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H.B. 362





Chief Sponsor: Daniel McCay

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill enacts provisions relating to collective bargaining meetings between public
             10      employers and public employee labor organizations.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    requires collective bargaining meetings between public employers and public
             14      employee labor organizations to be open to the public;
             15          .    requires public employers to provide public notice of a collective bargaining
             16      meeting;
             17          .    requires public employers to keep minutes of collective bargaining meetings and to
             18      make audio recordings of those meetings; and
             19          .    requires public employers to make minutes and audio recordings available to the
             20      public.
             21      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      ENACTS:
             27          34-20a-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             28          34-20a-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          34-20a-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30          34-20a-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             33          Section 1. Section 34-20a-101 is enacted to read:


Part 1. General Provisions

             37          34-20a-101. Title.
             38          This chapter is known as "Collective Bargaining Meetings with Public Employers."
             39          Section 2. Section 34-20a-102 is enacted to read:
             40          34-20a-102. Definitions.
             41          As used in this chapter:
             42          (1) "Collective bargaining meeting" means a meeting between one or more
             43      representatives of a public employer and one or more representatives of a public employee
             44      labor organization for the purpose of discussing, negotiating, or making a collective agreement
             45      between the public employer and the public employee labor organization.
             46          (2) "Public employee" means an employee of a public employer.
             47          (3) "Public employer" means:
             48          (a) the state or any department, division, agency, or other instrumentality of the state,
             49      including an institution of higher education; or
             50          (b) a county, city, town, school district, local district, special service district, or other
             51      political subdivision of the state.
             52          (4) "Public employee labor organization" means an organization of any kind, in which
             53      public employees participate, that exists, in whole or in part, for the purpose of dealing with
             54      public employers on behalf of public employees about employee concerns relating to
             55      employment, including grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment,
             56      and conditions of work.
             57          Section 3. Section 34-20a-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Collective Bargaining Meetings

             59          34-20a-201. Collective bargaining meetings open to the public -- Notice of
             60      meeting.
             61          (1) A collective bargaining meeting shall be open to the public.
             62          (2) (a) A public employer shall give written public notice of a collective bargaining
             63      meeting, as provided in Subsection (2)(b), at least 24 hours in advance.
             64          (b) A notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
             65          (i) state the date, time, and location of the collective bargaining meeting;
             66          (ii) state the subject matter to be addressed at the collective bargaining meeting; and
             67          (iii) be posted:
             68          (A) at the principal office of the public employer;
             69          (B) at the location of the collective bargaining meeting; and
             70          (C) electronically on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701 .
             71          Section 4. Section 34-20a-202 is enacted to read:
             72          34-20a-202. Minutes and audio recording of collective bargaining meeting.
             73          (1) (a) A public employer shall:
             74          (i) prepare minutes of a collective bargaining meeting; and
             75          (ii) make an audio recording of a collective bargaining meeting.
             76          (b) Minutes under Subsection (1)(a)(i) shall include:
             77          (i) the date, time, and location of the collective bargaining meeting;
             78          (ii) the name of each public employer and public labor organization representative
             79      present at the meeting;
             80          (iii) the substance of all matters discussed, proposed, or decided at the meeting; and
             81          (iv) if applicable, a record of any action taken or decided upon at the meeting.
             82          (c) An audio recording under Subsection (1)(a)(ii) shall:
             83          (i) be a complete and unedited audio record of all portions of a collective bargaining
             84      meeting from its commencement through its adjournment; and
             85          (ii) be accurately labeled with the date, time, and location of the meeting.
             86          (2) (a) Within 10 business days after a collective bargaining meeting is held, a public
             87      employer shall:
             88          (i) make minutes of the meeting available to the public; and
             89          (ii) post the minutes on the public employer's Internet website, if the public employer

             90      has an Internet website.
             91          (b) Within three business days after a collective bargaining meeting is held, a public
             92      employer shall:
             93          (i) make an audio recording of the meeting available to the public; and
             94          (ii) post the audio recording on the public employer's Internet website, if the public
             95      employer has an Internet website.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-21-13 10:17 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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