H.B. 156

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 March 6, 2013 1:39 PM

Representative LaVar Christensen proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 15 through 17 :    

{   .    authorizes a parent to nominate a relative to serve as a legal guardian for the parent's

             16      child in the event of a termination of parental rights;
             17          .    describes the circumstances under which a court may grant a guardianship petition;  

2.    Page 3, Line 60
    a.House Floor Amendments
    b.3-6-2013 :

             60      home and bring up children is
  a       fundamental      {   and beyond the reach of any court   }        and protected liberty interest       .

3.    Page 3, Line 64 through Page 4, Line 108
    a.House Floor Amendments
    b.3-6-2013 :

{   Section 2. Section 78A-6-507.5 is enacted to read:

             65          78A-6-507.5. Contesting a petition to terminate parental rights -- Submitting a
             66      nominee for guardianship -- Guardianship process.
             67          (1) A parent who receives notice of a petition to terminate parental rights under Section
             68      78A-6-506 and disputes that the parent's parental rights should be terminated, may:
             69          (a) contest the petition; and
             70          (b) in the alternative, H. [submit a petition naming] name .H an individual H. [to
             70a      serve] for the court to consider .H as legal guardian
             71      for the child, if:
             72          (i) the nominee is an adult who is a grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt, great-aunt,
             73      uncle, great-uncle, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepparent, first cousin, sibling, or stepsibling
             74      of the child;
             75          (ii) the nominee consents to the guardianship relationship; and
             76          (iii) the parent's rights are ultimately terminated.
             77          H. [(2) The division shall make a recommendation to the court regarding the fitness of the
             78      nominee described in Subsection (1) to serve as the child's guardian.]
             79          [(3)] (2) .H The court shall:
             80          (a) consider:

             81          (i) the principles, rights, protections, and requirements described and recognized in this
             82      part;
             83          H. [(ii) the recommendation of the division, described in Subsection (2);]
             84           [(iii)] (ii) .H the desires of the child, if the child is 12 years of age or older;
             85          H. [(iv)] (iii) .H the fundamental right of a parent to choose who shall raise and care for
             85a      the parent's
             86      child; and
             87          H. [(v)] (iv) .H the fundamental right of a child to be reared by the child's parent or the
             87a      parent's
             88      designee; and
             89          (b) if it appears the parent will not be able to successfully contest the petition for              90      termination of parental rights, order a legal guardianship relationship between the child and the
             91      nominee, if it is in the best interest of the child and a means of achieving the strong public
             92      policy in support of family preservation.
             93          H. [(4)] (3) .H In an order granting H. [the petition for] .H guardianship H. under
             93a      this section .H , the court shall describe:
             94          (a) what limitations, if any, the guardian shall place on the parent's access to the child
             95      as a condition for continued guardianship; and
             96          (b) what role, if any, the division will fill in supervising the guardianship placement.
             97          H. [(5)] (4) .H If granted, the court shall review the guardianship placement six months
             97a      after the
             98      day on which the guardianship petition is granted to review whether guardianship is still
             99      appropriate and consistent with controlling constitutional rights.
             100          H. [(6)] (5) .H Nothing in this section shall be construed as a guarantee that a nominee
             100a      will be
             101      allowed to serve as a legal guardian for a child, but the nominee shall be given added weight
             102      and strong and thorough consideration.
             103          H. [(7)] (6) .H Legal guardianship, as described and established in this section, is:
             104          (a) considered a permanent placement for purposes of complying with federal law, if
             105      the guardianship is ordered without the continued supervision of the division; and
             106          (b) most appropriate when a former parent:
             107          (i) has made progress toward becoming a fit parent, but has not yet succeeded; and
             108          (ii) may become a fit parent with additional time and assistance.  

4.    Page 4, Line 120 through Page 5, Line 122
    a.House Floor Amendments
    b.3-6-2013 :

             120      agency or the division for adoption;
{   [or]   }        or                    121          (b) make any other disposition of the child authorized under Section 78A-6-117      {   [.]; or   }        .      

{   (c) place the child in a guardianship relationship under Section 78A-6-513.5 .   }

5.    Page 5, Line 130 :    

             130      are relatives who are willing to adopt the child;
{   [and]   }        and      

6.    Page 5, Lines 134 through 135 :    

             134      relative is not in the best interest of the child
{   [.]; and   }        .      

{   (d) shall consider a legal guardianship, under Section 78A-6-513.5 .   }

7.    Page 5, Line 145 :    

             145          (3) [After] Except as provided in
{   Section 78A-6-513.5   }        Sections 78A-6-1401 through 1404       , after the termination of a

8.    Page 6, Line 160
    a.House Floor Amendments
    b.3-6-2013 :

             160          (a) a child
{   , age 12 or older,   }              whose parent-child relationship to the former parent was

9.    Page 6, Lines 166 through 168
    a.House Floor Amendments
    b.3-6-2013 :

             166      relationship and

the child has not been adopted;      {   or   }        and      

  (B) the child is not in an adoptive placement; or      

             167          (ii) the child has been adopted, but the
{   adoptive parents have H. returned and .H

             167a      relinquished the child to
             168      the custody of the division or another person.  
  adoption has failed and custody and guardianship have returned to the state by court order.      

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