This bill coordinates with H.B. 302, Emergency Response Amendments, by
providing substantive and technical corrections.
2. Page
2, Line 33
63J-1-602.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 71, 341, and 398
Utah Code Sections Affected by Coordination Clause:
53-2-404, (Effective 05/01/13), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter
63J-1-602.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 71, 341, and 398
3. Page
7, Lines 192 through 193
emergency disaster services] may expend or commit to expend money described in
(2)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii) to fund costs to the state of emergency disaster services if,
at the
4. Page
10, Lines 276 through 277
Section 7. Effective date.
This bill takes effect on July 1, 2013.
Section 8. Coordinating H.B. 223 with H.B. 302 -- Substantive and technical
If this H.B. 223 and H.B. 302, Emergency Response Amendments, both pass and
become law, it is the intent of the Legislature that:
(1) Subsection 53-2-404(1) shall be amended to read:
"(1) Subject to this section and Section [53-2-403] 53-2a-603 , the division [shall
expend or commit to expend money described in Subsection 53-2-403(1)(d)(i) to fund
costs to the state of emergency disaster services] may expend or commit to expend money
described in Subsection 53-2a-603(2)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii) to fund costs to the state of
emergency disaster services if, at the discretion of the division, the expenditure is
necessary in response to the disaster ."
(2) Subsection 63J-1-602.3(2) shall be amended to read:
"(2) Appropriations made to the Division of Emergency Management from the
State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account, as provided in Section 53-2a-603. ";
(3) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel make these changes
when preparing the Utah Code database for publication.
The motion to amend the bill passed unanimously with Rep. Perry and Rep. Powell absent for the
Spoke in favor of the bill: Kris Hamlet, Division of Emergency Management
MOTION: Rep. Grover moved to pass H.B. 223. The motion passed unanimously with Rep.
Noel absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Perry moved to place H.B. 223 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Noel absent for the vote.
H.B. 125 Interstate Local Emergency Response Act (Rep. C. Oda)
Rep. Oda introduced the bill to the committee.
Spoke in favor of the bill: Mr. Coy Porter, State Fire Marshall
MOTION: Rep. Perry moved to pass H.B. 125 out favorably. The motion passed
MOTION: Rep. Grover moved to place H.B. 125 on the Consent Calendar. The motion
passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Grover moved to adjourn the meeting.
Vice Chair Ivory adjourned the meeting at 3:49 p.m.
Rep. Jack Draxler, Chair