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H.B. 143





Chief Sponsor: LaVar Christensen

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Mobile Home Park Residency Act.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    defines terms;
             13          .    modifies the circumstances under which a violation of a mobile home park rule will
             14      allow a mobile home park to terminate a resident's lease;
             15          .    increases the notification period required for an increase in rent or fees;
             16          .    states that the fees charged to a resident shall be reasonable;
             17          .    upon written request from a resident, requires a mobile home park to provide
             18      written verification that the service charges assessed to the resident do not exceed
             19      the mobile home park's actual costs;
             20          .    upon written request from a resident, requires a mobile home park to provide a
             21      written explanation of a refusal to approve a prospective purchaser;
             22          .    modifies the circumstances under which a mobile home park may require a mobile
             23      home to be removed from a mobile home park;
             24          .    increases the notice requirements associated with dispute resolution meetings;
             25          .    modifies certain cure periods required before a mobile home park can terminate a
             26      lease for failure to comply with a mobile home park rule;
             27          .    modifies the effective date of certain new and amended mobile home park rules;

             28          .    modifies a mobile home park's entitlement to summary judgment if a resident fails
             29      to pay rent;
             30          .    under certain circumstances, provides a resident 120 days to sell the resident's
             31      mobile home after the mobile home park terminates the governing rental agreement;
             32      and
             33          .    makes technical changes.
             34      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             35          None
             36      Other Special Clauses:
             37          None
             38      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             39      AMENDS:
             40          57-16-2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1981, Chapter 178
             41          57-16-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 255
             42          57-16-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 94
             43          57-16-4.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 255
             44          57-16-5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 255
             45          57-16-6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 3 and 55
             46          57-16-7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 255
             47          57-16-7.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1997, Chapter 114
             48          57-16-8, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1981, Chapter 178
             49          57-16-11, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1981, Chapter 178
             50          57-16-13, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 91
             51      ENACTS:
             52          57-16-15.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             54      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             55          Section 1. Section 57-16-2 is amended to read:
             56           57-16-2. Purpose of chapter.
             57          The fundamental right to own and protect land and to establish conditions for its use by
             58      others necessitate that the owner of a mobile home park be provided with speedy and adequate

             59      remedies against those who [abuse] materially default on the terms of a tenancy. The high cost
             60      of moving mobile homes, the limited availability of suitable alternative locations to place a
             61      mobile home, the requirements of mobile home parks relating to their installation, and the cost
             62      of landscaping and lot preparation necessitate that the owners of mobile homes occupied within
             63      mobile home parks be provided with protection from actual or constructive eviction. It is the
             64      purpose of this chapter to provide protection for both the owners of mobile homes located in
             65      mobile home parks and for the owners of mobile home parks.
             66          Section 2. Section 57-16-3 is amended to read:
             67           57-16-3. Definitions.
             68          As used in this chapter:
             69          (1) "Amenities" means the following physical, recreational or social facilities located at
             70      a mobile home park:
             71          (a) a club house;
             72          (b) a park;
             73          (c) a playground;
             74          (d) a swimming pool;
             75          (e) a hot tub;
             76          (f) a tennis court; or
             77          (g) a basketball court.
             78          (2) "Change of use" means a change of the use of a mobile home park, or any part of it,
             79      for a purpose other than the rental of mobile home spaces.
             80          (3) "Fees" means [other] charges incidental to a resident's tenancy and disclosed in the
             81      lease, including[, but not limited to,] late fees, charges for pets, charges for storage of
             82      recreational vehicles, charges for the use of park facilities, and security deposits.
             83          (4) "Last known address" means the address provided by a resident in the latest rental
             84      agreement or the address provided by the resident in a subsequent notice of a change of
             85      address.
             86          [(4)] (5) "Mobile home" means a transportable structure in one or more sections with
             87      the plumbing, heating, and electrical systems contained within the unit, which when erected on
             88      a site, may be used with or without a permanent foundation as a family dwelling.
             89          [(5)] (6) "Mobile home park" means any tract of land on which two or more mobile

             90      home spaces are leased, or offered for lease or rent, to accommodate mobile homes for
             91      residential purposes.
             92          [(6)] (7) "Mobile home space" means a specific area of land within a mobile home park
             93      designed to accommodate one mobile home.
             94          [(7)] (8) "Rent" means charges paid for the [privilege of occupying] contractual right to
             95      occupy a mobile home space[, and may include service charges and fees] pursuant to a
             96      mutually agreed upon lease.
             97          [(8)] (9) "Resident" means an individual who leases or rents space in a mobile home
             98      park.
             99          (10) "Residential services" includes improvements for electric and gas service that
             100      exist at a mobile home space and service for trash removal, sewage, and water.
             101          [(9)] (11) "Service charges" means [separate charges paid for the use of electrical and
             102      gas service improvements which exist at a mobile home space, or for trash removal, sewage
             103      and water, or any combination of the above.] the costs actually incurred by a mobile home park
             104      owner for residential services, including maintenance expenses.
             105          [(10)] (12) "Settlement discussion expiration" means:
             106          (a) the resident has failed to give a written notice of dispute within the period specified
             107      in Subsection 57-16-4.1 (2); or
             108          (b) the resident and management of the mobile home park have met together under
             109      Subsection 57-16-4.1 (3) but were unsuccessful in resolving the dispute in their meeting.
             110          Section 3. Section 57-16-4 is amended to read:
             111           57-16-4. Termination of lease or rental agreement -- Required contents of lease --
             112      Increases in rents or fees -- Sale of homes -- Notice regarding planned reduction or
             113      restriction of amenities.
             114          (1) A mobile home park or its agents may not terminate a lease or rental agreement
             115      upon any ground other than as specified in this chapter.
             116          (2) [Each] An agreement for the lease of mobile home space shall be written and
             117      signed by the [parties] resident and the mobile home park owner.
             118          (3) [Each] A lease shall [contain at least] include the following information:
             119          (a) the name and address of the mobile home park owner and any persons authorized to
             120      act [for the owner] on the owner's behalf, upon whom notice and service of process may be

             121      served;
             122          (b) the type of the leasehold, whether it be term or periodic[, and,];
             123          (c) in leases entered into on or after May 6, 2002, a conspicuous disclosure describing
             124      the protection a resident has under [Subsection (1)] this chapter against unilateral termination
             125      of the lease by the mobile home park except for the causes described in Section 57-16-5 ;
             126          [(c)] (d) (i) a [full disclosure of] complete description, including the amount, of all
             127      rent, service charges, and other fees [presently being charged on a periodic basis] charged to
             128      the resident as of the date on which the lease is executed; and
             129          (ii) a full disclosure of the mobile home park's utility infrastructure [owned by the
             130      mobile home park owner or its agent] that is maintained through agreed upon service charges
             131      and fees charged by the mobile home park owner or its agent;
             132          [(d)] (e) the date or dates on which the payment of rent, fees, and service charges are
             133      due; and
             134          [(e)] (f) all rules that pertain to the mobile home park that, if materially broken and not
             135      cured after reasonable notice as described in Section 57-16-5 , may constitute grounds for
             136      eviction, including, in leases entered into on or after May 6, 2002, a conspicuous disclosure
             137      regarding:
             138          (i) the causes for which the mobile home park may terminate the lease as described in
             139      Section 57-16-5 ; and
             140          (ii) the resident's rights to:
             141          (A) terminate the lease at any time without cause, upon giving the notice specified in
             142      the resident's lease; and
             143          (B) advertise and sell the resident's mobile home.
             144          (4) (a) [Increases] Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), an increase in rent or fees
             145      [for periodic tenancies are] is unenforceable until [60] 120 days after the day on which the
             146      written notice of the increase is mailed or delivered to the resident.
             147          (b) If service charges are not included in the rent, [the] a mobile home park may:
             148          (i) increase service charges during the leasehold period after giving notice to the
             149      resident; and
             150          (ii) pass through actual verifiable increases or decreases in electricity rates to the
             151      resident.

             152          (c) Annual income to the park for service charges may not exceed the actual cost to the
             153      mobile home park of providing the services on an annual basis.
             154          [(d) In determining the costs of the services, the mobile home park may include
             155      maintenance costs related to those utilities that are part of the service charges.]
             156          (d) Within 10 days after the day on which a mobile home park receives a written
             157      request from a resident, the mobile home park shall give the resident written verification that
             158      any service charges charged to the resident reflect actual costs incurred by the mobile home
             159      park.
             160          (e) The amount of fees charged by a mobile home park shall be reasonable.
             161          [(e)] (f) The mobile home park may not alter the date on which rent, fees, and service
             162      charges are due unless the mobile home park provides a 60-day written notice to the resident
             163      before the day on which the date is altered.
             164          (5) (a) [Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a] A rule or condition of a lease that
             165      purports to prevent or unreasonably limit the sale of a mobile home belonging to a resident is
             166      void and unenforceable.
             167          (b) The mobile home park owner may:
             168          (i) [may] subject to Subsection (5)(c), reserve the right to approve [the] a prospective
             169      purchaser of a mobile home who intends to become a resident;
             170          [(ii) may not unreasonably withhold that approval;]
             171          [(iii)] (ii) [may] require proof of ownership as a condition of approval; [or] and
             172          [(iv)] (iii) [may unconditionally] refuse to approve [any] a purchaser of a mobile home
             173      [who] that does not register with the mobile home park before purchasing the mobile home.
             174          (c) A mobile home park owner may not unreasonably withhold approval of a
             175      prospective purchaser under Subsection (5)(b).
             176          (d) If a mobile home park owner withholds approval of a prospective purchaser
             177      described in Subsection (5)(b), the mobile home park owner shall, upon written request from
             178      the resident, give the resident a written explanation of the reasons for its decision within 10
             179      days after the day on which the written request is received.
             180          (6) If all of the conditions of Section 41-1a-116 are met, a mobile home park may
             181      request the names and addresses of the lienholder or owner of any mobile home located in the
             182      park from the Motor Vehicle Division.

             183          (7) (a) A mobile home park may not restrict a resident's right to advertise for sale or to
             184      sell a mobile home.
             185          (b) A mobile home park may limit the size of a "for sale" sign affixed to the mobile
             186      home to not more than 144 square inches.
             187          (8) A mobile home park may not compel a resident who wishes to sell a mobile home
             188      to sell it, either directly or indirectly, through an agent designated by the mobile home park.
             189          (9) [A] Subject to the terms of the governing lease, a mobile home park may require
             190      that a mobile home be removed from the park upon sale if:
             191          (a) the mobile home park wishes to upgrade the quality of the mobile home park; and
             192          [(b) the mobile home either does not meet minimum size specifications or is in a
             193      rundown condition or is in disrepair.]
             194          (b) in comparison with the other mobile homes in the park, the resident's mobile home
             195      is in a severely rundown condition or is in gross disrepair;
             196          (c) the mobile home park gives the resident written notice that states:
             197          (i) the reasonably necessary upgrades or repairs;
             198          (ii) the reason the upgrades or repairs are necessary; and
             199          (iii) a reasonable date, not fewer than 60 days after the day on which the notice is sent,
             200      by which the listed upgrades or repairs must be completed; and
             201          (d) the resident does not complete the upgrades or repairs described in the notice
             202      within the time described in Subsection (9)(b)(iii).
             203          (10) Within 30 days after a mobile home park proposes reducing or restricting
             204      amenities, the mobile home park shall:
             205          (a) schedule at least one meeting for the purpose of discussing the proposed restriction
             206      or reduction of amenities with residents; and
             207          (b) provide at least 10 days advance written notice of the date, time, location, and
             208      purposes of the meeting to each resident.
             209          (11) If a mobile home park uses a single-service meter, the mobile home park owner
             210      shall include a full disclosure on a resident's utility bill of the resident's utility charges.
             211          (12) The mobile home park shall have a copy of this chapter posted at all times in a
             212      conspicuous place in the mobile home park.
             213          Section 4. Section 57-16-4.1 is amended to read:

             214           57-16-4.1. Meeting to attempt resolution of disputes.
             215          (1) If a mobile home park determines that a resident has materially failed to comply
             216      with a mobile home park rule that substantially and adversely affects the interests of the mobile
             217      home park, the mobile home park may not terminate the lease agreement or commence legal
             218      proceedings without first giving a written notice of noncompliance to the resident. The written
             219      notice of noncompliance shall:
             220          (a) specify in detail each and every rule violation then claimed by the mobile home
             221      park; and
             222          (b) advise the resident of the resident's rights under Subsection (2).
             223          (2) If the resident disputes the occurrences of noncompliance claimed by the mobile
             224      home park in the written notice of noncompliance, the resident has the right to require
             225      management of the mobile home park to participate in a meeting with the resident by giving to
             226      the mobile home park, within [five] 15 days after [receiving] the resident receives the written
             227      notice of noncompliance, a written notice disputing the occurrences of breach and requesting a
             228      meeting with management of the mobile home park to attempt to resolve the dispute. If the
             229      resident fails to give the mobile home park a written notice of dispute within the [seven-day]
             230      15-day period, the resident's right to request a meeting under this section is considered to be
             231      waived.
             232          (3) If [the] a resident or a resident's representative gives a timely written notice under
             233      Subsection (2), the resident, the resident's attorney or other representative, if any, and
             234      management of the mobile home park shall meet in person in a settlement discussion to attempt
             235      to resolve the dispute between the parties. The meeting shall take place within [two] five days
             236      after the day on which the resident gives the written notice under Subsection (2), unless both
             237      parties agree to a later date.
             238          (4) Subsections (1), (2), and (3) do not apply to a rule violation arising from:
             239          (a) behavior described in Subsection 57-16-5 (1)(c); or
             240          (b) nonpayment or rent, fees, or service charges.
             241          (5) A resident and a mobile home park shall consider, and may engage in, mediation or
             242      arbitration to resolve any disputes.
             243          Section 5. Section 57-16-5 is amended to read:
             244           57-16-5. Cause required for terminating lease -- Causes -- Cure periods -- Notice.

             245          (1) An agreement for the lease of mobile home space in a mobile home park may be
             246      terminated by mutual agreement or for any [one or more] of the following causes:
             247          (a) material failure of a resident to comply with a mobile home park rule that
             248      substantially and adversely affects the interests of the mobile home park:
             249          (i) relating to repair, maintenance, or construction of awnings, skirting, decks, or sheds
             250      for a period of 60 days after receipt by a resident of a written notice of substantial
             251      noncompliance from the mobile home park under Subsection 57-16-4.1 (1); or
             252          (ii) relating to any [other] park rule that substantially and adversely affects the interests
             253      of a mobile home park, for a period of seven days after the [latter to occur of] later of the
             254      settlement discussion expiration or receipt by the resident of a written notice of noncompliance,
             255      described in Subsection 57-16-4.1 (1), from the mobile home park[, except relating to
             256      maintenance of a resident's yard and space, the mobile home park may elect not to proceed
             257      with the seven-day cure period and may provide the resident with written notice as provided in
             258      Subsection (2)];
             259          (b) repeated failure of a resident to abide by a mobile home park rule that substantially
             260      and adversely affects the interests of the mobile home park, if the original written notice of
             261      noncompliance, described in Subsection 57-16-4.1 (1), states that another violation of the same
             262      or a different rule might result in forfeiture without any further period of cure;
             263          (c) behavior by a resident or any other person who resides with a resident, or who is an
             264      invited guest or visitor of a resident, that threatens or substantially endangers the security,
             265      safety, well-being, or health of other persons in the park or threatens or damages property in the
             266      park including:
             267          (i) use or distribution of illegal drugs;
             268          (ii) distribution of alcohol to minors; or
             269          (iii) commission of a crime against property or a person in the park;
             270          (d) nonpayment of rent, fees, or service charges without cause for a period of [five] 15
             271      days after the due date;
             272          (e) a change in the land use or condemnation of the mobile home park [or any part of
             273      it]; or
             274          (f) a prospective resident provides materially false information on the application for
             275      residency regarding the prospective resident's criminal history.

             276          [(2) If the mobile home park elects not to proceed with the seven-day cure period in
             277      Subsection (1)(a)(ii), a 15-day written notice of noncompliance shall:]
             278          [(a) state that if the resident does not perform the resident's duties or obligations under
             279      the lease agreement or rules of the mobile home park within 15 days after receipt by the
             280      resident of the written notice of noncompliance, the mobile home park may enter onto the
             281      resident's space and cure any default;]
             282          [(b) state the expected reasonable cost of curing the default;]
             283          [(c) require the resident to pay all costs incurred by the mobile home park to cure the
             284      default by the first day of the month following receipt of a billing statement from the mobile
             285      home park;]
             286          [(d) state that the payment required under Subsection (2)(b) shall be considered
             287      additional rent; and]
             288          [(e) state that the resident's failure to make the payment required by Subsection (2)(b)
             289      in a timely manner shall be a default of the resident's lease and shall subject the resident to all
             290      other remedies available to the mobile home park for a default, including remedies available
             291      for failure to pay rent.]
             292          Section 6. Section 57-16-6 is amended to read:
             293           57-16-6. Action for lease termination -- Prerequisite procedure.
             294          A legal action to terminate a lease based upon a cause set forth in Section 57-16-5 may
             295      not be commenced except in accordance with the [following procedure:] requirements of this
             296      section.
             297          (1) [Before issuance of any] In accordance with Subsection (2), before issuing a
             298      summons and complaint, the mobile home park shall send [or serve] written notice to the
             299      resident [or person]:
             300          (a) by delivering a copy of the notice personally;
             301          (b) by sending a copy of the notice through registered or certified mail [addressed to
             302      the resident or person at the person's place of residence], postage prepaid, to the resident's last
             303      known address;
             304          (c) if the resident [or person] is absent from the [person's place of residence] resident's
             305      last known address, by leaving a copy of the notice with [some] a person of suitable age and
             306      discretion at the [individual's residence] resident's last known address and sending a copy

             307      through registered or certified mail [addressed to the resident or person at the person's place of
             308      residence], postage prepaid, to the resident's last known address; or
             309          (d) if a person of suitable age or discretion cannot be found, and the resident's last
             310      known address is not the resident's mobile home, by affixing a copy of the notice in a
             311      conspicuous place on the resident's [or person's] mobile home and [also] sending a copy
             312      through registered or certified mail [addressed to the resident or person at the person's place of
             313      residence], postage prepaid, to the resident's last known address.
             314          (2) The notice [required by] described in Subsection (1) shall [set forth] state:
             315          (a) the cause for the notice and[, if the cause is one which can be cured,] the time
             316      within which the resident or person [has] is required to cure; and
             317          (b) the time after which the mobile home park may commence legal action against the
             318      resident or person if cure is not effected, as follows:
             319          (i) [In] in the event of a material failure to abide by a mobile home park rule[, the
             320      notice shall provide for] that substantially and adversely affects the interests of the mobile
             321      home park, a mobile home park may issue a summons and complaint after the day on which a
             322      cure period, as provided in [Subsections] Subsection 57-16-5 (1)(a) [and (2), except in the case
             323      of repeated violations and, shall state that if a cure is not timely effected, or a written
             324      agreement made between the mobile home park and the resident allowing for a variation in the
             325      rule or cure period, eviction proceedings may be initiated immediately.], or otherwise agreed to
             326      by the mobile home park and the resident, expires;
             327          (ii) [If] if a resident, a member, or an invited guest or visitor of the resident's household
             328      commits repeated violations of a rule[,] that substantially and adversely affects the interests of
             329      the mobile home park, the mobile home park may issue a summons and complaint [may be
             330      issued] three days after [a] the day on which the notice is served[.];
             331          (iii) [If] if a resident, a member, or an invited guest or visitor of the resident's
             332      household behaves in a manner that threatens or substantially endangers the well-being,
             333      security, safety, or health of other persons in the park or threatens or damages property in the
             334      park, eviction proceedings may commence immediately[.];
             335          (iv) [If] if a resident does not pay rent, fees, or service charges, [the notice shall
             336      provide a five-day cure period and, that if cure is not timely effected, or a written agreement
             337      made between the mobile home park and the resident allowing for a variation in the rule or

             338      cure period, eviction proceedings may be initiated immediately.] the mobile home park may
             339      issue a summons and complaint after the 15-day cure period expires, or as otherwise agreed to
             340      by the mobile home park and the resident; or
             341          (v) [If] if, without cause, a lease is terminated because of a planned change in land use
             342      or condemnation of the park or a portion of the park, the notice required by Section 57-16-18
             343      serves as notice of the termination of the lease.
             344          (3) (a) Eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter and based on causes set
             345      forth in Subsections 57-16-5 (1)(a), (b), (d), and (e) shall be brought in accordance with the
             346      Utah Rules of Civil Procedure and may not be treated as unlawful detainer actions under Title
             347      78B, Chapter 6, Part 8, Forcible Entry and Detainer.
             348          (b) Eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter and based on causes of action
             349      set forth in [Subsections] Subsection 57-16-5 (1)(c) [and (d)] may, at the election of the mobile
             350      home park, be treated as actions brought under this chapter and the unlawful detainer
             351      provisions of Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 8, Forcible Entry and Detainer.
             352          (c) If unlawful detainer is charged, the court shall endorse on the summons the number
             353      of days within which the defendant is required to appear and defend the action, which shall not
             354      be less than five days or more than 20 days from the date of service.
             355          Section 7. Section 57-16-7 is amended to read:
             356           57-16-7. Rules of parks.
             357          (1) (a) A mobile home park may [promulgate] adopt rules related to the health, safety,
             358      and appropriate conduct of residents and to the maintenance and upkeep of [such] the park.
             359      [No change in rule that is unconscionable is valid.] An unreasonable, unconscionable rule is
             360      not valid.
             361          (b) (i) [No new or amended rule shall] A properly adopted new or amended rule may
             362      not take effect[, nor] or provide the basis for an eviction notice, until the expiration of at least:
             363          (A) [120] 180 days after [its promulgation] the day on which the rule is adopted, if [it
             364      is a rule that] the rule requires a resident to make exterior, physical improvements to the
             365      resident's mobile home or mobile home space and to incur expenses equal to or greater than
             366      $2,000 in order to comply with the rule;
             367          (B) [90] 120 days after [its promulgation] the day on which the rule is adopted, if [it is
             368      a rule that] the rule requires a resident to make exterior, physical improvements to the resident's

             369      mobile home or mobile home space and to incur expenses greater than $250 [up to], but less
             370      than $2,000, in order to comply with the rule; or
             371          (C) [60] 90 days after [its promulgation] the day on which the rule is adopted, if [it is a
             372      rule that] the rule requires a resident to make exterior, physical improvements to the resident's
             373      mobile home or mobile home space and to incur expenses of $250 or less in order to comply
             374      with the rule.
             375          (ii) [Each resident, as] As a condition precedent to a new or amended rule under this
             376      Subsection (1)(b) becoming effective, the mobile home park shall [be provided] provide each
             377      resident with a copy of [each] the new or amended rule [that does not appear in the resident's
             378      lease agreement promptly upon promulgation of the rule] and a written explanation of the need
             379      for the new or amended rule.
             380          (iii) For purposes of determining which period of time applies under Subsection
             381      (1)(b)(i), the mobile home park may rely upon a good-faith estimate obtained by the mobile
             382      home park from a licensed contractor.
             383          (c) Within 30 days after the day on which the mobile home park proposes amendments
             384      to the mobile home park rules, the mobile home park shall schedule at least one meeting for the
             385      purpose of discussing the proposed rule amendments with residents and shall provide at least
             386      10 days advance written notice of the date, time, location, and purposes of the meeting to all
             387      residents.
             388          (2) A mobile home park may specify the type of material used, and the methods used in
             389      the installation of, underskirting, awnings, porches, fences, or other additions or alterations to
             390      the exterior of a mobile home, and may also specify the tie-down equipment used in a mobile
             391      home space, in order to insure the safety and good appearance of the park; but under no
             392      circumstances may it require a resident to purchase such material or equipment from a supplier
             393      designated by the mobile home park.
             394          (3) No mobile home park may charge an entrance fee, exit fee, nor installation fee, but
             395      reasonable landscaping and maintenance requirements may be included in the mobile home
             396      park rules. The resident is responsible for all costs incident to connection of the mobile home
             397      to existing mobile home park facilities and for the installation and maintenance of the mobile
             398      home on the mobile home space.
             399          (4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a mobile home park from

             400      requiring a reasonable initial security deposit.
             401          Section 8. Section 57-16-7.5 is amended to read:
             402           57-16-7.5. Payment of rent required after notice.
             403          (1) [(a) Any] A resident shall continue to pay the mobile home park all rent required by
             404      the lease after [having been] the resident is served with [any] a notice pursuant to this chapter,
             405      except a notice for nonpayment of rent.
             406          (2) A resident does not waive any claims, defenses, or rights available under this
             407      chapter or at law or equity, including setoff, by paying rent described in Subsection (1)(a).
             408          [(b)] (3) In cases not involving payment of rent, the mobile home park may accept rent
             409      without waiving any rights under this chapter.
             410          [(2) If the resident fails to pay rent, the mobile home park shall be entitled to summary
             411      judgment for:]
             412          [(a) the rent owed;]
             413          [(b) termination of the lease; and]
             414          [(c) restitution of the premises.]
             415          [(3) The summary judgment as provided in Subsection (2) shall be granted even if a
             416      five-day notice to pay or quit was not served, so long as another appropriate notice under this
             417      chapter has been served.]
             418          Section 9. Section 57-16-8 is amended to read:
             419           57-16-8. Payment of rent and fees during pendency of eviction proceeding.
             420          If a resident elects to contest an eviction proceeding, all rents, fees, and service charges
             421      due and incurred during the pendency of the action shall be paid into court according to the
             422      current mobile home park payment schedule. [Failure of the resident to pay such amounts may,
             423      in the discretion of the court, constitute grounds for granting summary judgment in favor of the
             424      mobile home park.] Upon final termination of the issues between the parties, the court shall
             425      order all amounts paid into court paid to the mobile home park. The prevailing party is also
             426      entitled to court costs and reasonable [attorney's] attorney fees.
             427          Section 10. Section 57-16-11 is amended to read:
             428           57-16-11. Rights and remedies not exclusive.
             429          The rights and remedies granted to a resident and a mobile home park by this chapter
             430      are cumulative and not exclusive.

             431          Section 11. Section 57-16-13 is amended to read:
             432           57-16-13. Abandonment.
             433          Abandonment of a mobile home space and a mobile home within a mobile home park is
             434      presumed in either of the following situations:
             435          (1) (a) the resident or occupant of the mobile home has not notified the park that the
             436      resident or occupant will be absent from the mobile home space or mobile home, and the
             437      resident or occupant fails to pay rent within [45] 90 days after the due date; and
             438          (b) the mobile home park owner has no reasonable evidence, other than the presence of
             439      the resident's or occupant's personal property, that the resident or occupant is continuing to
             440      occupy the mobile home space and the mobile home; or
             441          (2) (a) the resident or occupant of the mobile home has not notified the park that the
             442      resident or occupant will be absent from the mobile home space where the mobile home is
             443      located, and the resident or occupant fails to pay rent when due; and
             444          (b) the resident's or occupant's personal property has been removed from the mobile
             445      home, and there is no reasonable evidence that the resident or occupant is occupying the mobile
             446      home space or mobile home.
             447          Section 12. Section 57-16-15.5 is enacted to read:
             448          57-16-15.5. Right to sell following lease termination.
             449          (1) If a mobile home park lawfully terminates a rental agreement under this chapter, the
             450      resident may elect, by written notice to the mobile home park, to sell the resident's mobile
             451      home rather than relocate the resident's mobile home.
             452          (2) If the resident gives the mobile home park written notice of election to sell the
             453      mobile home under Subsection (1) within 10 days after the day on which the rental agreement
             454      is lawfully terminated:
             455          (a) the resident shall sell the mobile home within 120 days after the day on which the
             456      mobile home park terminates the rental agreement; and
             457          (b) the mobile home park has a lien on the proceeds of the sale of the resident's mobile
             458      home for the amount of rent, service charges, and fees that accrue from the day the resident
             459      gives written notice under Subsection (1) until the day on which the mobile home is sold.
             460          (3) If the resident is not able to sell the resident's mobile home in the time described in
             461      Subsection (1)(a), the resident shall vacate the mobile home park in accordance with the terms

             462      of the rental agreement and this chapter.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-12-13 5:49 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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