2nd Sub. H.B. 75

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 March 5, 2013 2:32 PM

Representative Rebecca P. Edwards proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 24 through Page 2, Line 36 :    

             24              .    consider whether state licensing of the profession is necessary to address a
             25      compelling state interest in protecting against present, recognizable, and
             26      significant harm to the health
  ,            {   or   } safety        , or welfare       of the public;

             27              .    if the committee determines that state licensing of the profession is not
             28      necessary to protect the health H. [or] , .H safety H. , or welfare .H of the public,
             28a      recommend to the
             29      Legislature that the state refrain from licensing the profession;
             30              .    if the committee determines that state licensing of the profession is necessary to
             31      protect the health
  ,            {   or   } safety        , or welfare       of the public, consider whether the proposed or

             32      existing statute is narrowly tailored to protect the health
  ,            {   or   } safety        , or welfare       of the public;

             33      and
             34              .    recommend to the Legislature any changes to the proposed or existing statute to
             35      ensure it is narrowly tailored to protect the health
  ,            {   or   } safety        , or welfare       of the public;

             36          .    requires the committee to study alternatives to professional licensing in 2013,

2.    Page 5, Lines 125 through 127 :    

             125          36-23-104. Committee meetings -- Compensation -- Quorum -- Legislative rules.
             126          (1) The committee [may] shall meet
{   as needed   }        at least twice before November 1 of each year       , at the call of the committee chairs, to

             127      carry out the duties [set forth] described in [Section 36-23-106 ] this chapter.

3.    Page 6, Lines 153 through 157 :    

             153          (1) The committee shall:
             154          (a)
  for each application submitted in accordance with Section 36-23-105,       conduct a sunrise review in accordance with Section 36-23-107 [for all

             155      applications]
{   , within 12 months, for each application submitted in accordance with Section

             156      36-23-105 ;  
  before November 1:

(i) of the year in which the application is submitted, if the application is submitted on or before July 1;
(ii) of the year following the year in which the application is submitted, if the application is submitted after July 1;  

         (b) (i) conduct a sunset review for [an occupational or professional license

4.    Page 6, Lines 171 through 172 :    

             171          (ii) conduct a sunset review under this Subsection (1)(b)
  before November 1 of the year       prior to the last general

             172      session of the Legislature that is scheduled to meet before the scheduled termination date; and

5.    Page 8, Lines 218 through 234
    House Floor Amendments
    3-5-2013 :

             218          (2) When conducting a sunrise review or sunset review under this chapter, the
             219      committee shall [use the following criteria]:
             220          (a) consider whether state regulation of the occupation or profession is necessary to
             221      address a compelling state interest in protecting against present, recognizable, and significant
             222      harm to the health H. [or] , .H safety H. , or welfare .H of the public;
             223          (b) if the committee determines that state regulation of the occupation or profession is
             224      not necessary to protect against present, recognizable, and significant harm to the health
  ,            {   or   }

             225      safety
  , or welfare       of the public, recommend to the Legislature that the state not regulate the profession;

             226          (c) if the committee determines that state regulation of the occupation or profession is
             227      necessary in protecting against present, recognizable, and significant harm to the health
  ,            {   or   }

             228      safety
  , or welfare       of the public, consider whether the proposed or existing statute is narrowly tailored to

             229      protect against present, recognizable, and significant harm to the health
  ,            {   or   } safety        , or welfare       of the public;

             230      and
             231          (d) recommend to the Legislature any necessary changes to the proposed or existing
             232      statute to ensure it is narrowly tailored to protect against present, recognizable, and significant
             233      harm to the health
  ,            {   or   } safety        , or welfare       of the public.

             234          (3) In its performance of each sunrise review or sunset review, the committee may

6.    Page 9, Lines 268 through 273
    House Floor Amendments
    3-5-2013 :

             268          36-23-109. Review of state regulation of occupations and professions.
             269          Before the annual written report described in Section 36-23-107 is submitted for 2013,
             270      the committee shall study potentially less restrictive alternatives to licensing for the regulation
             271      of occupations and professions, including registration and certification if appropriate, that
             272      would better avoid unnecessary regulation and intrusion upon individual liberties by the state,
             273      while still protecting the health H. [and] , .H safety H. ,
{   or   }        and       welfare .H of the public.

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