House of Representatives
State of Utah
March 5, 2013
Madam Speaker:
The Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee reports a favorable
recommendation on H.B. 365, SWINE AMENDMENTS, by Representative J. Mathis, with the
following amendments:
Voting: 13-2-1
1. Page
1, Lines 11 through 13
This bill:
. amends provisions prohibiting the release of swine on public or private property
hunting purposes
; and
. requires the Department of Agriculture and Food to make rules relating to the
release of swine on private property for hunting purposes.
2. Page
1, Line 25
or private] property for
hunting purposes.
(2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
the department shall make rules regulating the release of swine on private property
for hunting purposes.
Michael E. Noel
Committee Chair
3 HB0365.HC1.wpd 3/5/13 6:53 pm ballred/JBA TJN/AMN
Bill Number