1st Sub. H.B. 145

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 March 8, 2013 4:23 PM

Senator Curtis S. Bramble proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 5, Lines 133 through 138 :    

             133          (b) the division shall, for each qualified youth development organization council,
             134      calculate an amount by multiplying the percentage the division calculates under Subsection
             135      (5)(a) by
  the lesser of:

the amount the Legislature appropriates to the division from the account for the fiscal

             136      year;

    (ii) the balance in the account as of June 1 of that year;  

             137          (c)
  the division shall       distribute the amount the division calculates under Subsection (5)(b) to each

             138      qualified youth development organization council.

2.    Page 6, Lines 151 through 152 :    

             151          (3) "Youth character organization" means an organization that is chartered under 36
             152      U.S.C.
{   §   }        Sec.       80301.

3.    Page 7, Lines 182 through 184 :    

             182          (2) A qualified youth character organization that receives a distribution from the
             183      division under this section shall expend the distribution only to accomplish the purposes
             184      described in 36 U.S.C.
{   §   }        Sec.       80302.

4.    Page 7, Lines 205 through 206 :    

             205          (i) the numerator of which is the youth membership of the qualified youth character
             206      organization
  council       ; and

5.    Page 7, Line 209 through Page 8, Line 213 :    

             209          (b) the division shall, for each qualified youth character organization council, calculate
             210      an amount by multiplying the percentage the division calculates under Subsection (5)(a) by
  the lesser of:


             211      amount the Legislature appropriates to the division from the account for the fiscal year;

    (ii) the balance in the account as of June 1 of that year;  

             212          (c)
  the division shall       distribute the amount the division calculates under Subsection (5)(b) to each

     qualified youth character organization council.

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