H.B. 139

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 20, 2013 12:21 PM

Representative Val L. Peterson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 36 through 39 :    

             36      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             37          This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2014:
             38          .    to
{   the General Fund Restricted -   } Governor's Office of Economic Development        - Administration       , as

             39      an ongoing appropriation:

2.    Page 2, Lines 40 through 43 :    

             40              .    from the General Fund,
{   $14,000,000; and   }        $15,000,000.      

{   .    to State Board of Education - State Office of Education, as an ongoing

             42      appropriation:
             43              .    from the General Fund, $1,000,000.  

3.    Page 4, Lines 116 through 118 :    

             116          (c) strategically engage industry and business entities to cooperate with the board:
             117          (i) to
{   provide   }        support       professional development and        provide       other assistance      {   to   }        for       educators and students;

             118      and

4.    Page 5, Lines 147 through 151 :    

             147          (2) The executive director of the STEM Action Center shall:
             148          (a)
{   provide   }        support       professional development      {   to   }        for       educators regarding      {   :

             149          (i) blended learning models; and
             150          (ii)  
education related instructional technology
  that supports STEM education       ;

             151          (b) ensure that the STEM Action Center acts as a research and development center for

5.    Page 6, Line 157 :    

             157          (d) organize
{   and   }        ,       host        , and facilitate participation in       interscholastic STEM related competitions, fairs, and camps;

6.    Page 6, Line 182 through Page 7, Line 184 :    

             182          (o)
{   implement   }        support       best methods of professional development, including methods of

             183      professional development that reduce cost and increase effectiveness, to help educators learn
             184      how to most effectively implement best practice learning tools in classrooms;

7.    Page 7, Lines 193 through 201 :    

             193          (t)
{   track the performance of educators who receive   }        support STEM professionals working to obtain       a competency-based license in

             194      accordance with Section 53A-6-104.5 ;
             195          (u)
{   target   }        support targeted       professional development for improved instruction in STEM in grades 6, 7,

             196      and 8, including:
             197          (i) improved instructional materials that are more dynamic and stimulating for
             198      students;
             199          (ii) targeted instruction for students who traditionally avoid enrolling in STEM
             200      courses;
{   and   }

             201          (iii) introduction of stimulating engineering courses;

    (iv) introduction of other research based methods that support student achievement in STEM areas;  

8.    Page 7, Lines 206 through 208 :    

             206          (w) develop and produce a low cost, highly-interactive, print and online mathematics
{   textbook   }        instructional support materials       , for students in grades 7 and 8, that will meet the State Board of Education's core

             208      curriculum standards for mathematics.

9.    Page 8, Lines 233 through 236 :    

             233          (1) Subject to legislative appropriations, the
{   State Board of Education   }        board       shall award a

             234      grant to a school district or charter school to fund STEM career and technical education courses
             235      if the school district or charter school provides matching funds for at least 100% of the grant
             236      amount.

10.    Page 9, Line 262 through Page 10, Line 281 :    

             262      addition to any amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2014.
             263          To
{   General Fund Restricted -   } Governor's Office of Economic Development        - Administration      

             264              From General Fund                        
     {   $14,000,000   }        $15,000,000      

             265              Schedule of Programs:

             266                  Administration            
{   $14,000,000   }        $15,000,000      

{   To State Board of Education - State Office of Education

             268              From General Fund                        

             269              Schedule of Programs:
             270                  Career and Technical Education    $1,000,000  

             271          The Legislature intends that:
             272          (1) the appropriation for Administration be used:
             273          (a) to establish a STEM Action Center as described in Section 63M-1-3204;
             274          (b) to provide or establish a physical location for the STEM Action Center;
{   and   }

             275          (c) for education related instructional technology as described in Section 63M-1-3205;

{   (2) the appropriation for Career and Technical Education be used by the State Board of

             277      Education  
  (d)       to award grants to school districts and charter schools for STEM related career and

             278      technical education courses as described in Section 63M-1-3206; and
{   (3)   }        (2)       the      {   appropriations   }        appropriation       described in      {   Subsections   }        Subsection       (1)      {   and (2)   } :

             280          (a) be ongoing; and
             281          (b) not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.

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