House of Representatives State of Utah



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         P.O. BOX 145030 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5030 . (801) 538-1029

        March 1, 2013

Madam Speaker:

    The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 344, ESTABLISHMENT OF CHARTER SCHOOLS AMENDMENTS, by Representative D. Lifferth, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 13 through 17 :    

             13          .    requires the State Charter School Board to request applications to establish a:
             14              .    military charter school;
             15              .    charter school whose mission is to enhance learning opportunities for students at
             16      risk of academic failure;

{   and   }

             17              .    charter school whose focus is career and technical education;

        . single gender charter school; or
        . charter school with an international focus that provides opportunities for the exchange of students or teachers with foreign schools;  

2.    Page 1, Lines 18 through 19 :    

             18          .    
{   allows   }        requires       the State Charter School Board to request applications to establish other

             19      charter schools that meet the unique learning styles and needs of students;

3.    Page 2, Lines 41 through 47 :    

             41          (2) (a) The State Charter School Board shall request individuals, groups of individuals,
             42      or not-for-profit legal entities to submit an application to the State Charter School Board to
             43      establish:
             44          (i) a military charter school;
             45          (ii) a charter school whose mission is to enhance learning opportunities for students at
             46      risk of academic failure;
{   or   }

             47          (iii) a charter school whose focus is career and technical education
{   .   }        ;

    (iv) a single gender charter school; or
    (v) a charter school with an international focus that provides opportunities for the exchange of students or teachers.  

4.    Page 2, Lines 48 through 50 :    

             48          (b) In addition to a charter school identified in Subsection (2)(a), the State Charter
             49      School Board
{   may   }        shall       request applications for other types of charter schools that meet the unique

             50      learning styles and needs of students.


    Francis D. Gibson
    Committee Chair

Voting: 9-0-7
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