in which] the
             466      licensee does not have an active license in the state.
             467          (d) (i) The order terminating the diversion agreement and the order of license
             468      suspension and probation shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law as determined
             469      by the director following the hearing or as otherwise stipulated and agreed to by the parties.
             470          (ii) The findings of fact may include those facts to which the licensee stipulated in the
             471      diversion agreement and [any] additional facts as the director may determine in the course of
             472      the hearing.
             473          (e) If the diversion agreement being terminated was entered into after the division had
             474      commenced an adjudicative proceeding against the licensee, that adjudicative proceeding shall
             475      be considered to be merged into the order of license suspension and probation and it may not
             476      constitute a basis for [any] separate disciplinary action against the licensee.
             477          (f) The order terminating the diversion agreement and the order of license suspension

             478      and probation shall notify the licensee of the right to request agency review or reconsideration.
             479          (g) (i) The terms and conditions of the order of license suspension and probation may
             480      be amended by order of the director, pursuant to motion or stipulation of the parties.
             481          (ii) The order of the director on the motion shall not be subject to agency review, but is
             482      subject to agency reconsideration under Section 63G-4-302 .
             483          (h) (i) If, during the course of probation, the director has reason to believe the licensee
             484      has violated the order of [suspension and] probation, the director shall cause to be served upon
             485      the licensee an order to show cause why the probation should not be terminated [and the stay of
             486      suspension lifted] and why each additional disciplinary sanction the division deems appropriate
             487      should not be imposed, including suspension, public reprimand, a fine, or revocation of
             488      licensure.
             489          (ii) The order to show cause shall specify the facts relied upon by the director and shall
             490      set a time and place for hearing before the director to determine whether or not the licensee has
             491      violated the order of [suspension and] probation [and], whether that order should be
             492      terminated, [and the stay of suspension lifted] and why each additional disciplinary sanction the
             493      division deems appropriate should not be imposed, including suspension, public reprimand, a
             494      fine, or revocation of licensure.
             495          (15) (a) Nothing in this section precludes the division from issuing an emergency order
             496      pursuant to Section 63G-4-502 .
             497          (b) If the division issues an emergency order against a licensee who is subject to a
             498      diversion agreement with the division, that diversion agreement shall be immediately and
             499      automatically terminated upon the issuance of the emergency order, without requiring
             500      compliance with the provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
             501          (c) (i) A licensee whose diversion agreement has been terminated pursuant to
             502      Subsection (15)(b) is entitled, upon request, to a posttermination hearing to challenge the
             503      termination of the diversion agreement.
             504          (ii) The request shall be considered a request for agency action and shall comply with
             505      the requirements of Subsection 63G-4-201 (3).

             506          (iii) The division shall uphold the termination of the diversion agreement if it finds
             507      that:
             508          (A) the licensee violated the diversion agreement; and
             509          (B) it is in the best interest of the public to terminate the diversion agreement.
             510          (16) The administrative statute of limitations for taking disciplinary action described in
             511      Subsection 58-1-401 (6) shall be tolled during a diversion program.
             512          Section 9. Section 58-1-501 is amended to read:
             513           58-1-501. Unlawful and unprofessional conduct.
             514          (1) "Unlawful conduct" means conduct, by any person, that is defined as unlawful
             515      under this title and includes:
             516          (a) practicing or engaging in, representing oneself to be practicing or engaging in, or
             517      attempting to practice or engage in any occupation or profession requiring licensure under this
             518      title if the person is:
             519          (i) not licensed to do so or not exempted from licensure under this title; or
             520          (ii) restricted from doing so by a suspended, revoked, restricted, temporary,
             521      probationary, or inactive license;
             522          (b) impersonating another licensee or practicing an occupation or profession under a
             523      false or assumed name, except as permitted by law;
             524          (c) knowingly employing any other person to practice or engage in or attempt to
             525      practice or engage in any occupation or profession licensed under this title if the employee is
             526      not licensed to do so under this title;
             527          (d) knowingly permitting the person's authority to practice or engage in any occupation
             528      or profession licensed under this title to be used by another, except as permitted by law;
             529          (e) obtaining a passing score on a licensure examination, applying for or obtaining a
             530      license, or otherwise dealing with the division or a licensing board through the use of fraud,
             531      forgery, or intentional deception, misrepresentation, misstatement, or omission; or
             532          (f) (i) issuing, or aiding and abetting in the issuance of, an order or prescription for a
             533      drug or device to a person located in this state:

             534          (A) without prescriptive authority conferred by a license issued under this title, or by
             535      an exemption to licensure under this title; or
             536          (B) with prescriptive authority conferred by an exception issued under this title or a
             537      multistate practice privilege recognized under this title, if the prescription was issued without
             538      first obtaining information, in the usual course of professional practice, that is sufficient to
             539      establish a diagnosis, to identify underlying conditions, and to identify contraindications to the
             540      proposed treatment; and
             541          (ii) Subsection (1)(f)(i) does not apply to treatment rendered in an emergency, on-call
             542      or cross coverage situation, provided that the person who issues the prescription has
             543      prescriptive authority conferred by a license under this title, or is exempt from licensure under
             544      this title.
             545          (2) "Unprofessional conduct" means conduct, by a licensee or applicant, that is defined
             546      as unprofessional conduct under this title or under any rule adopted under this title and
             547      includes:
             548          (a) violating, or aiding or abetting any other person to violate, any statute, rule, or order
             549      regulating an occupation or profession under this title;
             550          (b) violating, or aiding or abetting any other person to violate, any generally accepted
             551      professional or ethical standard applicable to an occupation or profession regulated under this
             552      title;
             553          (c) engaging in conduct that results in conviction, a plea of nolo contendere, or a plea
             554      of guilty or nolo contendere which is held in abeyance pending the successful completion of
             555      probation with respect to a crime of moral turpitude or any other crime that, when considered
             556      with the functions and duties of the occupation or profession for which the license was issued
             557      or is to be issued, bears a reasonable relationship to the licensee's or applicant's ability to safely
             558      or competently practice the occupation or profession;
             559          (d) engaging in conduct that results in disciplinary action, including reprimand,
             560      censure, diversion, probation, suspension, or revocation, by any other licensing or regulatory
             561      authority having jurisdiction over the licensee or applicant in the same occupation or profession

             562      if the conduct would, in this state, constitute grounds for denial of licensure or disciplinary
             563      proceedings under Section 58-1-401 ;
             564          (e) engaging in conduct, including the use of intoxicants, drugs, narcotics, or similar
             565      chemicals, to the extent that the conduct does, or might reasonably be considered to, impair the
             566      ability of the licensee or applicant to safely engage in the occupation or profession;
             567          (f) practicing or attempting to practice an occupation or profession regulated under this
             568      title despite being physically or mentally unfit to do so;
             569          (g) practicing or attempting to practice an occupation or profession regulated under this
             570      title through gross incompetence, gross negligence, or a pattern of incompetency or negligence;
             571          (h) practicing or attempting to practice an occupation or profession requiring licensure
             572      under this title by any form of action or communication which is false, misleading, deceptive,
             573      or fraudulent;
             574          (i) practicing or attempting to practice an occupation or profession regulated under this
             575      title beyond the scope of the licensee's competency, abilities, or education;
             576          (j) practicing or attempting to practice an occupation or profession regulated under this
             577      title beyond the scope of the licensee's license;
             578          (k) verbally, physically, mentally, or sexually abusing or exploiting any person through
             579      conduct connected with the licensee's practice under this title or otherwise facilitated by the
             580      licensee's license;
             581          (l) acting as a supervisor without meeting the qualification requirements for that
             582      position that are defined by statute or rule;
             583          (m) issuing, or aiding and abetting in the issuance of, an order or prescription for a
             584      drug or device:
             585          (i) without first obtaining information in the usual course of professional practice, that
             586      is sufficient to establish a diagnosis, to identify conditions, and to identify contraindications to
             587      the proposed treatment; or
             588          (ii) with prescriptive authority conferred by an exception issued under this title, or a
             589      multi-state practice privilege recognized under this title, if the prescription was issued without

             590      first obtaining information, in the usual course of professional practice, that is sufficient to
             591      establish a diagnosis, to identify underlying conditions, and to identify contraindications to the
             592      proposed treatment; [or]
             593          (n) violating a provision of Section 58-1-501.5 [.]; or
             594          (o) violating the terms of an order governing a license.
             595          Section 10. Section 58-1-502 is amended to read:
             596           58-1-502. Unlawful and unprofessional conduct -- Penalties.
             597          (1) Unless otherwise specified in this title, a person who violates the unlawful conduct
             598      provisions defined in this title is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             599          (2) (a) [If] In addition to any other statutory penalty for a violation related to a specific
             600      occupation or profession regulated by this title, if upon inspection or investigation, the division
             601      concludes that a person has violated Subsection 58-1-501 (1)(a) [or], (1)(c), or (2)(o), or [any] a
             602      rule or order issued with respect to those subsections, and that disciplinary action is
             603      appropriate, the director or the director's designee from within the division shall promptly:
             604          (i) issue a citation to the person according to this section and any pertinent rules;
             605          (ii) attempt to negotiate a stipulated settlement; or
             606          (iii) notify the person to appear before an adjudicative proceeding conducted under
             607      Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
             608          (b) (i) The division may assess a fine under this Subsection (2) against a person who
             609      violates Subsection 58-1-501 (1)(a) [or], (1)(c), or (2)(o), or [any] a rule or order issued with
             610      respect to those subsections, as evidenced by:
             611          (A) an uncontested citation;
             612          (B) a stipulated settlement; or
             613          (C) a finding of a violation in an adjudicative proceeding.
             614          (ii) The division may, in addition to or in lieu of a fine under Subsection (2)(b)(i),
             615      order the person to cease and desist from violating Subsection 58-1-501 (1)(a) [or], (1)(c), or
             616      (2)(o), or [any] a rule or order issued with respect to [this section] those subsections.
             617          (c) Except for a cease and desist order, the division may not assess the licensure

             618      sanctions cited in Section 58-1-401 through a citation.
             619          (d) A citation shall:
             620          (i) be in writing;
             621          (ii) describe with particularity the nature of the violation, including a reference to the
             622      provision of the chapter, rule, or order alleged to have been violated;
             623          (iii) clearly state that the recipient must notify the division in writing within 20
             624      calendar days of service of the citation if the recipient wishes to contest the citation at a hearing
             625      conducted under Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act; and
             626          (iv) clearly explain the consequences of failure to timely contest the citation or to make
             627      payment of [any] a fine assessed by the citation within the time specified in the citation.
             628          (e) The division may issue a notice in lieu of a citation.
             629          (f) (i) If within 20 calendar days from the service of the citation, the person to whom
             630      the citation was issued fails to request a hearing to contest the citation, the citation becomes the
             631      final order of the division and is not subject to further agency review.
             632          (ii) The period to contest a citation may be extended by the division for cause.
             633          (g) The division may refuse to issue or renew, suspend, revoke, or place on probation
             634      the license of a licensee who fails to comply with a citation after it becomes final.
             635          (h) The failure of an applicant for licensure to comply with a citation after it becomes
             636      final is a ground for denial of license.
             637          (i) The division may not issue a citation under this section after the expiration of six
             638      months following the occurrence of a violation.
             639          (j) The director or the director's designee shall assess fines according to the following:
             640          (i) for the first offense handled pursuant to Subsection (2)(a), a fine of up to $1,000;
             641          (ii) for a second offense handled pursuant to Subsection (2)(a), a fine of up to $2,000;
             642      and
             643          (iii) for [any] each subsequent offense handled pursuant to Subsection (2)(a), a fine of
             644      up to $2,000 for each day of continued offense.
             645          (3) (a) An action for a first or second offense [which] that has not yet resulted in a final

             646      order of the division may not preclude initiation of [any] a subsequent action for a second or
             647      subsequent offense during the pendency of [any] a preceding action.
             648          (b) The final order on a subsequent action is considered a second or subsequent
             649      offense, respectively, provided the preceding action resulted in a first or second offense,
             650      respectively.
             651          (4) (a) The director may collect a penalty that is not paid by:
             652          (i) either referring the matter to a collection agency; or
             653          (ii) bringing an action in the district court of the county [in which] where the person
             654      against whom the penalty is imposed resides or in the county where the office of the director is
             655      located.
             656          (b) [Any] A county attorney or the attorney general of the state shall provide legal
             657      assistance and advice to the director in an action to collect the penalty.
             658          (c) A court may award reasonable attorney fees and costs to the division in an action
             659      brought by the division to enforce the provisions of this section.
             660          Section 11. Section 58-17b-103 is amended to read:
             661           58-17b-103. Administrative inspections.
             662          (1) The division may for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the provisions of
             663      this chapter, require a self-audit or enter and inspect the business premises of a person:
             664          (a) licensed under Part 3, Licensing; or
             665          (b) who is engaged in activities that require a license under Part 3, Licensing.
             666          (2) Before conducting an inspection under Subsection (1), the division shall, after
             667      identifying the person in charge:
             668          (a) give proper identification;
             669          (b) request to see the applicable license or licenses;
             670          (c) describe the nature and purpose of the inspection; and
             671          (d) provide upon request, the authority of the division to conduct the inspection and the
             672      penalty for refusing to permit the inspection as provided in Section 58-17b-504 .
             673          (3) In conducting an inspection under Subsection (1), the division may, after meeting

             674      the requirements of Subsection (2):
             675          (a) examine any record, prescription, order, drug, device, equipment, machine,
             676      electronic device or media, or area related to activities for which a license has been issued or is
             677      required by Part 3, Licensing, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the applicable
             678      provisions of this chapter;
             679          (b) reproduce any record or media at the division's own cost;
             680          [(b)] (c) take a drug or device for further analysis if considered necessary;
             681          [(c)] (d) temporarily seize a drug or device [which] that is suspected to be adulterated,
             682      misbranded, outdated, or otherwise in violation of this chapter, pending an adjudicative
             683      proceeding on the matter;
             684          [(d)] (e) box and seal drugs suspected to be adulterated, outdated, misbranded, or
             685      otherwise in violation of this chapter; and
             686          [(e)] (f) dispose of or return [any] a drug or device obtained under this Subsection (3)
             687      in accordance with procedures established by division rule.
             688          (4) An inspection [conducted under] described in Subsection (1) shall be conducted
             689      during regular business hours.
             690          (5) If upon inspection, the division concludes that a person has violated the provisions
             691      of this chapter or Chapter 37, Utah [Control] Controlled Substances Act, or [any] a rule or
             692      order issued with respect to those chapters, and that disciplinary action is appropriate, the
             693      director or the director's designee shall promptly issue a fine or citation to the licensee in
             694      accordance with Section 58-17b-504 .
             695          Section 12. Section 58-17b-501 is amended to read:
             696           58-17b-501. Unlawful conduct.
             697          "Unlawful conduct" includes:
             698          (1) knowingly preventing or refusing to permit [any] an authorized agent of the
             699      division to conduct an inspection pursuant to Section 58-17b-103 ;
             700          (2) failing to deliver the license, permit, or certificate to the division upon demand, if it
             701      has been revoked, suspended, or refused;

             702          (3) (a) using the title "pharmacist,"[,] "druggist,"[,] "pharmacy intern,"[,] "pharmacy
             703      technician,"[,] or [any] a term having similar meaning, except by a person licensed as a
             704      pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or pharmacy technician; or
             705          (b) conducting or transacting business under a name [which] that contains, as part of
             706      that name, the words "drugstore,"[,] "pharmacy,"[,] "drugs,"[,] "medicine store,"[,]
             707      "medicines,"[,] "drug shop,"[,] "apothecary,"[,] "prescriptions,"[,] or [any other] a term having
             708      a similar meaning, or in any manner advertising, otherwise describing, or referring to the place
             709      of the conducted business or profession, unless the place is a pharmacy issued a license by the
             710      division, except [any] an establishment selling nonprescription drugs and supplies may display
             711      signs bearing the words "packaged drugs,"[,] "drug sundries,"[,] or "nonprescription drugs,"[,]
             712      and is not considered to be a pharmacy or drugstore by reason of the display;
             713          (4) buying, selling, causing to be sold, or offering for sale, [any] a drug or device
             714      [which] that bears, or the package bears or originally did bear, the inscription "sample,"[,] "not
             715      for resale,"[,] "for investigational or experimental use only,"[,] or other similar words, except
             716      when a cost is incurred in the bona fide acquisition of an investigational or experimental drug;
             717          (5) using to [his] a person's own advantages or revealing to anyone other than the
             718      division, board, and its authorized representatives, or to the courts, when relevant to [any] a
             719      judicial or administrative proceeding under this chapter, [any] information acquired under
             720      authority of this chapter or concerning [any] a method of process [which] that is a trade secret;
             721          (6) procuring or attempting to procure [any] a drug [for himself] or to have someone
             722      else procure or attempt to procure [any] a drug:
             723          (a) by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or subterfuge;
             724          (b) by forgery or alteration of a prescription or [any] a written order;
             725          (c) by concealment of a material fact;
             726          (d) by use of a false statement in [any] a prescription, chart, order, or report; or
             727          (e) by theft;
             728          (7) filling, refilling, or advertising the filling or refilling of prescriptions for [any] a
             729      consumer or patient residing in this state if the person is not licensed:

             730          (a) under this chapter; or
             731          (b) in the state from which he is dispensing;
             732          (8) requiring [any] an employed pharmacist, pharmacy intern, pharmacy technician, or
             733      authorized supportive personnel to engage in [any] conduct in violation of this chapter;
             734          (9) being in possession of a prescription drug for [any] an unlawful purpose;
             735          (10) dispensing a prescription drug to [anyone] a person who does not have a
             736      prescription from a practitioner or to [anyone] a person who [he] the person dispensing the
             737      drug knows or should know is attempting to obtain drugs by fraud or misrepresentation;
             738          (11) selling, dispensing, distributing, or otherwise trafficking in prescription drugs
             739      when not licensed to do so or when not exempted from licensure; and
             740          (12) a person using a prescription drug or controlled substance [for himself] that was
             741      not lawfully prescribed for [him] the person by a practitioner.
             742          Section 13. Section 58-17b-622 is amended to read:
             743           58-17b-622. Pharmacy benefit management services -- Auditing of pharmacy
             744      records -- Appeals.
             745          (1) For purposes of this section:
             746          (a) "Audit" means a review of the records of a pharmacy by or on behalf of an entity
             747      that finances or reimburses the cost of health care services or pharmaceutical products.
             748          (b) "Entity" includes:
             749          (i) a pharmacy benefits manager or coordinator;
             750          (ii) a health benefit plan;
             751          (iii) a third party administrator as defined in Section 31A-1-301 ;
             752          (iv) a state agency; or
             753          (v) a company, group, or agent that represents, or is engaged by, one of the entities
             754      described in Subsections (1)(b)(i) through (iv).
             755          (c) "Fraud" means an intentional act of deception, misrepresentation, or concealment in
             756      order to gain something of value.
             757          (d) "Health benefit plan" means:

             758          (i) a health benefit plan as defined in Section 31A-1-301 ; or
             759          (ii) a health, dental, medical, Medicare supplement, or conversion program offered
             760      under Title 49, Chapter 20, Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program Act.
             761          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), this section applies to:
             762          (i) a contract for the audit of a pharmacy entered into, amended, or renewed on or after
             763      July 1, 2012; and
             764          (ii) an entity that conducts an audit of the pharmacy records of a pharmacy licensed
             765      under this chapter.
             766          (b) This section does not apply to an audit of pharmacy records:
             767          (i) for a federally funded prescription drug program, including:
             768          (A) the state Medicaid program;
             769          (B) the Medicare Part D program;
             770          (C) a Department of Defense prescription drug program;
             771          (D) a Veteran's Affairs prescription drug program; or
             772          (ii) when fraud or other intentional and willful misrepresentation is alleged and the
             773      pharmacy audit entity has evidence that the pharmacy's actions reasonably indicate fraud or
             774      intentional and willful misrepresentation.
             775          (3) (a) An audit that involves clinical or professional judgment shall be conducted by
             776      or in consultation with a [licensed] pharmacist who is employed by or working with the
             777      auditing entity and who is licensed in the state or another state.
             778          (b) If an audit is conducted on site at a pharmacy, the entity conducting the audit:
             779          (i) shall give the pharmacy 10 days advanced written notice of:
             780          (A) the audit; and
             781          (B) the range of prescription numbers or a date range included in the audit; and
             782          (ii) may not audit a pharmacy during the first five business days of the month, unless
             783      the pharmacy agrees to the timing of the audit.
             784          (c) An entity may not audit claims:
             785          (i) submitted more than 18 months prior to the audit, unless:

             786          (A) required by federal law; or
             787          (B) the originating prescription is dated in the preceding six months; or
             788          (ii) that exceed 200 selected prescription claims.
             789          (4) (a) An entity may not:
             790          (i) include dispensing fees in the calculations of overpayments unless the prescription
             791      is considered a misfill;
             792          (ii) recoup funds for prescription clerical or recordkeeping errors, including
             793      typographical errors, scrivener's errors, and computer errors on a required document or record
             794      unless the audit entity is alleging fraud or other intentional or willful misrepresentation and the
             795      audit entity has evidence that the pharmacy's actions reasonably indicate fraud or intentional
             796      and willful misrepresentation; or
             797          (iii) collect any funds, charge-backs, or penalties until the audit and all appeals are
             798      final, unless the audit entity is alleging fraud or other intentional or willful misrepresentation
             799      and the audit entity has evidence that the pharmacy's actions reasonably indicate fraud or
             800      intentional and willful misrepresentation.
             801          (b) Auditors shall only have access to previous audit reports on a particular pharmacy
             802      if the previous audit was conducted by the same entity except as required for compliance with
             803      state or federal law.
             804          (5) A pharmacy subject to an audit may use the following records to validate a claim
             805      for a prescription, refill, or change in a prescription:
             806          (a) electronic or physical copies of records of a health care facility, or a health care
             807      provider with prescribing authority; and
             808          (b) any prescription that complies with state law.
             809          (6) (a) An entity that audits a pharmacy shall provide the pharmacy with a preliminary
             810      audit report, delivered to the pharmacy or its corporate office of record within 60 days after
             811      completion of the audit.
             812          (b) A pharmacy has 30 days following receipt of the preliminary audit report to
             813      respond to questions, provide additional documentation, and comment on and clarify findings

             814      of the audit. Receipt of the report shall be based on the postmark date or the date of a
             815      computer transmission if transferred electronically.
             816          (7) If an audit results in the dispute or denial of a claim, the entity conducting the audit
             817      shall allow the pharmacy to resubmit a claim using any commercially reasonable method,
             818      including fax, mail, or electronic claims submission provided that the period of time when a
             819      claim may be resubmitted has not expired under the rules of the plan sponsor.
             820          (8) (a) Within 120 days after the completion of the appeals process under Subsection
             821      (9), a final audit report shall be delivered to the pharmacy or its corporate office of record.
             822          (b) The final audit report shall include a disclosure of any money recovered by the
             823      entity that conducted the audit.
             824          (9) An entity that audits a pharmacy shall establish a written appeals process for
             825      appealing a preliminary audit report and a final audit report, and shall provide the pharmacy
             826      with notice of the written appeals process. If the pharmacy benefit manager's contract or
             827      provider manual contains the information required by this Subsection (9), the requirement for
             828      notice is met.
             829          Section 14. Section 58-22-305 is amended to read:
             830           58-22-305. Exemption from licensure.
             831          (1) In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section 58-1-307 , the following
             832      may engage in the following acts or practices without being licensed under this chapter:
             833          (a) a person offering to render professional engineering, professional structural
             834      engineering, or professional land surveying services in this state when not licensed under this
             835      chapter if the person:
             836          (i) holds a current and valid professional engineer, professional structural engineer, or
             837      professional land surveyor license issued by a licensing authority recognized by rule by the
             838      division in collaboration with the board;
             839          (ii) discloses in writing to the potential client the fact that the professional engineer,
             840      professional structural engineer, or professional land surveyor:
             841          (A) is not licensed in the state;

             842          (B) may not provide professional engineering, professional structural engineering, or
             843      professional land surveying services in the state until licensed in the state; and
             844          (C) that such condition may cause a delay in the ability of the professional engineer,
             845      professional structural engineer, or professional land surveyor to provide licensed services in
             846      the state;
             847          (iii) notifies the division in writing of [his] the person's intent to offer to render
             848      professional engineering, professional structural engineering, or professional land surveying
             849      services in the state; and
             850          (iv) does not provide professional engineering, professional structural engineering, or
             851      professional land surveying services, or engage in the practice of professional engineering,
             852      professional structural engineering, or professional land surveying in this state until licensed to
             853      do so;
             854          (b) a person preparing a plan and specification for a one[-] or two-family residence not
             855      exceeding two stories in height;
             856          (c) a person licensed to practice architecture under Title 58, Chapter 3a, Architects
             857      Licensing Act, performing architecture acts or incidental engineering or structural engineering
             858      practices that do not exceed the scope of the education and training of the person performing
             859      engineering or structural engineering;
             860          (d) unlicensed employees, subordinates, associates, or drafters of a person licensed
             861      under this chapter while preparing plans, maps, sketches, drawings, documents, specifications,
             862      plats, and reports under the supervision of a professional engineer, professional structural
             863      engineer, or professional land surveyor;
             864          (e) a person preparing a plan or specification for, or supervising the alteration of or
             865      repair to, an existing building affecting an area not exceeding 3,000 square feet when structural
             866      elements of a building are not changed, such as foundations, beams, columns, and structural
             867      slabs, joists, bearing walls, and trusses;
             868          (f) an employee of a communications, utility, railroad, mining, petroleum, or
             869      manufacturing company, or an affiliate of such a company, if the professional engineering or

             870      professional structural engineering work is performed solely in connection with the products or
             871      systems of the company and is not offered directly to the public;
             872          (g) an organization engaged in the practice of professional engineering, structural
             873      engineering, or professional land surveying, provided that:
             874          (i) the organization employs a principal; and
             875          (ii) all individuals employed by the organization, who are engaged in the practice of
             876      professional engineering, structural engineering, or land surveying, are licensed or exempt from
             877      licensure under this chapter; and
             878          (h) a person licensed as a professional engineer, a professional structural engineer, or a
             879      professional land surveyor in a state other than Utah serving as an expert witness, provided the
             880      expert testimony meets one of the following:
             881          (i) oral testimony as an expert witness in an administrative, civil, or criminal
             882      proceeding [is not part of the practice of the respective professions for which a license is
             883      required]; or
             884          (ii) written documentation included as part of the testimony in a [preceding]
             885      proceeding, including designs, studies, plans, specifications, or similar documentation, [is not
             886      part of the practice of the respective professions for which a license is required] provided that
             887      the purpose of the written documentation is not to establish specifications, plans, designs,
             888      processes, or standards to be used in the future in [any] an industrial process, system,
             889      construction, [designs, or repairs] design, or repair.
             890          (2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict a draftsman from preparing
             891      plans for a client under the exemption provided in Subsection (1)(b), or taking those plans to a
             892      professional engineer for [his] the engineer's review, approval, and subsequent fixing of the
             893      engineer's seal to that set of plans, if [they] the plans meet the building code standards.
             894          Section 15. Section 58-31b-601 is amended to read:
             895           58-31b-601. Minimum standards for nursing programs -- Medication aide
             896      training.
             897          (1) [To] Except as provided in Subsection (2), to qualify as an approved education

             898      program for the purpose of qualifying graduates for licensure under this chapter, a nursing
             899      education program shall be accredited by the:
             900          [(a) (i) be affiliated with an institution of higher education that is accredited by the:]
             901          [(A) Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools;]
             902          [(B) New England Association of Schools and Colleges;]
             903          [(C) North Central Association of Colleges and Schools;]
             904          [(D) Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities;]
             905          [(E) Western Association of Schools and Colleges; or]
             906          [(F) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; and]
             907          [(ii) be accredited by the:]
             908          [(A)] (a) Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education;
             909          [(B)] (b) National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission; or
             910          [(C)] (c) Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs[; or].
             911          [(b) be approved by the board and comply with standards defined by division rules.]
             912          [(2) An approved education program described in Subsection (1), may offer its didactic
             913      courses using classroom, clinical, or online methods.]
             914          (2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             915      division, in consultation with the board, may make rules establishing requirements for a
             916      nursing education program to qualify for a limited time as an approved education program for
             917      the purpose of qualifying graduates for licensure under this chapter, prior to its obtaining an
             918      accreditation described in Subsection (1).
             919          (3) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
             920      the provisions of this chapter, the division shall make rules defining the minimum standards for
             921      a medication aide certified training program to qualify a person for certification under this
             922      chapter as a medication aide certified.
             923          Section 16. Section 58-37c-3 is amended to read:
             924           58-37c-3. Definitions.
             925          In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102 , as used in this chapter:

             926          [(1) "Board" means the Controlled Substance Precursor Advisory Board created in
             927      Section 58-37c-4 .]
             928          [(2)] (1) "Controlled substance precursor" includes a chemical reagent and means any
             929      of the following:
             930          (a) Phenyl-2-propanone;
             931          (b) Methylamine;
             932          (c) Ethylamine;
             933          (d) D-lysergic acid;
             934          (e) Ergotamine and its salts;
             935          (f) Diethyl malonate;
             936          (g) Malonic acid;
             937          (h) Ethyl malonate;
             938          (i) Barbituric acid;
             939          (j) Piperidine and its salts;
             940          (k) N-acetylanthranilic acid and its salts;
             941          (l) Pyrrolidine;
             942          (m) Phenylacetic acid and its salts;
             943          (n) Anthranilic acid and its salts;
             944          (o) Morpholine;
             945          (p) Ephedrine;
             946          (q) Pseudoephedrine;
             947          (r) Norpseudoephedrine;
             948          (s) Phenylpropanolamine;
             949          (t) Benzyl cyanide;
             950          (u) Ergonovine and its salts;
             951          (v) 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;
             952          (w) propionic anhydride;
             953          (x) Insosafrole;

             954          (y) Safrole;
             955          (z) Piperonal;
             956          (aa) N-Methylephedrine;
             957          (bb) N-ethylephedrine;
             958          (cc) N-methylpseudoephedrine;
             959          (dd) N-ethylpseudoephedrine;
             960          (ee) Hydriotic acid;
             961          (ff) gamma butyrolactone (GBL), including butyrolactone, 1,2 butanolide,
             962      2-oxanolone, tetrahydro-2-furanone, dihydro-2(3H)-furanone, and tetramethylene glycol, but
             963      not including gamma aminobutric acid (GABA);
             964          (gg) 1,4 butanediol;
             965          (hh) any salt, isomer, or salt of an isomer of the chemicals listed in Subsections (2)(a)
             966      through (gg);
             967          (ii) Crystal iodine;
             968          (jj) Iodine at concentrations greater than 1.5% by weight in a solution or matrix;
             969          (kk) Red phosphorous, except as provided in Section 58-37c-19.7 ;
             970          (ll) anhydrous ammonia, except as provided in Section 58-37c-19.9 ;
             971          (mm) any controlled substance precursor listed under the provisions of the Federal
             972      Controlled Substances Act which is designated by the director under the emergency listing
             973      provisions set forth in Section 58-37c-14 ; and
             974          (nn) any chemical which is designated by the director under the emergency listing
             975      provisions set forth in Section 58-37c-14 .
             976          [(3)] (2) "Deliver," "delivery," "transfer," or "furnish" means the actual, constructive,
             977      or attempted transfer of a controlled substance precursor.
             978          [(4)] (3) "Matrix" means something, as a substance, in which something else
             979      originates, develops, or is contained.
             980          [(5)] (4) "Person" means any individual, group of individuals, proprietorship,
             981      partnership, joint venture, corporation, or organization of any type or kind.

             982          [(6)] (5) "Practitioner" means a physician, dentist, podiatric physician, veterinarian,
             983      pharmacist, scientific investigator, pharmacy, hospital, pharmaceutical manufacturer, or other
             984      person licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted to distribute, dispense, conduct research
             985      with respect to, administer, or use in teaching, or chemical analysis a controlled substance in
             986      the course of professional practice or research in this state.
             987          [(7)] (6) (a) "Regulated distributor" means a person within the state who provides,
             988      sells, furnishes, transfers, or otherwise supplies a listed controlled substance precursor
             989      chemical in a regulated transaction.
             990          (b) "Regulated distributor" does not include any person excluded from regulation under
             991      this chapter.
             992          [(8)] (7) (a) "Regulated purchaser" means any person within the state who receives a
             993      listed controlled substance precursor chemical in a regulated transaction.
             994          (b) "Regulated purchaser" does not include any person excluded from regulation under
             995      this chapter.
             996          [(9)] (8) "Regulated transaction" means any actual, constructive or attempted:
             997          (a) transfer, distribution, delivery, or furnishing by a person within the state to another
             998      person within or outside of the state of a threshold amount of a listed precursor chemical; or
             999          (b) purchase or acquisition by any means by a person within the state from another
             1000      person within or outside the state of a threshold amount of a listed precursor chemical.
             1001          [(10)] (9) "Retail distributor" means a grocery store, general merchandise store, drug
             1002      store, or other entity or person whose activities as a distributor are limited almost exclusively to
             1003      sales for personal use:
             1004          (a) in both number of sales and volume of sales; and
             1005          (b) either directly to walk-in customers or in face-to-face transactions by direct sales.
             1006          [(11)] (10) "Threshold amount of a listed precursor chemical" means any amount of a
             1007      controlled substance precursor or a specified amount of a controlled substance precursor in a
             1008      matrix; however, the division may exempt from the provisions of this chapter a specific
             1009      controlled substance precursor in a specific amount and in certain types of transactions which

             1010      provisions for exemption shall be defined by the division by rule adopted pursuant to Title
             1011      63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             1012          [(12)] (11) "Unlawful conduct" as defined in Section 58-1-501 includes knowingly and
             1013      intentionally:
             1014          (a) engaging in a regulated transaction without first being appropriately licensed or
             1015      exempted from licensure under this chapter;
             1016          (b) acting as a regulated distributor and selling, transferring, or in any other way
             1017      conveying a controlled substance precursor to a person within the state who is not appropriately
             1018      licensed or exempted from licensure as a regulated purchaser, or selling, transferring, or
             1019      otherwise conveying a controlled substance precursor to a person outside of the state and
             1020      failing to report the transaction as required;
             1021          (c) acting as a regulated purchaser and purchasing or in any other way obtaining a
             1022      controlled substance precursor from a person within the state who is not a licensed regulated
             1023      distributor, or purchasing or otherwise obtaining a controlled substance precursor from a
             1024      person outside of the state and failing to report the transaction as required;
             1025          (d) engaging in a regulated transaction and failing to submit reports and keep required
             1026      records of inventories required under the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to
             1027      this chapter;
             1028          (e) making any false statement in any application for license, in any record to be kept,
             1029      or on any report submitted as required under this chapter;
             1030          (f) with the intent of causing the evasion of the recordkeeping or reporting
             1031      requirements of this chapter and rules related to this chapter, receiving or distributing any listed
             1032      controlled substance precursor chemical in any manner designed so that the making of records
             1033      or filing of reports required under this chapter is not required;
             1034          (g) failing to take immediate steps to comply with licensure, reporting, or
             1035      recordkeeping requirements of this chapter because of lack of knowledge of those
             1036      requirements, upon becoming informed of the requirements;
             1037          (h) presenting false or fraudulent identification where or when receiving or purchasing

             1038      a listed controlled substance precursor chemical;
             1039          (i) creating a chemical mixture for the purpose of evading any licensure, reporting or
             1040      recordkeeping requirement of this chapter or rules related to this chapter, or receiving a
             1041      chemical mixture created for that purpose;
             1042          (j) if the person is at least 18 years of age, employing, hiring, using, persuading,
             1043      inducing, enticing, or coercing another person under 18 years of age to violate any provision of
             1044      this chapter, or assisting in avoiding detection or apprehension for any violation of this chapter
             1045      by any federal, state, or local law enforcement official; and
             1046          (k) obtaining or attempting to obtain or to possess any controlled substance precursor
             1047      or any combination of controlled substance precursors knowing or having a reasonable cause to
             1048      believe that the controlled substance precursor is intended to be used in the unlawful
             1049      manufacture of any controlled substance.
             1050          [(13)] (12) "Unprofessional conduct" as defined in Section 58-1-102 and as may be
             1051      further defined by rule includes the following:
             1052          (a) violation of any provision of this chapter, the Controlled Substance Act of this state
             1053      or any other state, or the Federal Controlled Substance Act; and
             1054          (b) refusing to allow agents or representatives of the division or authorized law
             1055      enforcement personnel to inspect inventories or controlled substance precursors or records or
             1056      reports relating to purchases and sales or distribution of controlled substance precursors as such
             1057      records and reports are required under this chapter.
             1058          Section 17. Section 58-37c-8 is amended to read:
             1059           58-37c-8. License -- Exceptions from licensure or regulation.
             1060          (1) [Any] A person engaged in a regulated transaction under this chapter shall hold a
             1061      controlled substance precursor license issued under Section 58-37c-7 , unless excepted from
             1062      licensure under this chapter.
             1063          (2) The division shall:
             1064          (a) establish the form of application for a license, the requirements for licensure, and
             1065      fees for initial licensure and renewal; and

             1066          (b) identify required information to be contained in the application as a condition of
             1067      licensure.
             1068          (3) A practitioner who holds a Utah Controlled Substance License and a Controlled
             1069      Substance Registration issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S.
             1070      Government is excepted from licensure under this chapter.
             1071          (4) [Any] The purchase, sale, transfer, furnishing, or receipt of [any] a drug intended
             1072      for lawful use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or
             1073      other animals, which contains ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, or
             1074      phenylpropanolamine, if the drug is lawfully purchased, sold, transferred, or furnished as an
             1075      over-the-counter medication without prescription pursuant to the federal Food, Drug and
             1076      Cosmetic Act, 21 USC, Sec. 301 et seq., or regulations adopted under that act, are excepted
             1077      from licensure, reporting, and recordkeeping under this chapter, except that products
             1078      containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine are subject to Section
             1079      58-37c-20.5 .
             1080          (5) [Any] The purchase, sale, transfer, receipt, or manufacture of [any] dietary
             1081      [supplement] supplements, vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar substances, including
             1082      concentrates or extracts, which are not otherwise prohibited by law, and which may contain
             1083      naturally occurring amounts of chemicals or substances listed in this chapter, or in rules
             1084      adopted pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, are exempt
             1085      from licensure under this chapter.
             1086          (6) A purchaser of two ounces or less of crystal iodine in a single transaction is not
             1087      required to be licensed as a regulated purchaser if the transaction complies with Section
             1088      58-37c-18 .
             1089          (7) [Any] The purchase, sale, transfer, receipt, or manufacture of [any] a product that
             1090      contains [any] a precursor chemical listed in Subsection 58-37c-3 [(2)](1)(ff) or (gg) and that is
             1091      not intended for human consumption is exempt from licensure or regulation and is not subject
             1092      to criminal penalties under this chapter.
             1093          Section 18. Section 58-37c-11 is amended to read:

             1094           58-37c-11. Penalty for unlawful conduct.
             1095          (1) [Any] A person who violates the unlawful conduct provision defined in
             1096      Subsections 58-37c-3 [(12)](11)(a) through (j) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             1097          (2) [Any] A person who violates the unlawful conduct provisions defined in
             1098      Subsection 58-37c-3 [(12)](11)(k) is guilty of a second degree felony.
             1099          Section 19. Section 58-37c-19 is amended to read:
             1100           58-37c-19. Possession or sale of crystal iodine.
             1101          (1) [Any] A person licensed to engage in a regulated transaction is guilty of a class B
             1102      misdemeanor who, under circumstances not amounting to a violation of Subsection
             1103      58-37d-4 (1)(c), offers to sell, sells, or distributes more than two ounces of crystal iodine to
             1104      another person who is:
             1105          (a) not licensed as a regulated purchaser of crystal iodine;
             1106          (b) not excepted from licensure; or
             1107          (c) not excepted under Subsection (3).
             1108          (2) [Any] A person who is not licensed to engage in regulated transactions and not
             1109      excepted from licensure is guilty of a class A misdemeanor who, under circumstances not
             1110      amounting to a violation of Subsection 58-37c-3 [(12)](11)(k) or Subsection 58-37d-4 (1)(a):
             1111          (a) possesses more than two ounces of crystal iodine; or
             1112          (b) offers to sell, sells, or distributes crystal iodine to another person.
             1113          (3) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply to:
             1114          (a) a chemistry laboratory maintained by:
             1115          (i) a public or private regularly established secondary school; or
             1116          (ii) a public or private institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional or
             1117      national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education;
             1118          (b) a veterinarian licensed to practice under Title 58, Chapter 28, Veterinary Practice
             1119      Act; or
             1120          (c) a general acute hospital.
             1121          Section 20. Section 58-37c-19.5 is amended to read:

             1122           58-37c-19.5. Iodine solution greater than 1.5% -- Prescription or permit required
             1123      -- Penalties.
             1124          (1) As used in this section, "iodine matrix" means iodine at concentrations greater than
             1125      1.5% by weight in a matrix or solution.
             1126          (2) A person may offer to sell, sell, or distribute an iodine matrix only:
             1127          (a) as a prescription drug, pursuant to a prescription issued by a veterinarian or
             1128      physician licensed within the state; or
             1129          (b) to a person who is actively engaged in the legal practice of animal husbandry of
             1130      livestock, as defined in Section 4-1-8 .
             1131          (3) Prescriptions issued under this section:
             1132          (a) shall provide for a specified number of refills;
             1133          (b) may be issued by electronic means, in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 17b,
             1134      Pharmacy Practice Act; and
             1135          (c) may be filled by a person other than the veterinarian or physician issuing the
             1136      prescription.
             1137          (4) A retailer offering iodine matrix for sale:
             1138          (a) shall store the iodine matrix so that the public does not have access to the iodine
             1139      matrix without the direct assistance or intervention of a retail employee;
             1140          (b) shall keep a record, which may consist of sales receipts, of each person purchasing
             1141      iodine matrix; and
             1142          (c) may, if necessary to ascertain the identity of the purchaser, ask for proof of
             1143      identification from the purchaser.
             1144          (5) A person engaging in a regulated transaction under Subsection (2) is guilty of a
             1145      class B misdemeanor if the person, under circumstances not amounting to a violation of
             1146      Subsection 58-37d-4 (1)(c), offers to sell, sells, or distributes an iodine matrix to a person who:
             1147          (a) does not present a prescription or is not engaged in animal husbandry, as required
             1148      under Subsection (2); or
             1149          (b) is not excepted under Subsection (7).

             1150          (6) A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor who, under circumstances not
             1151      amounting to a violation of Subsection 58-37c-3 [(12)](11)(k) or 58-37d-4 (1)(a):
             1152          (a) possesses an iodine matrix without proof of obtaining the solution in compliance
             1153      with Subsection (2); or
             1154          (b) offers to sell, sells, or distributes an iodine matrix in violation of Subsection (2).
             1155          (7) Subsection (6)(a) does not apply to:
             1156          (a) a chemistry or chemistry-related laboratory maintained by:
             1157          (i) a public or private regularly established secondary school; or
             1158          (ii) a public or private institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional or
             1159      national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education;
             1160          (b) a veterinarian licensed to practice under Title 58, Chapter 28, Veterinary Practice
             1161      Act;
             1162          (c) a general acute hospital; or
             1163          (d) a veterinarian, physician, pharmacist, retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer,
             1164      warehouseman, or common carrier, or an agent of any of these persons who possesses an
             1165      iodine matrix in the regular course of lawful business activities.
             1166          Section 21. Section 58-37c-19.7 is amended to read:
             1167           58-37c-19.7. Red phosphorus is a precursor -- Affirmative defense.
             1168          (1) A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor who is not licensed to engage in a
             1169      regulated transaction and is not excepted from licensure who, under circumstances not
             1170      amounting to a violation of Subsection 58-37c-3 [(12)](11)(k) or 58-37d-4 (1)(a), possesses any
             1171      amount of red phosphorus.
             1172          (2) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under Subsection (1) that the person in
             1173      possession of red phosphorus:
             1174          (a) is conducting a licensed business [which] that involves red phosphorus in the
             1175      manufacture of any of the following:
             1176          (i) the striking surface used for lighting matches, which is sometimes referred to as the
             1177      striker plate;

             1178          (ii) flame retardant in polymers; or
             1179          (iii) fireworks, for which the person or entity possesses a federal license to manufacture
             1180      explosives as required under 27 CFR Chapter 1, Part 55, Commerce in Explosives; or
             1181          (b) (i) is a wholesaler, manufacturer, warehouseman, or common carrier handling red
             1182      phosphorus, or is an agent of any of these persons; and
             1183          (ii) possesses the substances in the regular course of lawful business activities.
             1184          (3) (a) [The] A defendant shall provide written notice of intent to claim an affirmative
             1185      defense under this section as soon as practicable, but not later than 10 days prior to trial. The
             1186      court may waive the notice requirement in the interest of justice for good cause shown, if the
             1187      prosecutor is not unfairly prejudiced by the lack of timely notice.
             1188          (b) The notice shall include the specifics of the affirmative defense.
             1189          (c) The defendant shall establish the affirmative defense by a preponderance of the
             1190      evidence. If the defense is established, it is a complete defense to the charges.
             1191          (4) Subsection (1) does not apply to:
             1192          (a) a chemistry or chemistry-related laboratory maintained by:
             1193          (i) a public or private regularly established secondary school; or
             1194          (ii) a public or private institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional or
             1195      national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education; or
             1196          (b) a retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer, warehouseman, or common carrier, or
             1197      an agent of any of these persons who possesses red phosphorus in the regular course of lawful
             1198      business activities.
             1199          Section 22. Section 58-37c-19.9 is amended to read:
             1200           58-37c-19.9. Anhydrous ammonia is a precursor -- Requirements regarding
             1201      purposes and containers.
             1202          (1) A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor who is not licensed to engage in a
             1203      regulated transaction and is not excepted from licensure or exempted under Subsection (2), and
             1204      who possesses any amount of anhydrous ammonia under circumstances not amounting to a
             1205      violation of Subsection 58-37c-3 [(12)](11)(k) or 58-37d-4 (1)(a).

             1206          (2) A person who possesses anhydrous ammonia has an affirmative defense to a charge
             1207      under Subsection (1) if the person is:
             1208          (a) directly involved in or actively operating land in agricultural use as defined in
             1209      Section 59-2-502 ;
             1210          (b) a retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer, warehouseman, or common carrier, or
             1211      an agent of any of these persons, who possesses anhydrous ammonia in the regular course of
             1212      lawful business activities;
             1213          (c) directly involved in or actively operating a business or other lawful activity
             1214      providing or using anhydrous ammonia for refrigeration applications; or
             1215          (d) directly involved in or actively operating a lawful business enterprise, including an
             1216      industrial enterprise, that uses anhydrous ammonia in the regular course of its business
             1217      activities.
             1218          Section 23. Section 58-37c-20 is amended to read:
             1219           58-37c-20. Possession of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine --
             1220      Penalties.
             1221          (1) [Any] A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor:
             1222          (a) who is not licensed to engage in regulated transactions and is not excepted from
             1223      licensure; and
             1224          (b) who, under circumstances not amounting to a violation of Subsection
             1225      58-37c-3 [(12)](11)(k) or Subsection 58-37d-4 (1)(a), possesses more than 9 grams of ephedrine,
             1226      pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine, their salts, isomers, or salts of isomers, or a
             1227      combination of any of these substances.
             1228          (2) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under Subsection (1) that the person in
             1229      possession of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, or a combination of these
             1230      two substances:
             1231          (a) (i) is a physician, pharmacist, retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer,
             1232      warehouseman, or common carrier, or an agent of any of these persons; and
             1233          (ii) possesses the substances in the regular course of lawful business activities; or

             1234          (b) possesses the substance pursuant to a valid prescription as defined in Section
             1235      58-37-2 .
             1236          (3) (a) [The] A defendant shall provide written notice of intent to claim an affirmative
             1237      defense under this section as soon as practicable, but not later than 10 days prior to trial. The
             1238      court may waive the notice requirement in the interest of justice for good cause shown, if the
             1239      prosecutor is not unfairly prejudiced by the lack of timely notice.
             1240          (b) The notice shall include the specifics of the asserted defense.
             1241          (c) The defendant shall establish the affirmative defense by a preponderance of the
             1242      evidence. If the defense is established, it is a complete defense to the charges.
             1243          (4) This section does not apply to dietary supplements, herbs, or other natural products,
             1244      including concentrates or extracts, which:
             1245          (a) are not otherwise prohibited by law; and
             1246          (b) may contain naturally occurring ephedrine, ephedrine alkaloids, or
             1247      pseudoephedrine, or their salts, isomers, or salts of isomers, or a combination of these
             1248      substances, that:
             1249          (i) are contained in a matrix of organic material; and
             1250          (ii) do not exceed 15% of the total weight of the natural product.
             1251          Section 24. Section 58-37d-3 is amended to read:
             1252           58-37d-3. Definitions.
             1253          (1) As used in this chapter:
             1254          (a) (i) "Booby trap" means [any] a concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause
             1255      bodily injury when triggered by [any] the action of a person making contact with the device.
             1256      [This term]
             1257          (ii) "Booby trap" includes guns, ammunition, or explosive devices attached to trip
             1258      wires or other triggering mechanisms, sharpened stakes, nails, spikes, electrical devices, lines
             1259      or wires with hooks attached, and devices for the production of toxic fumes or gases.
             1260          (b) "Clandestine laboratory operation" means the:
             1261          (i) purchase or procurement of chemicals, supplies, equipment, or laboratory location

             1262      for the illegal manufacture of specified controlled substances;
             1263          (ii) transportation or arranging for the transportation of chemicals, supplies, or
             1264      equipment for the illegal manufacture of specified controlled substances;
             1265          (iii) setting up of equipment or supplies in preparation for the illegal manufacture of
             1266      specified controlled substances;
             1267          (iv) activity of compounding, synthesis, concentration, purification, separation,
             1268      extraction, or other physical or chemical processing of [any] a substance, including a controlled
             1269      substance precursor, or the packaging, repackaging, labeling, or relabeling of a container
             1270      holding a substance that is a product of any of these activities, when the substance is to be used
             1271      for the illegal manufacture of specified controlled substances;
             1272          (v) illegal manufacture of specified controlled substances; or
             1273          (vi) distribution or disposal of chemicals, equipment, supplies, or products used in or
             1274      produced by the illegal manufacture of specified controlled substances.
             1275          (c) "Controlled substance precursor" means those chemicals designated in Title 58,
             1276      Chapter 37c, Utah Controlled Substance Precursor Act, except those substances designated in
             1277      Subsections 58-37c-3 [(2)](1)(kk) and (ll).
             1278          (d) "Disposal" means the abandonment, discharge, deposit, injection, dumping,
             1279      spilling, leaking, or placing of [any] hazardous or dangerous material into or on [any] property,
             1280      land, or water so that the material may enter the environment, be emitted into the air, or
             1281      discharged into any waters, including groundwater.
             1282          (e) "Hazardous or dangerous material" means [any] a substance [which] that because of
             1283      its quantity, concentration, physical characteristics, or chemical characteristics may cause or
             1284      significantly contribute to an increase in mortality, an increase in serious illness, or may pose a
             1285      substantial present or potential future hazard to human health or the environment when
             1286      improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise improperly managed.
             1287          (f) "Illegal manufacture of specified controlled substances" means in violation of Title
             1288      58, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled Substances Act, the:
             1289          (i) compounding, synthesis, concentration, purification, separation, extraction, or other

             1290      physical or chemical processing for the purpose of producing methamphetamine, other
             1291      amphetamine compounds as listed in Schedule I of the Utah Controlled Substances Act,
             1292      phencyclidine, narcotic analgesic analogs as listed in Schedule I of the Utah Controlled
             1293      Substances Act, lysergic acid diethylamide, or mescaline;
             1294          (ii) conversion of cocaine or methamphetamine to their base forms; or
             1295          (iii) extraction, concentration, or synthesis of marijuana as that drug is defined in
             1296      Section 58-37-2 .
             1297          (2) Unless otherwise specified, the definitions in Section 58-37-2 also apply to this
             1298      chapter.
             1299          Section 25. Section 58-37f-301 is amended to read:
             1300           58-37f-301. Access to database.
             1301          (1) The division shall make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
             1302      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to:
             1303          (a) effectively enforce the limitations on access to the database as described in this
             1304      part; and
             1305          (b) establish standards and procedures to ensure accurate identification of individuals
             1306      requesting information or receiving information without request from the database.
             1307          (2) The division shall make information in the database and information obtained from
             1308      other state or federal prescription monitoring programs by means of the database available only
             1309      to the following individuals, in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and division
             1310      rules:
             1311          (a) personnel of the division specifically assigned to conduct investigations related to
             1312      controlled substance laws under the jurisdiction of the division;
             1313          (b) authorized division personnel engaged in analysis of controlled substance
             1314      prescription information as a part of the assigned duties and responsibilities of their
             1315      employment;
             1316          (c) in accordance with a written agreement entered into with the department,
             1317      employees of the Department of Health:

             1318          (i) whom the director of the Department of Health assigns to conduct scientific studies
             1319      regarding the use or abuse of controlled substances, provided that the identity of the individuals
             1320      and pharmacies in the database are confidential and are not disclosed in any manner to any
             1321      individual who is not directly involved in the scientific studies; or
             1322          (ii) when the information is requested by the Department of Health in relation to a
             1323      person or provider whom the Department of Health suspects may be improperly obtaining or
             1324      providing a controlled substance;
             1325          (d) a licensed practitioner having authority to prescribe controlled substances, to the
             1326      extent the information:
             1327          (i) (A) relates specifically to a current or prospective patient of the practitioner; and
             1328          (B) is provided to or sought by the practitioner for the purpose of:
             1329          (I) prescribing or considering prescribing any controlled substance to the current or
             1330      prospective patient;
             1331          (II) diagnosing the current or prospective patient;
             1332          (III) providing medical treatment or medical advice to the current or prospective
             1333      patient; or
             1334          (IV) determining whether the current or prospective patient:
             1335          (Aa) is attempting to fraudulently obtain a controlled substance from the practitioner;
             1336      or
             1337          (Bb) has fraudulently obtained, or attempted to fraudulently obtain, a controlled
             1338      substance from the practitioner;
             1339          (ii) (A) relates specifically to a former patient of the practitioner; and
             1340          (B) is provided to or sought by the practitioner for the purpose of determining whether
             1341      the former patient has fraudulently obtained, or has attempted to fraudulently obtain, a
             1342      controlled substance from the practitioner;
             1343          (iii) relates specifically to an individual who has access to the practitioner's Drug
             1344      Enforcement Administration identification number, and the practitioner suspects that the
             1345      individual may have used the practitioner's Drug Enforcement Administration identification

             1346      number to fraudulently acquire or prescribe a controlled substance;
             1347          (iv) relates to the practitioner's own prescribing practices, except when specifically
             1348      prohibited by the division by administrative rule;
             1349          (v) relates to the use of the controlled substance database by an employee of the
             1350      practitioner, described in Subsection (2)(e); or
             1351          (vi) relates to any use of the practitioner's Drug Enforcement Administration
             1352      identification number to obtain, attempt to obtain, prescribe, or attempt to prescribe, a
             1353      controlled substance;
             1354          (e) in accordance with Subsection (3)(a), an employee of a practitioner described in
             1355      Subsection (2)(d), for a purpose described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) or (ii), if:
             1356          (i) the employee is designated by the practitioner as an individual authorized to access
             1357      the information on behalf of the practitioner;
             1358          (ii) the practitioner provides written notice to the division of the identity of the
             1359      employee; and
             1360          (iii) the division:
             1361          (A) grants the employee access to the database; and
             1362          (B) provides the employee with a password that is unique to that employee to access
             1363      the database in order to permit the division to comply with the requirements of Subsection
             1364      58-37f-203 (3)(b) with respect to the employee;
             1365          (f) an employee of the same business that employs a licensed practitioner under
             1366      Subsection (2)(d) if:
             1367          (i) the employee is designated by the practitioner as an individual authorized to access
             1368      the information on behalf of the practitioner;
             1369          (ii) the practitioner and the employing business provide written notice to the division of
             1370      the identity of the designated employee; and
             1371          (iii) the division:
             1372          (A) grants the employee access to the database; and
             1373          (B) provides the employee with a password that is unique to that employee to access

             1374      the database in order to permit the division to comply with the requirements of Subsection
             1375      58-37f-203 (3)(b) with respect to the employee;
             1376          (g) a licensed pharmacist having authority to dispense a controlled substance to the
             1377      extent the information is provided or sought for the purpose of:
             1378          (i) dispensing or considering dispensing any controlled substance; or
             1379          (ii) determining whether a person:
             1380          (A) is attempting to fraudulently obtain a controlled substance from the pharmacist; or
             1381          (B) has fraudulently obtained, or attempted to fraudulently obtain, a controlled
             1382      substance from the pharmacist;
             1383          (h) federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, and state and local
             1384      prosecutors, engaged as a specified duty of their employment in enforcing laws:
             1385          (i) regulating controlled substances;
             1386          (ii) investigating insurance fraud, Medicaid fraud, or Medicare fraud; or
             1387          (iii) providing information about a criminal defendant to defense counsel, upon request
             1388      during the discovery process, for the purpose of establishing a defense in a criminal case;
             1389          (i) employees of the Office of Internal Audit and Program Integrity within the
             1390      Department of Health who are engaged in their specified duty of ensuring Medicaid program
             1391      integrity under Section 26-18-2.3 ;
             1392          (j) a mental health therapist, if:
             1393          (i) the information relates to a patient who is:
             1394          (A) enrolled in a licensed substance abuse treatment program; and
             1395          (B) receiving treatment from, or under the direction of, the mental health therapist as
             1396      part of the patient's participation in the licensed substance abuse treatment program described
             1397      in Subsection (2)(j)(i)(A);
             1398          (ii) the information is sought for the purpose of determining whether the patient is
             1399      using a controlled substance while the patient is enrolled in the licensed substance abuse
             1400      treatment program described in Subsection (2)(j)(i)(A); and
             1401          (iii) the licensed substance abuse treatment program described in Subsection

             1402      (2)(j)(i)(A) is associated with a practitioner who:
             1403          (A) is a physician, a physician assistant, an advance practice registered nurse, or a
             1404      pharmacist; and
             1405          (B) is available to consult with the mental health therapist regarding the information
             1406      obtained by the mental health therapist, under this Subsection (2)(j), from the database;
             1407          (k) an individual who is the recipient of a controlled substance prescription entered into
             1408      the database, upon providing evidence satisfactory to the division that the individual requesting
             1409      the information is in fact the individual about whom the data entry was made;
             1410          (l) the inspector general, or a designee of the inspector general, of the Office of
             1411      Inspector General of Medicaid Services, for the purpose of fulfilling the duties described in
             1412      Title 63J, Chapter 4a, Part 2, Office Duties and Powers; and
             1413          (m) the following licensed physicians for the purpose of reviewing and offering an
             1414      opinion on an individual's request for workers' compensation benefits under Title 34A, Chapter
             1415      2, Workers' Compensation Act, or Title 34A, Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease Act:
             1416          (i) a member of the medical panel described in Section 34A-2-601 ; or
             1417          (ii) a physician offering a second opinion regarding treatment.
             1418          (3) (a) A practitioner described in Subsection (2)(d) may designate up to three
             1419      employees to access information from the database under Subsection (2)(e), (2)(f), or (4)(c).
             1420          (b) The division shall make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
             1421      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to:
             1422          (i) establish background check procedures to determine whether an employee
             1423      designated under Subsection (2)(e), (2)(f), or (4)(c) should be granted access to the database;
             1424      and
             1425          (ii) establish the information to be provided by an emergency room employee under
             1426      Subsection (4).
             1427          (c) The division shall grant an employee designated under Subsection (2)(e), (2)(f), or
             1428      (4)(c) access to the database, unless the division determines, based on a background check, that
             1429      the employee poses a security risk to the information contained in the database.

             1430          (4) (a) An individual who is employed in the emergency room of a hospital may
             1431      exercise access to the database under this Subsection (4) on behalf of a licensed practitioner if
             1432      the individual is designated under Subsection (4)(c) and the licensed practitioner:
             1433          (i) is employed in the emergency room;
             1434          (ii) is treating an emergency room patient for an emergency medical condition; and
             1435          (iii) requests that an individual employed in the emergency room and designated under
             1436      Subsection (4)(c) obtain information regarding the patient from the database as needed in the
             1437      course of treatment.
             1438          (b) The emergency room employee obtaining information from the database shall,
             1439      when gaining access to the database, provide to the database the name and any additional
             1440      identifiers regarding the requesting practitioner as required by division administrative rule
             1441      established under Subsection (3)(b).
             1442          (c) An individual employed in the emergency room under this Subsection (4) may
             1443      obtain information from the database as provided in Subsection (4)(a) if:
             1444          (i) the employee is designated by the practitioner as an individual authorized to access
             1445      the information on behalf of the practitioner;
             1446          (ii) the practitioner and the hospital operating the emergency room provide written
             1447      notice to the division of the identity of the designated employee; and
             1448          (iii) the division:
             1449          (A) grants the employee access to the database; and
             1450          (B) provides the employee with a password that is unique to that employee to access
             1451      the database in order to permit the division to comply with the requirements of Subsection
             1452      58-37f-203 (3)(b) with respect to the employee.
             1453          (d) The division may impose a fee, in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 , on a
             1454      practitioner who designates an employee under Subsection (2)(e), (2)(f), or (4)(c) to pay for the
             1455      costs incurred by the division to conduct the background check and make the determination
             1456      described in Subsection (3)(b).
             1457          (5) (a) An individual who is granted access to the database based on the fact that the

             1458      individual is a licensed practitioner or a mental health therapist shall be denied access to the
             1459      database when the individual is no longer licensed.
             1460          (b) An individual who is granted access to the database based on the fact that the
             1461      individual is a designated employee of a licensed practitioner shall be denied access to the
             1462      database when the practitioner is no longer licensed.
             1463          Section 26. Section 58-40a-501 is amended to read:
             1464           58-40a-501. Unprofessional conduct.
             1465          In addition to the provisions of Subsection 58-1-501 (2), "unprofessional conduct"
             1466      includes:
             1467          (1) failing to report to the [board] division an act or omission [of] that violates a
             1468      provision of this chapter by a licensee, applicant, or [any other] another individual [which
             1469      violates a provision of this chapter];
             1470          (2) interfering with an investigation of a disciplinary proceeding by willful
             1471      misrepresentation of facts or by use of threats or harassment against a client or witness to
             1472      prevent that individual from providing evidence in a disciplinary proceeding, investigation, or
             1473      other legal action;
             1474          (3) failing to maintain client confidentiality unless otherwise required by law;
             1475          (4) promoting an unnecessary device, treatment, intervention, or service for financial
             1476      gain by the athletic trainer or a third party; and
             1477          (5) failing to maintain adequate records.
             1478          Section 27. Section 58-56-17 is amended to read:
             1479           58-56-17. Fees on sale -- Escrow agents -- Sales tax.
             1480          (1) A dealer shall collect and remit a fee of [$75] $25 to the division for each factory
             1481      built home the dealer sells that, as of the date of the sale, has not been permanently affixed to
             1482      real property and converted to real property as provided in Section 70D-2-401 . The fee shall be
             1483      payable within 30 days following the close of each calendar quarter for all units sold during
             1484      that calendar quarter. The fee shall be deposited in a restricted account as provided in Section
             1485      58-56-17.5 .

             1486          (2) A principal real estate broker, associate broker, or sales agent exempt from
             1487      registration as a dealer under Section 58-56-16 who sells a factory built home that has not been
             1488      permanently affixed to real property shall close the sale only through a qualified escrow agent
             1489      in this state registered with the Insurance Department or the Department of Financial
             1490      Institutions.
             1491          (3) An escrow agent through which a sale is closed under Subsection (2) shall remit all
             1492      required sales tax to the state.
             1493          Section 28. Section 58-60-205 is amended to read:
             1494           58-60-205. Qualifications for licensure or certification as a clinical social worker,
             1495      certified social worker, and social service worker.
             1496          (1) An applicant for licensure as a clinical social worker shall:
             1497          (a) submit an application on a form provided by the division;
             1498          (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504 ;
             1499          (c) be of good moral character;
             1500          (d) produce certified transcripts from an accredited institution of higher education
             1501      recognized by the division in collaboration with the board verifying satisfactory completion of
             1502      an education and earned degree as follows:
             1503          (i) an earned master's degree in social work resulting from completion of an education
             1504      program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education; or
             1505          (ii) an earned doctoral degree in social work that results from successful completion of
             1506      a clinical concentration and practicum approved by the division and defined by rule under
             1507      Section 58-1-203 ;
             1508          (e) have completed a minimum of 4,000 hours of clinical social work training as
             1509      defined by division rule under Section 58-1-203 in not less than two years and under the
             1510      supervision of a clinical social worker supervisor approved by the division in collaboration
             1511      with the board;
             1512          (f) document successful completion of not less than 1,000 hours of supervised training
             1513      in mental health therapy obtained after completion of the education requirement in Subsection

             1514      (1)(d), which training may be included as part of the 4,000 hours of training in Subsection
             1515      (1)(e), and of which documented evidence demonstrates not less than 100 of the hours were
             1516      obtained under the direct personal face to face supervision of a clinical social worker approved
             1517      by the division in collaboration with the board;
             1518          (g) have completed a case work, group work, or family treatment course sequence with
             1519      a clinical practicum in content as defined by rule under Section 58-1-203 ; and
             1520          (h) pass the examination requirement established by rule under Section 58-1-203 .
             1521          (2) An applicant for licensure as a certified social worker shall:
             1522          (a) submit an application on a form provided by the division;
             1523          (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504 ;
             1524          (c) be of good moral character;
             1525          (d) produce certified transcripts from an accredited institution of higher education
             1526      recognized by the division in collaboration with the Social Worker Licensing Board verifying
             1527      satisfactory completion of an education and an earned degree as follows:
             1528          (i) a social work education program accredited by the Council on Social Work
             1529      Education and an earned master's degree resulting from completion of that program; or
             1530          (ii) an education program that contains approved clinical social work concentration and
             1531      practicum in content as defined by rule under Section 58-1-203 and an earned doctorate
             1532      resulting from completion of that program; and
             1533          (e) pass the examination requirement established by rule under Section 58-1-203 .
             1534          (3) (a) An applicant for certification as a certified social worker intern shall meet the
             1535      requirements of Subsections (2)(a), (b), (c), and (d).
             1536          (b) Certification under Subsection (3)(a) is limited to the time necessary to pass the
             1537      examination required under Subsection (2)(e) or six months, whichever occurs first.
             1538          (c) A certified social worker intern may provide mental health therapy under the
             1539      general supervision of a clinical social worker.
             1540          (4) An applicant for licensure as a social service worker shall:
             1541          (a) submit an application on a form provided by the division;

             1542          (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504 ;
             1543          (c) be of good moral character;
             1544          (d) produce certified transcripts from an accredited institution of higher education
             1545      recognized by the division in collaboration with the Social Worker Licensing Board verifying
             1546      satisfactory completion of an earned degree resulting from education as follows:
             1547          (i) a bachelor's degree in a social work program accredited by the Council on Social
             1548      Work Education;
             1549          (ii) a master's degree in a field approved by the division in collaboration with the social
             1550      worker board;
             1551          (iii) a bachelor's degree in any field if the applicant:
             1552          (A) [except as provided in Subsection 58-60-205.2 (2),] has completed at least three
             1553      semester hours, or the equivalent, in each of the following areas:
             1554          (I) social welfare policy;
             1555          (II) human growth and development; and
             1556          (III) social work practice methods, as defined by rule; and
             1557          (B) provides documentation that the applicant has completed at least 2,000 hours of
             1558      qualifying experience under the supervision of a mental health therapist, which experience is
             1559      approved by the division in collaboration with the Social Worker Licensing Board, and which
             1560      is performed after completion of the requirements to obtain the bachelor's degree required
             1561      under this Subsection (4); or
             1562          (iv) successful completion of the first academic year of a Council on Social Work
             1563      Education approved master's of social work curriculum and practicum; and
             1564          (e) pass the examination requirement established by rule under Section 58-1-203 .
             1565          (5) The division shall ensure that the rules for an examination described under
             1566      Subsections (1)(h), (2)(e), and (4)(e) allow additional time to complete the examination if
             1567      requested by an applicant who is:
             1568          (a) a foreign born legal resident of the United States for whom English is a second
             1569      language; or

             1570          (b) an enrolled member of a federally recognized Native American tribe.
             1571          Section 29. Section 58-60-206 is amended to read:
             1572           58-60-206. Qualifications for admission to examination.
             1573          All applicants for admission to [any] an examination qualifying an individual for
             1574      licensure under this part shall, before taking the examination:
             1575          (1) submit an application for examination [and licensure] on a form provided by the
             1576      division;
             1577          (2) pay the fee established for the examination; and
             1578          (3) certify under penalty of perjury as evidenced by notarized signature on the
             1579      application for examination [and licensure] that the applicant:
             1580          (a) has completed the education requirement and been awarded the earned degree
             1581      required for licensure; or
             1582          (b) has only one semester, or the equivalent, remaining before the applicant completes
             1583      the education requirement for earning the degree that is required for licensure.
             1584          Section 30. Section 58-60-508 is amended to read:
             1585           58-60-508. Substance use disorder counselor supervisor's qualifications --
             1586      Functions.
             1587          (1) A mental health therapist supervisor of a substance use disorder counselor shall:
             1588          (a) be qualified by education or experience to treat substance use disorders;
             1589          (b) be currently working in the substance use disorder treatment field;
             1590          (c) review substance use disorder counselor assessment procedures and
             1591      recommendations;
             1592          (d) provide substance use disorder diagnosis and other mental health diagnoses in
             1593      accordance with Subsection 58-60-102 (7);
             1594          (e) supervise the development of a treatment plan;
             1595          (f) approve the treatment plan; and
             1596          (g) provide direct supervision for not more than five persons, unless granted an
             1597      exception in writing from the board and the division.

             1598          (2) A supervisor of a certified substance use disorder counselor, certified substance use
             1599      disorder counselor intern, certified advanced substance use disorder counselor, certified
             1600      advanced substance use disorder counselor intern, or licensed substance use disorder counselor
             1601      may:
             1602          (a) be a licensed advanced substance use disorder counselor with:
             1603          (i) until July 1, 2014, at least two years of experience as a substance use disorder
             1604      counselor; or
             1605          (ii) beginning on July 1, 2014, at least two years of experience as a licensed advanced
             1606      substance use disorder counselor; [or]
             1607          (b) be currently working in the substance use disorder field; and
             1608          (c) provide direct supervision for no more than three persons, unless granted an
             1609      exception in writing from the board and the division.
             1610          Section 31. Section 58-61-201 is amended to read:
             1611           58-61-201. Board.
             1612          (1) There is created the Psychologist Licensing Board consisting of four licensed
             1613      psychologists and one member from the general public.
             1614          (2) The board shall be appointed, serve terms, and be compensated in accordance with
             1615      Section 58-1-201 .
             1616          (3) The duties and responsibilities of the board are in accordance with Sections
             1617      58-1-202 and 58-1-203 . In addition, the board shall:
             1618          (a) designate one of its members on a permanent or rotating basis to assist the division
             1619      in review of complaints concerning unlawful or unprofessional practice by a licensee in the
             1620      profession regulated by the board and to advise the division regarding the conduct of
             1621      investigations of the complaints; and
             1622          (b) disqualify [any] a member from acting as presiding officer in [any] an
             1623      administrative procedure in which that member has previously reviewed the complaint or
             1624      advised the division.
             1625          Section 32. Section 58-61-304 is amended to read:

             1626           58-61-304. Qualifications for licensure by examination or endorsement.
             1627          (1) An applicant for licensure as a psychologist based upon education, clinical training,
             1628      and examination shall:
             1629          (a) submit an application on a form provided by the division;
             1630          (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504 ;
             1631          (c) be of good moral character;
             1632          (d) produce certified transcripts of credit verifying satisfactory completion of a doctoral
             1633      degree in psychology that includes specific core course work established by division rule under
             1634      Section 58-1-203 , from an institution of higher education whose doctoral program, at the time
             1635      the applicant received the doctoral degree, met approval criteria established by division rule
             1636      made in consultation with the board;
             1637          (e) have completed a minimum of 4,000 hours of psychology training as defined by
             1638      division rule under Section 58-1-203 in not less than two years and under the supervision of a
             1639      psychologist supervisor approved by the division in collaboration with the board;
             1640          (f) to be qualified to engage in mental health therapy, document successful completion
             1641      of not less than 1,000 hours of supervised training in mental health therapy obtained after
             1642      completion of a master's level of education in psychology, which training may be included as
             1643      part of the 4,000 hours of training required in Subsection (1)(e), and for which documented
             1644      evidence demonstrates not less than one hour of supervision for each 40 hours of supervised
             1645      training was obtained under the direct personal face to face supervision of a psychologist
             1646      approved by the division in collaboration with the board;
             1647          (g) pass the examination requirement established by division rule under Section
             1648      58-1-203 ; and
             1649          (h) meet with the board, upon request for good cause, for the purpose of evaluating the
             1650      applicant's qualifications for licensure.
             1651          (2) An applicant for licensure as a psychologist by endorsement based upon licensure
             1652      in another jurisdiction shall:
             1653          (a) submit an application on a form provided by the division;

             1654          (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504 ;
             1655          (c) be of good moral character and professional standing, and not have any disciplinary
             1656      action pending or in effect against the applicant's psychologist license in any jurisdiction;
             1657          (d) have passed the Utah Psychologist Law and Ethics Examination established by
             1658      division rule;
             1659          (e) provide satisfactory evidence the applicant is currently licensed in another state,
             1660      district, or territory of the United States, or in any other jurisdiction approved by the division in
             1661      collaboration with the board;
             1662          (f) provide satisfactory evidence the applicant has actively practiced psychology in that
             1663      jurisdiction for not less than 2,000 hours or one year, whichever is greater;
             1664          (g) provide satisfactory evidence that:
             1665          (i) the education, supervised experience, examination, and all other requirements for
             1666      licensure in that jurisdiction at the time the applicant obtained licensure were substantially
             1667      equivalent to the licensure requirements for a psychologist in Utah at the time the applicant
             1668      obtained licensure in the other jurisdiction; or
             1669          (ii) the applicant is:
             1670          (A) a current holder of [diplomate] Board Certified Specialist status in good standing
             1671      from the American Board of Professional Psychology;
             1672          (B) currently credentialed as a health service provider in psychology by the National
             1673      Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology; or
             1674          (C) currently holds a Certificate of Professional Qualification (CPQ) granted by the
             1675      Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards; and
             1676          (h) meet with the board, upon request for good cause, for the purpose of evaluating the
             1677      applicant's qualifications for licensure.
             1678          (3) (a) An applicant for certification as a psychology resident shall comply with the
             1679      provisions of Subsections (1)(a), (b), (c), (d), and (h).
             1680          (b) (i) An individual's certification as a psychology resident is limited to the period of
             1681      time necessary to complete clinical training as described in Subsections (1)(e) and (f) and

             1682      extends not more than one year from the date the minimum requirement for training is
             1683      completed, unless the individual presents satisfactory evidence to the division and the
             1684      Psychologist Licensing Board that the individual is making reasonable progress toward passing
             1685      the qualifying examination or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure
             1686      as a psychologist.
             1687          (ii) The period of time under Subsection (3)(b)(i) may not exceed two years past the
             1688      date the minimum supervised clinical training requirement has been completed.
             1689          Section 33. Section 58-67-102 is amended to read:
             1690           58-67-102. Definitions.
             1691          In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102 , as used in this chapter:
             1692          (1) "Ablative procedure" means a procedure that is expected to excise, vaporize,
             1693      disintegrate, or remove living tissue, including the use of carbon dioxide lasers and erbium:
             1694      YAG lasers, and excluding hair removal.
             1695          (2) "ACGME" means the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education of the
             1696      American Medical Association.
             1697          (3) "Administrative penalty" means a monetary fine or citation imposed by the division
             1698      for acts or omissions determined to constitute unprofessional or unlawful conduct, in
             1699      accordance with a fine schedule established by the division in collaboration with the board, as a
             1700      result of an adjudicative proceeding conducted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4,
             1701      Administrative Procedures Act.
             1702          (4) "Board" means the Physicians Licensing Board created in Section 58-67-201 .
             1703          (5) (a) "Cosmetic medical device" means tissue altering energy based devices that have
             1704      the potential for altering living tissue and that are used to perform ablative or nonablative
             1705      procedures, such as American National Standards Institute (ANSI) designated Class IIIb and
             1706      Class IV lasers, intense pulsed light, radio frequency devices, and lipolytic devices, and
             1707      excludes ANSI designated Class IIIa and lower powered devices.
             1708          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), if an ANSI designated Class IIIa and lower
             1709      powered device is being used to perform an ablative procedure, the device is included in the

             1710      definition of cosmetic medical device under Subsection (5)(a).
             1711          (6) "Cosmetic medical procedure":
             1712          (a) includes the use of cosmetic medical devices to perform ablative or nonablative
             1713      procedures; and
             1714          (b) does not include a treatment of the ocular globe such as refractive surgery.
             1715          (7) "Diagnose" means:
             1716          (a) to examine in any manner another person, parts of a person's body, substances,
             1717      fluids, or materials excreted, taken, or removed from a person's body, or produced by a person's
             1718      body, to determine the source, nature, kind, or extent of a disease or other physical or mental
             1719      condition;
             1720          (b) to attempt to conduct an examination or determination described under Subsection
             1721      (7)(a);
             1722          (c) to hold oneself out as making or to represent that one is making an examination or
             1723      determination as described in Subsection (7)(a); or
             1724          (d) to make an examination or determination as described in Subsection (7)(a) upon or
             1725      from information supplied directly or indirectly by another person, whether or not in the
             1726      presence of the person making or attempting the diagnosis or examination.
             1727          (8) "LCME" means the Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the American
             1728      Medical Association.
             1729          (9) "Medical assistant" means an unlicensed individual working under the [direct and
             1730      immediate] indirect supervision of a licensed physician and surgeon and engaged in specific
             1731      tasks assigned by the licensed physician and surgeon in accordance with the standards and
             1732      ethics of the profession.
             1733          (10) (a) (i) "Nonablative procedure" means a procedure that is expected or intended to
             1734      alter living tissue, but is not intended or expected to excise, vaporize, disintegrate, or remove
             1735      living tissue.
             1736          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (10)(a)(i), nonablative procedure includes hair
             1737      removal.

             1738          (b) "Nonablative procedure" does not include:
             1739          (i) a superficial procedure as defined in Section 58-1-102 ;
             1740          (ii) the application of permanent make-up; or
             1741          (iii) the use of photo therapy and lasers for neuromusculoskeletal treatments that are
             1742      performed by an individual licensed under this title who is acting within the individual's scope
             1743      of practice.
             1744          (11) "Physician" means both physicians and surgeons licensed under Section
             1745      58-67-301 , Utah Medical Practice Act, and osteopathic physicians and surgeons licensed under
             1746      Section 58-68-301 , Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act.
             1747          (12) (a) "Practice of medicine" means:
             1748          (i) to diagnose, treat, correct, administer anesthesia, or prescribe for any human
             1749      disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain or other condition, physical or mental, real
             1750      or imaginary, including to perform cosmetic medical procedures, or to attempt to do so, by any
             1751      means or instrumentality, and by an individual in Utah or outside the state upon or for any
             1752      human within the state;
             1753          (ii) when a person not licensed as a physician directs a licensee under this chapter to
             1754      withhold or alter the health care services that the licensee has ordered;
             1755          (iii) to maintain an office or place of business for the purpose of doing any of the acts
             1756      described in Subsection (12)(a) whether or not for compensation; or
             1757          (iv) to use, in the conduct of any occupation or profession pertaining to the diagnosis or
             1758      treatment of human diseases or conditions in any printed material, stationery, letterhead,
             1759      envelopes, signs, or advertisements, the designation "doctor," "doctor of medicine,"
             1760      "physician," "surgeon," "physician and surgeon," "Dr.," "M.D.," or any combination of these
             1761      designations in any manner which might cause a reasonable person to believe the individual
             1762      using the designation is a licensed physician and surgeon, and if the party using the designation
             1763      is not a licensed physician and surgeon, the designation must additionally contain the
             1764      description of the branch of the healing arts for which the person has a license, provided that an
             1765      individual who has received an earned degree of doctor of medicine degree but is not a licensed

             1766      physician and surgeon in Utah may use the designation "M.D." if it is followed by "Not
             1767      Licensed" or "Not Licensed in Utah" in the same size and style of lettering.
             1768          (b) The practice of medicine does not include:
             1769          (i) except for an ablative medical procedure as provided in Subsection (12)(b)(ii), the
             1770      conduct described in Subsection (12)(a)(i) that is performed in accordance with a license issued
             1771      under another chapter of this title;
             1772          (ii) an ablative cosmetic medical procedure if the scope of practice for the person
             1773      performing the ablative cosmetic medical procedure includes the authority to operate or
             1774      perform a surgical procedure; or
             1775          (iii) conduct under Subsection 58-67-501 (2).
             1776          (13) "Prescription device" means an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine,
             1777      contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, and any component
             1778      part or accessory, which is required under federal or state law to be prescribed by a practitioner
             1779      and dispensed by or through a person or entity licensed under this chapter or exempt from
             1780      licensure under this chapter.
             1781          (14) "Prescription drug" means a drug that is required by federal or state law or rule to
             1782      be dispensed only by prescription or is restricted to administration only by practitioners.
             1783          (15) "SPEX" means the Special Purpose Examination of the Federation of State
             1784      Medical Boards.
             1785          (16) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-67-501 .
             1786          (17) "Unprofessional conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-67-502 , and
             1787      as may be further defined by division rule.
             1788          Section 34. Section 58-67-305 is amended to read:
             1789           58-67-305. Exemptions from licensure.
             1790          In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section 58-1-307 , the following
             1791      individuals may engage in the described acts or practices without being licensed under this
             1792      chapter:
             1793          (1) an individual rendering aid in an emergency, when no fee or other consideration of

             1794      value for the service is charged, received, expected, or contemplated;
             1795          (2) an individual administering a domestic or family remedy;
             1796          (3) (a) (i) a person engaged in the sale of vitamins, health foods, dietary supplements,
             1797      herbs, or other products of nature, the sale of which is not otherwise prohibited by state or
             1798      federal law; and
             1799          (ii) a person acting in good faith for religious reasons, as a matter of conscience, or
             1800      based on a personal belief, when obtaining or providing any information regarding health care
             1801      and the use of any product under Subsection (3)(a)(i); and
             1802          (b) Subsection (3)(a) does not:
             1803          (i) allow a person to diagnose any human disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity,
             1804      pain, or other condition; or
             1805          (ii) prohibit providing truthful and non-misleading information regarding any of the
             1806      products under Subsection (3)(a)(i);
             1807          (4) a person engaged in good faith in the practice of the religious tenets of any church
             1808      or religious belief, without the use of prescription drugs;
             1809          (5) an individual authorized by the Department of Health under Section 26-1-30 , to
             1810      draw blood pursuant to Subsection 41-6a-523 (1)(a)(vi), 53-10-405 (2)(a)(vi), or
             1811      72-10-502 (5)(a)(vi);
             1812          (6) a medical assistant while working under the [direct and immediate] indirect
             1813      supervision of a licensed physician and surgeon, to the extent the medical assistant:
             1814          (a) is engaged in tasks appropriately delegated by the supervisor in accordance with the
             1815      standards and ethics of the practice of medicine;
             1816          (b) does not perform surgical procedures;
             1817          (c) does not prescribe prescription medications;
             1818          (d) does not administer anesthesia, anesthesia does not mean a local anesthetic for
             1819      minor procedural use; and
             1820          (e) does not engage in other medical practices or procedures as defined by division rule
             1821      in collaboration with the board;

             1822          (7) an individual engaging in the practice of medicine when:
             1823          (a) the individual is licensed in good standing as a physician in another state with no
             1824      licensing action pending and no less than 10 years of professional experience;
             1825          (b) the services are rendered as a public service and for a noncommercial purpose;
             1826          (c) no fee or other consideration of value is charged, received, expected, or
             1827      contemplated for the services rendered beyond an amount necessary to cover the proportionate
             1828      cost of malpractice insurance; and
             1829          (d) the individual does not otherwise engage in unlawful or unprofessional conduct;
             1830          (8) an individual providing expert testimony in a legal proceeding; and
             1831          (9) an individual who is invited by a school, association, society, or other body
             1832      approved by the division to conduct a clinic or demonstration of the practice of medicine in
             1833      which patients are treated, if:
             1834          (a) the individual does not establish a place of business in this state;
             1835          (b) the individual does not regularly engage in the practice of medicine in this state;
             1836          (c) the individual holds a current license in good standing to practice medicine issued
             1837      by another state, district or territory of the United States, or Canada;
             1838          (d) the primary purpose of the event is the training of others in the practice of
             1839      medicine; and
             1840          (e) neither the patient nor an insurer is billed for the services performed.
             1841          Section 35. Section 58-67-806 is amended to read:
             1842           58-67-806. Representation of medical specialization.
             1843          (1) A physician may not represent to another person that the physician is certified in a
             1844      medical specialty or certified by a particular board unless:
             1845          (a) the physician includes in the representation the name of:
             1846          (i) the certification board or entity; and
             1847          (ii) the medical specialty for which the physician is certified; and
             1848          (b) the board or certification entity meets the requirements of Subsection (2).
             1849          (2) A certification entity or board under Subsection (1) shall meet the following

             1850      qualifications:
             1851          (a) be included in the American Board of Medical Specialties or an American
             1852      Osteopathic Association Certifying Board; [and] or
             1853          (b) (i) require an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or American
             1854      Osteopathic Association approved [post-graduate] postgraduate training program that provides
             1855      complete training in the specialty or [sub-specialty; or] subspeciality; and
             1856          (ii) be certified or had prior certification by the member board of the American Board
             1857      of Medical Specialties or an American Osteopathic Certifying Board.
             1858          Section 36. Section 58-68-102 is amended to read:
             1859           58-68-102. Definitions.
             1860          In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102 , as used in this chapter:
             1861          (1) "Ablative procedure" means a procedure that is expected to excise, vaporize,
             1862      disintegrate, or remove living tissue, including the use of carbon dioxide lasers and erbium:
             1863      YAG lasers, and excluding hair removal.
             1864          (2) "ACGME" means the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education of the
             1865      American Medical Association.
             1866          (3) "Administrative penalty" means a monetary fine imposed by the division for acts or
             1867      omissions determined to constitute unprofessional or unlawful conduct, as a result of an
             1868      adjudicative proceeding conducted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
             1869      Procedures Act.
             1870          (4) "AOA" means the American Osteopathic Association.
             1871          (5) "Board" means the Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon's Licensing Board created in
             1872      Section 58-68-201 .
             1873          (6) (a) "Cosmetic medical device" means tissue altering energy based devices that have
             1874      the potential for altering living tissue and that are used to perform ablative or nonablative
             1875      procedures, such as American National Standards Institute (ANSI) designated Class IIIb and
             1876      Class IV lasers, intense pulsed light, radio frequency devices, and lipolytic devices and
             1877      excludes ANSI designated Class IIIa and lower powered devices.

             1878          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (6)(a), if an ANSI designated Class IIIa and lower
             1879      powered device is being used to perform an ablative procedure, the device is included in the
             1880      definition of cosmetic medical device under Subsection (6)(a).
             1881          (7) "Cosmetic medical procedure":
             1882          (a) includes the use of cosmetic medical devices to perform ablative or nonablative
             1883      procedures; and
             1884          (b) does not include a treatment of the ocular globe such as refractive surgery.
             1885          (8) "Diagnose" means:
             1886          (a) to examine in any manner another person, parts of a person's body, substances,
             1887      fluids, or materials excreted, taken, or removed from a person's body, or produced by a person's
             1888      body, to determine the source, nature, kind, or extent of a disease or other physical or mental
             1889      condition;
             1890          (b) to attempt to conduct an examination or determination described under Subsection
             1891      (8)(a);
             1892          (c) to hold oneself out as making or to represent that one is making an examination or
             1893      determination as described in Subsection (8)(a); or
             1894          (d) to make an examination or determination as described in Subsection (8)(a) upon or
             1895      from information supplied directly or indirectly by another person, whether or not in the
             1896      presence of the person making or attempting the diagnosis or examination.
             1897          (9) "Medical assistant" means an unlicensed individual working under the [direct and
             1898      immediate ] indirect supervision of a licensed osteopathic physician and surgeon and engaged
             1899      in specific tasks assigned by the licensed osteopathic physician and surgeon in accordance with
             1900      the standards and ethics of the profession.
             1901          (10) (a) (i) "Nonablative procedure" means a procedure that is expected or intended to
             1902      alter living tissue, but is not expected or intended to excise, vaporize, disintegrate, or remove
             1903      living tissue.
             1904          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (10)(a)(i), nonablative procedure includes hair
             1905      removal.

             1906          (b) "Nonablative procedure" does not include:
             1907          (i) a superficial procedure as defined in Section 58-1-102 ;
             1908          (ii) the application of permanent make-up; or
             1909          (iii) the use of photo therapy lasers for neuromusculoskeletal treatments that are
             1910      preformed by an individual licensed under this title who is acting within the individual's scope
             1911      of practice.
             1912          (11) "Physician" means both physicians and surgeons licensed under Section
             1913      58-67-301 , Utah Medical Practice Act, and osteopathic physicians and surgeons licensed under
             1914      Section 58-68-301 , Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act.
             1915          (12) (a) "Practice of osteopathic medicine" means:
             1916          (i) to diagnose, treat, correct, administer anesthesia, or prescribe for any human
             1917      disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition, physical or mental, real
             1918      or imaginary, or to attempt to do so, by any means or instrumentality, which in whole or in part
             1919      is based upon emphasis of the importance of the musculoskeletal system and manipulative
             1920      therapy in the maintenance and restoration of health, by an individual in Utah or outside of the
             1921      state upon or for any human within the state;
             1922          (ii) when a person not licensed as a physician directs a licensee under this chapter to
             1923      withhold or alter the health care services that the licensee has ordered;
             1924          (iii) to maintain an office or place of business for the purpose of doing any of the acts
             1925      described in Subsection (12)(a) whether or not for compensation; or
             1926          (iv) to use, in the conduct of any occupation or profession pertaining to the diagnosis or
             1927      treatment of human diseases or conditions, in any printed material, stationery, letterhead,
             1928      envelopes, signs, or advertisements, the designation "doctor," "doctor of osteopathic medicine,"
             1929      "osteopathic physician," "osteopathic surgeon," "osteopathic physician and surgeon," "Dr.,"
             1930      "D.O.," or any combination of these designations in any manner which might cause a
             1931      reasonable person to believe the individual using the designation is a licensed osteopathic
             1932      physician, and if the party using the designation is not a licensed osteopathic physician, the
             1933      designation must additionally contain the description of the branch of the healing arts for which

             1934      the person has a license, provided that an individual who has received an earned degree of
             1935      doctor of osteopathic medicine but is not a licensed osteopathic physician and surgeon in Utah
             1936      may use the designation "D.O." if it is followed by "Not Licensed" or "Not Licensed in Utah"
             1937      in the same size and style of lettering.
             1938          (b) The practice of osteopathic medicine does not include:
             1939          (i) except for an ablative medical procedure as provided in Subsection (12)(b)(ii), the
             1940      conduct described in Subsection (12)(a)(i) that is performed in accordance with a license issued
             1941      under another chapter of this title;
             1942          (ii) an ablative cosmetic medical procedure if the scope of practice for the person
             1943      performing the ablative cosmetic medical procedure includes the authority to operate or
             1944      perform a surgical procedure; or
             1945          (iii) conduct under Subsection 58-68-501 (2).
             1946          (13) "Prescription device" means an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine,
             1947      contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, and any component
             1948      part or accessory, which is required under federal or state law to be prescribed by a practitioner
             1949      and dispensed by or through a person or entity licensed under this chapter or exempt from
             1950      licensure under this chapter.
             1951          (14) "Prescription drug" means a drug that is required by federal or state law or rule to
             1952      be dispensed only by prescription or is restricted to administration only by practitioners.
             1953          (15) "SPEX" means the Special Purpose Examination of the Federation of State
             1954      Medical Boards.
             1955          (16) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-68-501 .
             1956          (17) "Unprofessional conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-68-502 and as
             1957      may be further defined by division rule.
             1958          Section 37. Section 58-68-305 is amended to read:
             1959           58-68-305. Exemptions from licensure.
             1960          In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section 58-1-307 , the following
             1961      individuals may engage in the described acts or practices without being licensed under this

             1962      chapter:
             1963          (1) an individual rendering aid in an emergency, when no fee or other consideration of
             1964      value for the service is charged, received, expected, or contemplated;
             1965          (2) an individual administering a domestic or family remedy;
             1966          (3) (a) (i) a person engaged in the lawful sale of vitamins, health foods, dietary
             1967      supplements, herbs, or other products of nature, the sale of which is not otherwise prohibited
             1968      by state or federal law; and
             1969          (ii) a person acting in good faith for religious reasons, as a matter of conscience, or
             1970      based on a personal belief, when obtaining or providing any information regarding health care
             1971      and the use of any product under Subsection (3)(a)(i); and
             1972          (b) Subsection (3)(a) does not:
             1973          (i) permit a person to diagnose any human disease, ailment, injury, infirmity,
             1974      deformity, pain, or other condition; or
             1975          (ii) prohibit providing truthful and non-misleading information regarding any of the
             1976      products under Subsection (3)(a)(i);
             1977          (4) a person engaged in good faith in the practice of the religious tenets of any church
             1978      or religious belief without the use of prescription drugs;
             1979          (5) an individual authorized by the Department of Health under Section 26-1-30 , to
             1980      draw blood pursuant to Subsection 41-6a-523 (1)(a)(vi), 53-10-405 (2)(a)(vi), or
             1981      72-10-502 (5)(a)(vi);
             1982          (6) a medical assistant while working under the [direct and immediate] indirect
             1983      supervision of a licensed osteopathic physician, to the extent the medical assistant:
             1984          (a) is engaged in tasks appropriately delegated by the supervisor in accordance with the
             1985      standards and ethics of the practice of medicine;
             1986          (b) does not perform surgical procedures;
             1987          (c) does not prescribe prescription medications;
             1988          (d) does not administer anesthesia, anesthesia does not mean a local anesthetic for
             1989      minor procedural use; and

             1990          (e) does not engage in other medical practices or procedures as defined by division rule
             1991      in collaboration with the board;
             1992          (7) an individual engaging in the practice of osteopathic medicine when:
             1993          (a) the individual is licensed in good standing as an osteopathic physician in another
             1994      state with no licensing action pending and no less than 10 years of professional experience;
             1995          (b) the services are rendered as a public service and for a noncommercial purpose;
             1996          (c) no fee or other consideration of value is charged, received, expected, or
             1997      contemplated for the services rendered beyond an amount necessary to cover the proportionate
             1998      cost of malpractice insurance; and
             1999          (d) the individual does not otherwise engage in unlawful or unprofessional conduct;
             2000          (8) an individual providing expert testimony in a legal proceeding; and
             2001          (9) an individual who is invited by a school, association, society, or other body
             2002      approved by the division in collaboration with the board to conduct a clinic or demonstration of
             2003      the practice of medicine in which patients are treated, if:
             2004          (a) the individual does not establish a place of business in this state;
             2005          (b) the individual does not regularly engage in the practice of medicine in this state;
             2006          (c) the individual holds a current license in good standing to practice medicine issued
             2007      by another state, district or territory of the United States, or Canada;
             2008          (d) the primary purpose of the event is the training of others in the practice of
             2009      medicine; and
             2010          (e) neither the patient nor an insurer is billed for the services performed.
             2011          Section 38. Repealer.
             2012          This bill repeals:
             2013          Section 58-37c-4, Board.
             2014          Section 58-61-303, Status of licenses held on the effective date of this chapter.

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