H.B. 123

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 20, 2013 11:02 AM

Representative Kay L. McIff proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 9, Lines 247 through 255 :    

             247          (1) For purposes of this section:
             248          (a)
  (i)       "Change applicant" means any of the following who seek to make a permanent or

             249      temporary change under Subsection (2)(a):
{   (i)   }        (A)       the record title owner of a water right;

{   (ii)   }        (B)       the holder of an approved but unperfected application to appropriate water;

{   (iii)   }        (C)       a person, including a shareholder in a water company, who is the equitable owner

             253      and beneficial user of a water right, even if nominal legal title is held by another person; or
{   (iv)   }        (D)       a person who has written authorization from a person described in Subsection

             255      (1)(a)(i)
  (A)       ,      {   (ii)   }        (B)       , or      {   (iii)   }        (C)       to file a change application on that person's behalf.

  (ii) "Change applicant" does not include a person who holds only a contract or leasehold interest in a water right.      

2.    Page 17, Lines 501 through 502 :    

             501          (b) Nothing in this section
{   shall limit   }        limits       the authority of the state engineer in evaluating

             502      and processing a change application
{   .   }        , including the authority to allow a shareholder or water company to submit additional relevant information, if the state engineer allows an adequate time and oppotunity for the other party to respond.      

3.    Page 23, Lines 697 through 698 :    

             697          (8) Nothing in this section
{   shall limit   }        limits       the authority of the state engineer in evaluating

             698      and processing a change application
{   .   }        , including the authority to allow a shareholder or water company to submit additional relevant information, if the state engineer allows an adequate time and oppotunity for the other party to respond.      

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