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415 State Capitol, Utah State Capitol Complex
March 6, 2013

Members Present:        Sen. Scott K. Jenkins, Chair
                Sen. Allen M. Christensen
                Sen. Jim Dabakis
                Sen. David P. Hinkins
                Sen. Evan Vickers
Members Absent:        Sen. Peter C. Knudson
                Sen. Ralph Okerlund            

Staff Present:            Mr. J Brian Allred, Policy Analyst        
                Ms. Lorna Wells, Secretary

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Jenkins called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

MOTION:    Sen. Christensen moved to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2013 and March 5, 2013 meetings. The motion passed unanimously.

S.B. 275 Energy Amendments (J. S. Adams)

MOTION:    Sen. Christensen moved to amend S.B. 275 as follows:

1.    Page 2, Line 52 :    

             52      state;

2.    Page 2, Lines 54 through 55 :    

             54      governor
[[   ; and   ]]        .      

[[   (i) an individual employed by an electrical corporation, appointed by the governor.   ]]

3.    Page 3, Line 67 :    

             67          (a) consideration of the role that
[[   public utilities   ]]        gas corporations       should play in the enhancement and

            The motion passed unanimously.

Sen. Adams introduced and explained the bill.

Spoke in favor of the bill:                Mr. Wesley Smith, Executive Vice President, Salt Lake Chamber

Spoke in opposition to the bill:    Ms. Michele Beck, Director, Utah Office of Consumer Services
                        Ms. Claire Geddes, Citizen
                        Ms. Kelly Francone, Utah Association of Energy Users

Spoke to the bill:            Mr. John Hill, Utah Petroleum Marketers and Retailers Assoc.

MOTION:      Sen. Hinkins moved to pass S.B. 275 out as amended favorably. The motion passed with Sens. Jenkins and Dabakis voting in opposition.

S.B. 276 Water Conservancy District Capital Assets (J. Valentine)

Sen. Valentine introduced and explained this bill.

Spoke in favor for the bill:            Mr. Ronald Thompson, General Manager, Washington County Water Conservancy District
                            Mr. Richard Bay, General Manager, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District
                    Ms. Christine Finlinson, Central Utah Water Conservancy District

MOTION:      Sen. Christensen moved to pass S.B. 276 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

S.B. 277 Green River Energy Zone (D. Hinkins)

MOTION:    Sen. Hinkins moved to replace S.B. 277 with 1st Substitute S.B. 277. The motion passed unanimously.

Sen. Hinkins introduced and explained this bill.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Mr. Mark Ward, Utah Association of Counties
                    Mr. Ray Petersen, Public Lands Administrator, Emery County
                    Mr. Jae Potter, Carbon County Commissioner
                    Ms. Maryann Christensen, Secretary, Utah Eagle Forum

MOTION:      Sen. Hinkins moved to pass 1st Sub. S.B. 277 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Sen. Hinkins moved to place the bill on the consent calendar. The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 326 Division of Water Rights Amendments (R. C. Webb)

Rep. Webb introduced and explained this bill.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Mr. Fred Finlinson, Chairman, Utah Water Coalition
                    Mr. Kent Jones, Utah State Engineer

     Sen. Vickers moved to pass H.B. 326 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Sen. Vickers moved to place the bill on the consent calendar. The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 333 State Lands Amendments (R. Menlove)

MOTION:    Sen. Vickers moved to replace H.B. 333 with 1st Substitute H.B. 333. The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Hinkins absent for the vote.

Rep. Menlove introduced and explained the bill.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Mr. Mitch Poulson, Director, Bear Lake Regional Commission

MOTION:      Sen. Vickers moved to pass 1st Sub. H.B. 333 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hinkins absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Sen. Vickers moved to place the bill on the consent calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hinkins absent for the vote.

1st Sub H.B. 342 Wild Turkey Management (R. Menlove)

MOTION:      Sen. Jenkins moved amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 1, Lines 12 through 13 :    

             12          .    requires the Division of Wildlife Resources to investigate and mitigate
[[   substantial   ]]        material      

             13      damage to private property by a wild turkey;

2.    Page 1, Line 16 :    

             16          .    
[[   requires   ]]        directs       the Division of Wildlife Resources to establish two general season turkey

3.    Page 2, Line 32
    House Floor Amendments
    3-5-2013 :

             32          (2) (a) If a turkey H. [substantially] .H
  materially       damages private property, the landowner

4.    Page 2, Lines 38 through 39
    House Floor Amendments
    3-5-2013 :

             38          (3) (a) Within
[[   48   ]]        72       hours after receiving a request for action under Subsection (2)(a)(ii),

             39      the division shall investigate the damaged property and, if it appears that
[[   substantial   ]]        material       damage by

5.    Page 3, Line 69 :    

             69          The Wildlife Board
[[   shall   ]]        may       establish two general season turkey hunts per year.

            The motion passed unanimously.

Rep. Menlove introduced and explained the bill.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Rep. Gage Froerer
                    Mr. Greg Sheehan, Director, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
                    Mr. Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau

MOTION:      Sen. Christensen moved to pass 1st Sub. H.B. 333 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 347 Landowner Liability Amendments (B. Wilson)

The bill was not considered.

MOTION:    Sen. Christensen moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Jenkins adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

Minutes were reported by Lorna Wells, Secretary

Sen. Scott K. Jenkins, Committee Chair