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P.O. BOX 145115 * SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5115 * (801) 538-1035         February 20, 2013

Mr. President:

    The Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 181, POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS PROPERTY AMENDMENTS, by Senator W. Harper, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 11 :    


     consideration in the form of   } fair market value for the property.

2.    Page 1, Line 17 :    

{   consideration in the form of   } fair market value for the property; and

3.    Page 6, Lines 165 through 170 :    

             165          (1) "Consideration" means something

of value given or done in exchange for

             166      something given or done by another, including money, a service, or labor
{   .   }        ; or

        (b) provided in the public interest supporting health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of a political subdivision.  

             167          (2) "Educational entity" means
{   :

             168          (a)  
a school district or charter school
{   ; and

             169          (b) an institution of higher education as described in Section 53B-2-101  
             170          (3) "Fair market value" means the
{   amount   }        consideration       at which property would change hands

4.    Page 7, Line 197 :    

             197      dispose of property without receiving
{   consideration in the form of   } fair market

value for the

5.    Page 7, Line 204 :    

             204          (i)
  subject to Subsection (3),       a record requested in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records

6.    Page 7, Line 206 :    

             206          (ii) is requested for a purpose, including media purposes, other than commercial use;
{   or   }

7.    Page 7, Line 208 :    

             208      political subdivision, or the federal government
{   .   }        ;      

  (f) the acquisition or disposal of property in accordance with Section 10-8-2; or

     (g) any transfer of property specifically authorized by law.
    (3)(a) If a records request has apparent significant commercial value, the custodian of the property may require the requestor to attest in writing, under penalty of perjury, whether the material is to be used for commercial resale purposes.
    (b) If the request is for commercial resale purposes, the requestor shall pay fair market value for the property as provided in Subsection (1).  


        Margaret Dayton
        Committee Chair

Voting: 4-1-2
3 sb0181.sc1.wpd rnorth/RCN VA/JTW 2/20/13 2:51 pm

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