H.B. 38

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 12, 2013 10:48 AM

Senator John L. Valentine proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 16 through 18 :    

             16          .    prohibits an anonymous cash contribution over
{   $100   }        $25       ;

             17          .    requires a candidate to disburse an anonymous cash contribution or public service
             18      assistance over
{   $100   }        $25       to:

2.    Page 1, Line 24 :    

             24          .    allows a filing entity to aggregate on a report contributions that do not exceed
{   $100   }        $25       ;

3.    Page 3, Lines 73 through 76 :    

             73          (b) "Reporting limit" means for each calendar year:
             74          (i) [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       ; or

             75          (ii) an amount lower than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       that is specified in an ordinance of the

             76      municipality.

4.    Page 5, Lines 129 through 130 :    

             129          (4) (a) A municipality may, by ordinance:
             130          (i) provide a reporting limit lower than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       ;

5.    Page 7, Lines 197 through 198 :    

             197          (A) for each contribution of more than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       , the name of the donor of the

             198      contribution, if known, and the amount of the contribution; and

6.    Page 7, Lines 204 through 208 :    

             204          (vi) a requirement that a person who makes a cash contribution that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25      

             205      disclose the person's name to the candidate who receives the contribution; and
             206          (vii) a requirement that a candidate for county office who receives a cash contribution
             207      that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       from a donor whose name is unknown shall, within 30 days after receiving

             208      the contribution, disburse the amount of the contribution to:

7.    Page 8, Line 236 through Page 9, Line 245 :    

             236          (a) seven days before the date of the regular general election, reporting each
             237      contribution of more than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       and each expenditure as of 10 days before the date of the

             238      regular general election; and
             239          (b) no later than 30 days after the date of the regular general election.
             240          (5) (a) The statement filed seven days before the regular general election shall include:
             241          (i) a list of each contribution of more than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       received by the candidate, and

             242      the name of the donor, if known;
             243          (ii) an aggregate total of all contributions of [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       or less received by the

             244      candidate; and
             245          (iii) a list of each expenditure for political purposes made during the campaign period,

8.    Page 9, Lines 247 through 251 :    

             247          (b) The statement filed 30 days after the regular general election shall include:
             248          (i) a list of each contribution of more than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       received after the cutoff date for

             249      the statement filed seven days before the election, and the name of the donor;
             250          (ii) an aggregate total of all contributions of [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       or less received by the

             251      candidate after the cutoff date for the statement filed seven days before the election; and

9.    Page 9, Lines 270 through 272 :    

             270          (7) Within 30 days after receiving a cash contribution that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       from a donor

             271      whose name is unknown, a county office candidate shall disburse the amount of the
             272      contribution to:

10.    Page 22, Lines 673 through 674 :    

             673          (7) Within 30 days after receiving a cash contribution that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       from an

             674      unknown source, a state office candidate shall disburse the amount of the contribution to:

11.    Page 23, Lines 708 through 709 :    

             708          (b) (i) For all single contributions or public service assistance of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or less, a

             709      single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.

12.    Page 24, Lines 710 through 711 :    

             710          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             711      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

13.    Page 25, Lines 758 through 761 :    

             758          (3) (a) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             759      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.

             760          (b) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             761      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

14.    Page 27, Lines 807 through 808 :    

             807          (6) Within 30 days after receiving a cash contribution that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       from an

             808      unknown source, a legislative office candidate shall disburse the amount of the contribution to:

15.    Page 28, Lines 857 through 860 :    

             857          (b) (i) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             858      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             859          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             860      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

16.    Page 30, Lines 905 through 908 :    

             905          (3) (a) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             906      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             907          (b) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             908      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

17.    Page 31, Lines 945 through 948 :    

             945          (b) (i) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             946      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             947          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             948      more than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

18.    Page 32, Lines 960 through 962 :    

             960          (5) Within 30 days after receiving a cash contribution or cash public service assistance
             961      that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       from an unknown source, an officeholder shall disburse the amount of the

             962      contribution or public service assistance to:

19.    Page 32, Lines 974 through 977 :    

             974          (3) A registered political party or county political party may not expend a cash
             975      contribution for political purposes or a political issues expenditure if the cash contribution:
             976          (a) exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       ; and

             977          (b) is from an unknown source.

20.    Page 33, Lines 998 through 1001 :    

             998          (b) (i) For all individual contributions [or public service assistance] of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             999      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             1000          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1001      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

21.    Page 34, Lines 1037 through 1040 :    

             1037          (3) (a) For all individual contributions [or public service assistance] of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             1038      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             1039          (b) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1040      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

22.    Page 34, Lines 1046 through 1048 :    

             1046          (1) A county political party officer of a county political party that has received
             1047      contributions totaling at least $750, or disbursed expenditures totaling at least [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       ,

             1048      during a calendar year shall file a summary report by January 10 of the following year.

23.    Page 35, Lines 1064 through 1067 :    

             1064          (b) (i) For all individual contributions [or public service assistance] of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             1065      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             1066          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1067      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

24.    Page 35, Lines 1077 through 1080 :    

             1077          (1) (a) A county political party officer of a county political party that has received
             1078      contributions totaling at least $750, or disbursed expenditures totaling at least [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       ,

             1079      during a calendar year shall file an interim report at the following times in any year in which
             1080      there is a regular general election:

25.    Page 36, Lines 1108 through 1111 :    

             1108          (3) (a) For all individual contributions [or public service assistance] of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             1109      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             1110          (b) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1111      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

26.    Page 37, Lines 1120 through 1124 :    

             1120          (b) If a political action committee is organized after the January 10 filing date, the
             1121      political action committee shall file an initial statement of organization no later than seven days
             1122      after:

             1123          (i) receiving contributions totaling at least $750; or
             1124          (ii) distributing expenditures for political purposes totaling at least [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       .

27.    Page 38, Lines 1169 through 1171 :    

             1169          (1) (a) Each registered political action committee that has received contributions
             1170      totaling at least $750, or disbursed expenditures totaling at least [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       , during a calendar

             1171      year shall file a verified financial statement with the lieutenant governor's office:

28.    Page 40, Lines 1209 through 1213 :    

             1209          (b) (i) Contributions received by a political action committee that have a value of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or less need not be reported individually, but shall be listed on the report as an aggregate

             1211      total.
             1212          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1213      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

29.    Page 40, Lines 1225 through 1228 :    

             1225          (5) A political action committee may not expend a cash contribution for political
             1226      purposes if the cash contribution:
             1227          (a) exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       ; and

             1228          (b) is from an unknown source.

30.    Page 41, Lines 1245 through 1248 :    

             1245          (2) That statement shall include:
             1246          (a) the name and address of each individual, entity, or group of individuals or entities
             1247      that received a political issues expenditure of more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       from the corporation, and

             1248      the amount of each political issues expenditure;

31.    Page 41, Lines 1258 through 1262 :    

             1258          (b) If a political issues committee is organized after the January 10 filing date, the
             1259      political issues committee shall file an initial statement of organization no later than seven days
             1260      after:
             1261          (i) receiving political issues contributions totaling at least $750; or
             1262          (ii) disbursing political issues expenditures totaling at least [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       .

32.    Page 43, Lines 1308 through 1311 :    

             1308          (1) (a) Each registered political issues committee that has received political issues
             1309      contributions totaling at least $750, or disbursed political issues expenditures totaling at least
             1310      [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       , during a calendar year, shall file a verified financial statement with the lieutenant

     governor's office:

33.    Page 44, Lines 1347 through 1350 :    

             1347          (vi) except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), the name and address of each individual,
             1348      entity, or group of individuals or entities that received a political issues expenditure of more
             1349      than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       from the reporting political issues committee, and the amount of each political

             1350      issues expenditure;

34.    Page 45, Lines 1362 through 1367 :    

             1362          (b) (i) Political issues contributions received by a political issues committee that have a
             1363      value of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or less need not be reported individually, but shall be listed on the report as

             1364      an aggregate total.
             1365          (ii) Two or more political issues contributions from the same source that have an
             1366      aggregate total of more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be

             1367      reported separately.

35.    Page 45, Lines 1380 through 1383 :    

             1380          (4) A political issues committee may not expend a cash contribution for a political
             1381      issues expenditure if the cash contribution:
             1382          (a) exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       ; and

             1383          (b) is from an unknown source.

36.    Page 45, Line 1391 through Page 46, Line 1392 :    

             1391          (4) make a contribution that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       without disclosing the person's name.

             1392          Section 22. Section 20A-11-1301 is amended to read:

37.    Page 47, Lines 1436 through 1437 :    

             1436          (7) Within 30 days after receiving a cash contribution that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       from an

             1437      unknown source, a school board office candidate shall disburse the contribution to:

38.    Page 49, Lines 1486 through 1489 :    

             1486          (b) (i) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             1487      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             1488          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1489      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

39.    Page 50, Lines 1534 through 1537 :    

             1534          (3) (a) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or

             1535      less, a single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             1536          (b) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1537      more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

40.    Page 51, Lines 1562 through 1565 :    

             1562          (2) The financial statement shall include:
             1563          (a) the name and address of each reporting entity that received an expenditure or
             1564      political issues expenditure of more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       from the labor organization, and the

             1565      amount of each expenditure or political issues expenditure;

41.    Page 54, Lines 1654 through 1656 :    

             1654          (4) Within 30 days after receiving a cash contribution that exceeds
{   $100   }        $25       from an

             1655      unknown source, a judge or the judge's personal campaign committee shall disburse the amount
             1656      of the contribution to:

42.    Page 55, Lines 1679 through 1682 :    

             1679          (b) (i) For all single contributions of [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       or less, an aggregate figure may be

             1680      reported without a separate detailed listing.
             1681          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source for a total of more than [$50 ]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported in the detailed listing.

43.    Page 56, Lines 1703 through 1706 :    

             1703          (3) (a) For all individual contributions of [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       or less, a single aggregate figure

             1704      may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             1705          (b) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             1706      more than [$50]
{   $100   }        $25       may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.

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