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H.B. 393
8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions related to competency-based education.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . requires that, before the 2014 General Session, the State Board of Education make
13 recommendations on a possible funding formula for competency-based courses; and
14 . allows a school district or charter school to establish competency-based curriculum
15 standards and assessments that would result in course credit if the student
16 demonstrates competency in the subject.
17 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18 None
19 Other Special Clauses:
20 None
21 Utah Code Sections Affected:
23 53A-1-409, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 19
25 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26 Section 1. Section 53A-1-409 is amended to read:
27 53A-1-409. Competency-based education -- Recommendations -- Coordination.
28 (1) As used in this section:
29 (a) "Competency" means a demonstrable acquisition of a specified knowledge, skill, or
30 ability that has been organized into a hierarchical arrangement leading to higher levels of
31 knowledge, skill, or ability.
32 (b) "Competency-based education" means an education approach that requires
33 [
34 that aid and facilitate the acquisition of specified competencies on an individual basis wherein
35 [
36 the student is able.
37 (c) "Gain score" means the measured difference of a student's score at the beginning
38 and end of a time period that may be aggregated at the class, grade, school, and school district
39 levels.
40 (2) The State Board of Education shall:
41 (a) provide expertise to and consult with local school boards [
42 charter schools relating to competency-based education and progress-based assessments;
43 (b) before the beginning of the 2014 General Session of the Legislature, make
44 recommendations to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee, including the amount
45 and allocation of public education money, based upon both new public education money and
46 the reallocation of money required to develop and implement:
47 (i) competency-based education and progress-based assessments;
48 (ii) (A) a weighted competency unit that distributes public education money based on
49 student achievement resulting from competency-based program objectives, strategies, and
50 standards; and
51 (B) a course-level funding formula that distributes funds to school districts and charter
52 schools that establish competency-based curriculum standards;
53 (iii) a plan to assist students, teachers, schools, and districts that need remediation
54 based upon Subsections (2)(b)(i) and (ii);
55 (iv) the reallocation of teaching resources from noncore electives into grades 1-3, 7-12
56 math, and 7-12 English; and
57 (v) a teacher development program focused on achieving progress in core academics,
58 including instruction in explicit, systematic, and intensive phonics for teachers in grades
59 kindergarten through 3;
60 (c) assist school districts and charter schools to develop and implement:
61 (i) competency-based education and competency-based curriculum standards; and
62 (ii) the use of gain scores; and
63 (d) develop and use monetary and nonmonetary incentives, tools, and rewards to
64 encourage school districts and charter schools to accomplish the items described under
65 [
66 (3) A funding formula described in Subsection (2)(b)(ii)(B) shall:
67 (a) base the funding for a competency-based course on a proportionate amount of the
68 weighted pupil unit;
69 (b) partially distribute funds based on initial enrollment;
70 (c) distribute remaining funds based on a student's successful completion of a course
71 through demonstrated competency; and
72 (d) not be dependent on the amount of time a student is instructed in the course or the
73 age of the student.
74 (4) (a) A local school board or a charter school governing board may establish
75 competency-based curriculum standards that exceed the minimum standards established by the
76 State Board of Education under Section 53A-1-402 .
77 (b) In establishing the competency-based curriculum standards described in Subsection
78 (4)(a), a local school board or a charter school governing board shall ensure that the standards:
79 (i) promote greater educational achievement for students;
80 (ii) allow a student to progress through the curriculum to graduation at the student's
81 own pace;
82 (iii) foster student advancement based on competency and not chronological age of the
83 student;
84 (iv) eliminate requirements for the student to be in a classroom for a certain amount of
85 time; and
86 (v) prepare students for admission to higher education institutions in the United States
87 without the need for remediation.
88 (5) A local school board or charter school governing board that establishes
89 competency-based curriculum standards under Subsection (4) shall:
90 (a) establish assessments to accurately measure competency;
91 (b) provide the assessments to an enrolled student at no cost to the student;
92 (c) award credit to a student who demonstrates competency;
93 (d) submit the competency-based curriculum standards to the State Board of Education
94 for review; and
95 (e) publish the competency-based curriculum standards on its website or by other
96 electronic means readily accessible to the public.
97 (6) A local school board or charter school governing board may:
98 (a) on a random lottery-based basis, limit enrollment to courses that have been
99 designated as competency-based courses;
100 (b) allow for online learning options at no additional charge to an enrolled student,
101 accessible at any time from any location that a student, parent, or guardian may choose;
102 (c) waive or adapt traditional attendance requirements;
103 (d) adjust class sizes to maximize the value of course instructors or course mentors;
104 (e) enroll students from any geographic location within the state; and
105 (f) provide proctored online competency-based assessments.
Legislative Review Note
as of 3-1-13 11:46 AM