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P.O. BOX 145115 * SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5115 * (801) 538-1035

        February 14, 2013

Mr. President:

    The Business and Labor Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 64, HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RESERVE ACCOUNT AMENDMENTS, by Senator S. Urquhart, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 7, Lines 201 through 211 :    

             201          (6)

{   An   }        Each year that a new or updated reserve analysis is completed, an       association of unit owners shall:

             202          (a)
{   annually,   } at the annual meeting of unit owners or at a special meeting of unit

             203      owners:
             204          (i) present the reserve [study] analysis; [and]
             205          (ii) [provide an opportunity for unit owners to] discuss reserves and [to] the reserve
             206      analysis; and
             207          (iii) vote [on], by a majority of unit owners
  present at the annual meeting of unit owners       , whether to fund a reserve fund [and, if so,

             208      how to fund it and in what amount] in the manner and amount suggested in the reserve analysis
             209      or in some other manner and amount; and
             210          (b) prepare and keep minutes of each meeting held under Subsection (6)(a) and
             211      indicate in the minutes any decision relating to funding a reserve fund.

2.    Page 11, Line 331 through Page 12, Line 340 :    

             331          (6)
{   An   }        Each year that a new or updated reserve analysis is completed, an       association shall:

             332          (a)
{   annually,   } at the annual meeting of lot owners or at a special meeting of lot owners:

             333          (i) present the reserve [study] analysis; [and]
             334          (ii) [provide an opportunity for lot owners to] discuss reserves and [to] the reserve
             335      analysis; and
             336          (iii) vote [on], by a majority of lot owners
  present at the annual meeting of lot owners       , whether to fund a reserve fund [and, if so,

             337      how to fund it and in what amount] in the manner and amount suggested in the reserve analysis
             338      or in some other manner and amount; and
             339          (b) prepare and keep minutes of each meeting held under Subsection (6)(a) and
             340      indicate in the minutes any decision relating to funding a reserve fund.


        Curtis S. Bramble
        Committee Chair

Voting: 4-0-3
3 SB0064.SC1.wpd bhowe/BRH CRG/BRH 2/15/13 8:00 am

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