H.B. 33

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 January 30, 2013 4:21 PM

Representative Eric K. Hutchings proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 8, Lines 229 through 230 :    

             229          (1) (a) A petitioner seeking to obtain an expungement for a criminal record
{   [   } shall      {   ]   }      {   may   }

             230      apply for a certificate of eligibility from the bureau.

2.    Page 11, Lines 311 through 314 :    

             311          (1)
  (a)       [The petitioner] A person who receives an order of expungement under this chapter

             312      or Section 77-27-5.1 shall be responsible for delivering a copy of the order of expungement to
             313      all affected criminal justice agencies and officials including the court, arresting agency,
             314      booking agency, prosecuting agency, Department of Corrections, and the bureau.
  (b) A person who receives an order of expungement under Section 77-27-5.1, shall pay a processing fee to the bureau, established in accordance with the process in Section 63J-1-504, before the bureau's record may be expunged.      

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