H.B. 4

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 January 31, 2013 10:16 AM

Representative Jim Bird proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 8, Lines 274-278:    Strike lines 274-278

2.    Page 10, Line 367:    Between lines 367 and 368 insert:
        "Subsection 1(d). Business-like Activities. The Legislature
        has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms
        and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal
        Service Fund the Legislature approves budgets, full-time
        permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated,
        and appropriates to the funds as indicated estimated revenue from
        rates, fees, and other charges. Where applicable, the Legislature
        authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts
        among funds and accounts as indicated.
        ITEM 367 To Insurance Department - Federal Health Insurance
        From Federal Funds 38,407,300
        From Dedicated Credits Revenue 4,717,100
        Schedule of Programs:
        Federal HIPUtah 43,124,400"

3.    Page ?, Line ?:    After line ? insert:
        "It is the intent of the Legislature that ??? in General Funds appropriated to ??? for the ??? be used to ???."

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