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H.B. 414






Chief Sponsor: Eric K. Hutchings

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the composition of the Traumatic Spinal Cord and Brain Injury
             11      Rehabilitation Fund to include a fee associated with the registration of an off-highway
             12      vehicle.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    amends the composition of the Traumatic Spinal Cord and Brain Injury
             16      Rehabilitation Fund to include the additional fee for traumatic spinal cord and brain
             17      injury rehabilitation associated with the registration fee required to register an
             18      off-highway vehicle; and
             19          .    establishes a fee for traumatic spinal cord and brain injury rehabilitation that is
             20      included with the registration fee required to register an off-highway vehicle.
             21      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          26-54-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 226

             28      ENACTS:
             29          41-22-35.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 26-54-102 is amended to read:
             33           26-54-102. Creation -- Traumatic Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation
             34      Fund.
             35          (1) Because the state finds that persons with traumatic spinal cord and brain injuries
             36      require intensive, focused, and specific rehabilitation there is created a restricted special
             37      revenue fund entitled the Traumatic Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Fund.
             38          (2) The fund shall consist of:
             39          (a) gifts, grants, donations, or any other conveyance of money that may be made to the
             40      fund from private sources;
             41          (b) a portion of the impound fee as designated in Section 41-6a-1406 ; [and]
             42          (c) fees collected under Section 41-22-34.5 ; and
             43          [(c)] (d) amounts as appropriated by the Legislature.
             44          (3) The fund shall be administered by the executive director of the Department of
             45      Health in consultation with the advisory committee created in Section 26-54-103 .
             46          (4) A "qualified IRC 501(c)(3) charitable clinic" means a professional medical clinic
             47      that:
             48          (a) provides services for people in this state with traumatic spinal cord and brain
             49      injuries who require post-acute-care;
             50          (b) employs licensed therapy clinicians; and
             51          (c) has no less than five years experience operating a post-acute-care rehabilitation
             52      clinic in the state.
             53          (5) Fund money shall be used to assist qualified IRC 501(c)(3) charitable clinics to
             54      provide:
             55          (a) physical, occupational, and speech therapy; and
             56          (b) equipment necessary for daily living activities for people with spinal cord and brain
             57      injuries.
             58          (6) All actual and necessary operating expenses for the advisory committee and staff

             59      shall be paid by the fund.
             60          Section 2. Section 41-22-35.5 is enacted to read:
             61          41-22-35.5. Fee for traumatic spinal cord and brain injury rehabilitation --
             62      Amount -- Deposition.
             63          (1) In addition to the fees imposed under Sections 41-22-8 , 41-22-33 , and 41-22-34 , a
             64      fee of 25 cents, to help fund the Traumatic Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Fund,
             65      is imposed on each off-highway vehicle required to be registered under Section 41-22-3 .
             66          (2) The fee imposed under this section shall be collected in the same manner and by the
             67      same agency designated to collect the fees imposed under this chapter.
             68          (3) The fees collected under this section shall be deposited into the Traumatic Spinal
             69      Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Fund.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 3-8-13 10:42 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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