House of Representatives
State of Utah
February 25, 2013
Madam Speaker:
The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 173, NECESSARILY
EXISTENT SMALL SCHOOLS FUNDING AMENDMENTS, by Representative K. Powell, with the
following amendments and recommends it be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Francis D. Gibson
Voting: 12-0-4
1. Page
1, Line 20
This bill provides an effective date.
2. Page
2, Line 29
(1) As used in this section
, "board"
(a) "Board"
(a) the amount appropriated for the necessarily existent small schools program
in a fiscal year; and
(b) the amount distributed to school districts for the necessarily existent small
schools program in the same fiscal year.
3. Page
3, Lines 69 through 71
(8) An amount not to exceed five percent of the total necessarily existent
small schools
funding may be distributed in accordance with a formula adopted by the board that
the tax effort of a local school board.
(8)(a) Subject to Subsection (8)(b), the board may distribute a portion of
necessarily existent small schools funding in accordance with a formula adopted by
the board that considers the tax effort of a local school board.
(b) The amount distributed in accordance with Subsection (8)(a) may not
exceed the necessarily existent small schools funding balance of the prior fiscal
4. Page
3, Line 74
[state] board.
Section 2. Effective date.
This bill takes effect on July 1, 2013.
Committee Chair
4 HB0173.HC1.wpd 2/25/13 6:42 pm csteffen/CCS AOS/CCS
Bill Number