H.B. 28

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 January 29, 2013 11:22 AM

Representative Don L. Ipson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Lines 59 through 61 :    

             59      institution of higher education or [the officer] a person designated by the president [or by the
             60      governing board]
{   of the institution to administer the affairs of a campus or other facility owned

             61      by the institution or operated or controlled by the governing board of the institution  

2.    Page 4, Lines 108 through 111 :    

             108          (3)
{   If a person receives a notice against entry or remaining under Subsection (2) and

             109      the person is an employee or student of the institution of higher education, the institution of
             110      higher education shall afford the student or employee due process in accordance with the
             111      institution of higher education's rules and regulations.  
  If an employee or student of an institution of higher education is ordered to leave under Subsection (1) or receives a notice against entry or remaining under Subsection (2), the institution of higher education shall afford the employee or student the process required by the institution of higher education's rules and regulations.      

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