1st Sub. H.B. 160

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 March 12, 2013 2:20 PM

Senator Evan J. Vickers proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 6, Line 171 :    

             171          (iii) the conduct of navigators, producers, and in-person assisters operating in the state.

    (d) If the state enters into an agreement with the United States' Department of Health and Human Services in which the state operates health insurance plan management, the commissioner may:
    (i) for fiscal year 2014, hire one temporary and two permanent full-time employees to be funded through the department's existing budget; and
    (ii) for fiscal year 2015, hire two permanent full-time employees funded through the Insurance Department Restricted Account, subject to appropriations from the Legislature and approval by the governor.  

2.    Page 46, Lines 1417a through 1418
    House Committee Amendments
    3-7-2013 :

             1417a      administrative rule
{   . The

             1418      disclosure shall clearly describe  
  ,which shall include at least the following information       :

3.    Page 47, Lines 1422 through 1423
    House Committee Amendments
    3-7-2013 :

             1422          (3) the aggregate attachment point and the specific attachment point;
{   and   }

             1423          (4) any limitations on coverage

    (5) an explanation of monthly accommodation and disclosure about any monthly accommodation features included in the stop-loss contract; and
    (6) a description of terminal liability funding, including:
    (a) cost of processing claims before and after the termination of the contract; and
    (b) maximum claims liability to the employer  

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