H.B. 96

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 1, 2013 9:40 AM

Representative Jack R. Draxler proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Lines 85 through 88 :    

             85          (i) for purposes of a motor vehicle on which conversion equipment has been installed,
             86      that the motor vehicle's emissions of regulated pollutants, when operating on a fuel listed in
             87      Subsection (2)
{   (e)   }        (d)       (i) or (ii), is less than the emissions were before the installation of the

             88      conversion equipment, as demonstrated by:

2.    Page 8, Lines 219 through 222 :    

             219          (i) for purposes of a motor vehicle on which conversion equipment has been installed,
             220      that the motor vehicle's emissions of regulated pollutants, when operating on a fuel listed in
             221      Subsection (2)
{   (e)   }        (d)       (i) or (ii), is less than the emissions were before the installation of the

             222      conversion equipment, as demonstrated by:

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