1st Sub. H.B. 139

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 27, 2013 5:45 PM

Representative Val L. Peterson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 4, Lines 98 through 100 :    

             98          (a) the governor or the governor's designee;
             99          (b)
{   at least   } four private sector members who represent business, appointed by the

             100      governor;

2.    Page 7, Line 196 :    

             196          (j) provide a Utah best practices database
  ,       including best practices from public

3.    Page 8, Lines 214 through 215 :    

             214          (r) develop and distribute STEM toolkits to parents of students being tracked by
  the       STEM

             215      Action Center;

4.    Page 8, Lines 233 through 235 :    

             233          (w) develop and produce
{   a   } low cost, highly      {   -   } interactive      {   ,   } print and online mathematics

             234      instructional support materials
{   ,   } for students in grades 7 and 8      {   ,   } that will meet the State Board of

             235      Education's core curriculum standards for mathematics.

5.    Page 8, Lines 236 through 237 :    

             236          (3) The board may prescribe other
  STEM education related       duties for the STEM Action Center in addition to

             237      the responsibilities described in this section.

6.    Page 9, Lines 248 through 249 :    

             248          (b) The State Board of Education shall provide information to the board to assist the
             249      board in complying with the requirements of Subsection (4)(a)

if allowed under federal law      {   .   }        ; and

    (ii) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in 20 U.S.C. 1232 (g) and (h) and related federal regulations.  

7.    Page 9, Lines 272 through 273 :    

             272          (e) student performance of students participating in a STEM Action Center program as
             273      collected in Subsection 63M-1-3204
{   (5)   }        (4)       .

8.    Page 10, Lines 292 through 299 :    

             292          The Legislature intends that:
             293          (1) the appropriation for Administration be used
{   to   } :

             294          (a)
  to       establish a STEM Action Center as described in Section 63M-1-3204 ;

             295          (b)
  to       establish a physical location for the STEM Action Center; and

             296          (c) for education related instructional technology as described in Section 63M-1-3205 ;
             297          (2) the appropriation for
  the       STEM Education Grant Program be used by the State Board

             298      of Education to award grants to school districts and charter schools for STEM related education
             299      courses as described in Section 53A-17a-169 ;

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