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H.B. 379 Enrolled
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies provisions relating to registration requirements for motor vehicles
10 owned by a rental company.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 . provides definitions;
14 . authorizes an alternative special registration card and registration decals for license
15 plates to be issued for a motor vehicle that is:
16 . owned by a rental company; and
17 . maintained in the rental company's rental fleet;
18 . provides that the alternative special registration card and registration decals for
19 license plates are valid for the life of the motor vehicle while the motor vehicle is
20 maintained in the rental fleet;
21 . requires an owner of a motor vehicle that receives the alternative special registration
22 card and registration decals for license plates issued to:
23 . renew the registration; and
24 . comply with all the prerequisites for registration or registration renewal; and
25 . provides that if the registration renewal requirements are not complied with, the
26 registration is suspended or revoked.
27 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
28 None
29 Other Special Clauses:
30 None
31 Utah Code Sections Affected:
33 41-1a-232, Utah Code Annotated 1953
35 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
36 Section 1. Section 41-1a-232 is enacted to read:
37 41-1a-232. Special rental company vehicle registration decals and license plates.
38 (1) As used in this section:
39 (a) "Rental agreement" has the same meaning as defined in Section 31A-22-311 .
40 (b) "Rental company" has the same meaning as defined in Section 31A-22-311 .
41 (c) "Rental fleet" means more than 25 motor vehicles that are:
42 (i) owned by a rental company;
43 (ii) offered for rental without a hired driver through a rental agreement; and
44 (iii) designated by the registered owner of the motor vehicle as a rental fleet vehicle at
45 the time of registration.
46 (2) (a) Beginning on the date that the division has implemented the division's GenTax
47 system, an owner that registers a motor vehicle under Section 41-1a-215 or 41-1a-215.5 may
48 obtain an alternative special registration card and registration decals for the license plates if the
49 motor vehicle is:
50 (i) owned by a rental company; and
51 (ii) maintained in the rental company's rental fleet.
52 (b) The registration card and registration decals for the license plates issued under
53 Subsection (2)(a) are valid for the life of the motor vehicle while the motor vehicle is
54 maintained in the rental fleet.
55 (3) (a) An owner that receives the alternative special registration card and registration
56 decals for the license plates issued under this section shall:
57 (i) renew the registration in accordance with Section 41-1a-216 ; and
58 (ii) comply with all the prerequisites for registration or registration renewal under
59 Section 41-1a-203 .
60 (b) Notwithstanding the registration renewals requirement under Subsection
61 41-1a-216 (2)(b), the alternative special registration card and registration decals issued under
62 this section do not expire and are valid for the life of the motor vehicle while the motor vehicle
63 is maintained in the rental fleet.
64 (4) If the registration renewal requirements under Subsection (3)(a) are not complied
65 with, the registration is suspended or revoked.
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