H.B. 80

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 2 February 4, 2013 6:29 PM

Representative V. Lowry Snow proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 25 through Page 2, Line 28 :    

             25          30-2-9. Family expenses -- Joint and several liability.
             26          (1) A husband and wife may be jointly or individually responsible for expenses of the
             27      family members for reasonable and necessary medical
{   and   }        ,       dental      {   expenses   } , and      {   other

             28      necessities, including  
  expenses       of the minor children.

2.    Page 2, Lines 29 through 36 :    

             29          (2)
{   In addition to   }        For       the expenses described in Subsection (1), a creditor shall be entitled

             30      to recover from the husband and wife, jointly and severally, the following additional amounts if
             31      the amounts are provided for in a written contract signed by either the husband or wife:
             32          (a) a collection fee;
             33          (b) interest at the rate specified in the contract;
             34          (c) court costs;
             35          (d) reasonable attorney fees; and
             36          (e) any other amounts provided for in the contract.

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