county auditor
(a) adopt a proposed tax rate, or, if the tax rate is not more than the certified tax rate,
The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Gibson and Rep. Sagers absent for the vote.
Spoke for the bill: Mr. Brent Marshall, Mayor, Grantsville, Utah
Mr. Roger Tew, Utah League of Cities and Towns
MOTION: Rep. Froerer moved to move to the next item on the agenda. The motion failed with
Rep. Anderegg, Rep. Eliason, Rep. Hutchings, Rep. King, Rep. Knotwell, Rep.
Sagers, Rep. Stanard, Rep. Tanner, Rep. Nielson, and Rep. Wilcox voting in
opposition and Rep. Briscoe, Rep. Cosgrove, Rep. Gibson, and Rep. McIff absent for
the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Sagers moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously
with Rep. Briscoe, Rep. Cosgrove, and Rep. McIff absent for the vote.
H.J.R. 4 Joint Resolution on Remote Sales (Rep. S. Eliason)