(b) A law enforcement agency may not hold a firearm under this section if the law enforcement
agency obtains the firearm in a manner other than the owner cohabitant voluntarily presenting, of his
or her own free will, the firearm to the law enforcement agency at the agency's office.
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3, Line 88
other cohabitant.
(5) Notwithstanding an ordinance or policy to the contrary adopted in accordance with
63G-2-701, a law enforcement agency shall destroy a record created under Subsection (2), Subsection
53-5c-202(4)(b)(iii), or any other record created in the application of this chapter no later than five days
(a) returning a firearm in accordance with Subsection (2)(d); or
(b) appropriating, selling, or destroying the firearm in accordance with Section 53-5c-202.
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3, Line 89 through Page 4, Line 91
Unless otherwise provided, the provisions of Title 77, Chapter 24, Disposal of
Property Received by Peace Officer, do not apply to a firearm received by a law enforcement
agency in accordance with this chapter.
(7) A law enforcement agency shall adopt a policy for the safekeeping of a firearm held in
accordance with this chapter.
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4, Line 119
Except as provided in Section 53-5c-201, the
law enforcement agency shall return
a firearm to a person other than an owner
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