House of Representatives State of Utah



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         P.O. BOX 145030 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5030 . (801) 538-1029         March 1, 2013

Madam Speaker:

    The Business and Labor Committee recommends H.B. 75, OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSING AMENDMENTS, by Representative B. Greene, be replaced and reports a favorable recommendation on 2nd Sub. H.B. 75, OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSING AMENDMENTS with the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 38 through 42 :    

             38          .    requires that legislation proposing the licensing or regulation of an occupation or
             39      profession under Title 58, Occupations and Professions:
             40              .    may not be enacted by the Legislature

{   until   }        unless       the proposal has been reviewed by

             41      the committee
  or the proposed legislation contains a provision that expressly exempts the legislation from requiring review by the committee       ; and

             42              .    shall include a repeal date in Section 63I-1-258 that is no later than 10 years

2.    Page 7, Lines 191 through 201 :    

             191          (iii) a record of the vote for each action taken by the committee.
{   [(3)] (4) The committee may[: (a) conduct a sunrise review of any proposal to newly

             193      regulate an occupation or profession; (b) conduct any other review referred to it by the
             194      Legislature, the Legislative Management Committee, or other legislative committee; or (c)]
             195      conduct any other review or study related to regulation of an occupation or profession under
             196      Title 58, Occupations and Professions[.], including:
             197          (a) using the criteria described for a sunrise or sunset review described in Section

             198      36-23-107 , the review of an occupation or profession that is not scheduled for future
             199      termination under Section 63I-1-258 ; and
             200          (b) a study or review of administrative rules related to an occupation or profession.  

             201          Section 7. Section 36-23-107 is amended to read:

3.    Page 10, Lines 276 through 283 :    

             276          Legislation proposing the licensing or regulation of an occupation or profession under
             277      Title 58, Occupations and Professions, that is not currently subject to licensing or regulation
             278      under Title 58, Occupations and Professions:
             279          (1) may not be enacted by the Legislature unless

a proposal to license or regulate the

             280      occupation or profession has been reviewed by the Occupational and Professional Licensure
             281      Review Committee as described in Title 36, Chapter 23, Occupational and Professional
             282      Licensure Review Committee Act;

(b) the proposed legislation contains a provision that expressly exempts the legislation from the review requirement of Subsection 1(a);  

             283          (2) is subject to a reauthorization schedule as described in Title 63I, Chapter 1,


    James A. Dunnigan
    Committee Chair

Voting: 11-2-3
7 HB0075.HC1.wpd 3/1/13 7:01 pm bhowe/BRH PLA/BNC

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