1st Sub. H.B. 66

Senate Committee Amendments

Amendment 2 February 20, 2013 11:17 AM

Senator Peter C. Knudson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Line 47 through Page 3, Line 65 :    

             47          11-42-102. Definitions.
             48          (1)
{   (a)   } "Adequate protests" means      {   [   } timely filed,      {   ]   } written protests      {   [   } under Section

             49      11-42-203 that represent at least
{   50%   }        25%       of the frontage, area, taxable value, fair market value,

             50      lots, number of connections, or equivalent residential units of the property proposed to be
             51      assessed, according to the same assessment method by which the assessment is proposed to be
             52      levied, after eliminating
{   ]   } :

{   (i) filed in accordance with Section 11-42-203 ; and

             54          (ii) signed by the owners of private real property that:
             55          (A) is located within the proposed assessment area;
             56          (B) covers at least 25% of the total private land area within the proposed assessment
             57      area; and
             58          (C) is equal in value to at least 15% of the value of all private real property within the
             59      proposed assessment area.  

{   [   } (a)      {   ]   }      {   (b) "Adequate protests" does not include written   } protests relating to:

             61          (i)
{   (A)   } property that has been deleted from a proposed assessment area; or

{   [   } (ii)      {   ]   }      {   (B)   } an improvement that has been deleted from the proposed improvements to be

             63      provided to property within the proposed assessment area; and
{   [   } (b)      {   ]   }      {   (ii)   } protests that have been withdrawn under Subsection 11-42-203 (3).

             65          (2) "Assessment area" means an area, or, if more than one area is designated, the

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