H.B. 155

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 27, 2013 7:39 PM

Representative Michael E. Noel proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Line 30 :    

             30              .     the offense is a violation of
  an enacted       federal law        that is not an assimilation of a state law       and        that       is        also       consistent with the federal

2.    Page 2, Line 32 :    

             32              .    there is an emergency, and state or local officers are not reasonably available
  , and the employee is acting under constitutional federal law that is not an assimilation of state law       ;

3.    Page 2, Lines 37 through 38 :    

             37          .    provides that
{   state and   } local law enforcement agencies may enter into agreements

             38      with federal agencies, but with limited, rather than concurrent, authority
  , and provides that state authorities may enter into agreements with the consent of the local county sheriff       ; and

4.    Page 6, Line 167 :    

             167      Utah Administrative Rules, or county or municipal ordinances as a basis to
  stop, detain,       arrest        ,       or cite

5.    Page 6, Line 175 :    

             175      as a basis to
  stop, detain,       arrest        ,       or cite persons for prosecution in the federal criminal justice system, is not

6.    Page 6, Lines 180 through 181 :    

             180          (b) (i) the offense is an emergency
{   or   }        and       poses an immediate risk of bodily injury or

             181      damage to property;
{   and   }

7.    Page 7, Line 183 :    

             183      take action
  ; and

    (iii)(A) the action is within the scope of the employee's or official's law enforcement power under a federal law that is enacted and that is not an assimilation of a state law or ordinance; and
    (B) the authorizing federal law is consistent with the Constitution of the United States  

8.    Page 7, Line 188 :    

             188          [(7)] (8)
{   State and local   }        (a) Local       law enforcement agencies may enter into agreements with

9.    Page 7, Line 192 :    

  (b) State law enforcement agencies may, with the consent of the local county sheriff, enter into agreements as described in Subsection (8)(a), provided that the agreements may not exceed a duration of two years.      

             192          [(8)] (9)
{   (a)   } County sheriffs shall regularly review the duties and activities of federal

10.    Page 7, Lines 196 through 197 :    

{       (b) County sheriffs shall annually report to the county attorney or district attorney of

             197      their jurisdiction the results of all reviews conducted under this Subsection [(8)] (9).  

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