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S.B. 126





Chief Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

House Sponsor: Paul Ray

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill creates a veterans' services coordinator position and requires certain
             10      government entities to provide data to the Utah Department of Veterans' Affairs.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    creates a veterans' coordinator position and qualifications;
             14          .    requires government entities to designate a veterans' services specialist within each
             15      entity;
             16          .    requires contractors receiving government entity funds to participate;
             17          .    provides for training of agency veterans' services specialists; and
             18          .    requires an annual report to the Government Operations Interim Committee.
             19      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             20          None
             21      Other Special Clauses:
             22          None
             23      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             24      AMENDS:
             25          71-8-1, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapters 173 and 329
             26          71-8-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 173
             27      ENACTS:

             28          71-8-5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          71-8-6, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30          71-9-6, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             33          Section 1. Section 71-8-1 is amended to read:
             34           71-8-1. Definitions.
             35          As used in this chapter:
             36          (1) "Contractor" means a person who is or may be awarded a government entity
             37      contract.
             38          [(1)] (2) "Council" means the Veterans' Advisory Council.
             39          [(2)] (3) "Department" means the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
             40          [(3)] (4) "Executive director" means the executive director of the Department of
             41      Veterans' Affairs.
             42          [(4)] (5) "Government entity" means the state and any county, municipality, local
             43      district, special service district, and any other political subdivision or administrative unit of the
             44      state, including state institutions of education.
             45          (6) "Specialist" means a full-time employee of a government entity who is tasked with
             46      responding to and assisting veterans who are employed by or come to the entity for assistance.
             47          [(5)] (7) "Veteran" means:
             48          (a) an individual who has served on active duty in the armed forces for at least 180
             49      consecutive days or was a member of a reserve component, and who has been separated or
             50      retired under honorable conditions; or
             51          (b) any individual incurring an actual service-related injury or disability in the line of
             52      duty whether or not that person completed 180 days of active duty.
             53          Section 2. Section 71-8-3 is amended to read:
             54           71-8-3. Duties of executive director -- Services to veterans.
             55          The executive director shall:
             56          (1) be responsible for the administration and the operation or support of the following
             57      veteran-related operations:
             58          (a) Utah State Veterans' Nursing Homes and Programs;

             59          (b) Utah State Veterans' Cemetery and Memorial Park;
             60          (c) Title 71, Chapter 10, Veteran's Preference;
             61          (d) any locally or federally funded programs for homeless veterans within the state; and
             62          (e) any federally funded education services for veterans within the state;
             63          (2) maintain liaison with local, state, and federal veterans' agencies and with Utah
             64      veterans' organizations;
             65          (3) provide current information so that veterans, their surviving spouses and family
             66      members, and Utah veterans' organizations will be aware of benefits to which they are, or may
             67      become, entitled;
             68          (4) reach out and assist veterans and their families in applying for benefits and
             69      services;
             70          (5) develop and maintain a system for determining how many veterans are employed
             71      by the various government entities within the state and keeping track of them; [and]
             72          (6) cooperate with other state entities in the receipt of information to create and
             73      maintain a record of veterans in Utah[.]; and
             74          (7) report annually to the Government Operations Interim Committee on the:
             75          (a) services provided to veterans; and
             76          (b) coordination of veterans' services by government entities with the department
             77      including the preparation of an annual report.
             78          Section 3. Section 71-8-5 is enacted to read:
             79          71-8-5. Veterans' services coordinator qualifications -- Duties.
             80          (1) The veterans' services coordinator shall:
             81          (a) be a veteran;
             82          (b) have the education and experience in the use of computer technology, including
             83      databases, to collect, manage, and store information; and
             84          (c) have some education and experience in public relations.
             85          (2) The veterans' services coordinator shall be responsible to:
             86          (a) identify all government entities that provide services for veterans;
             87          (b) develop a process for coordination of veterans' services across all government
             88      entities; and
             89          (c) develop and provide training for veterans' affairs specialists on the coordination of

             90      veterans' services with the department.
             91          Section 4. Section 71-8-6 is enacted to read:
             92          71-8-6. Government entity participation.
             93          (1) Each government entity that provides services to or for veterans shall:
             94          (a) assign a full-time employee who is a veteran as a veterans' services specialist to
             95      coordinate the provision of veterans' services with the department; and
             96          (b) provide the department with nonprotected or nonprivate information about services
             97      provided to veterans.
             98          (2) Each governmental entity that provides services to veterans shall post on the entity's
             99      website:
             100          (a) all services available for veterans from the entity and the contact information for the
             101      veterans' services specialist; and
             102          (b) a link to the department with the contact information for the veterans' services
             103      coordinator.
             104          (3) Each government entity that does not provide services to veterans shall, upon a
             105      request for services by a veteran, direct the veteran to contact the department and provide the
             106      veteran with the department contact information.
             107          Section 5. Section 71-9-6 is enacted to read:
             108          71-9-6. Government entity veterans' affairs specialist -- Duties -- Training.
             109          (1) Each government entity providing veterans with services shall appoint or designate
             110      a full-time employee as a veterans' affairs specialist.
             111          (2) The veterans' affairs specialist shall:
             112          (a) coordinate the provision of veterans' services by the government entity with the
             113      department; and
             114          (b) attend annual training by the department on coordination processes including
             115      providing nonprotected or nonprivate information to the department.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-14-12 10:55 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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