1st Sub. H.B. 218

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 3 February 21, 2013 4:33 PM

Representative Jeremy A. Peterson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 13, Lines 367 through 372 :    

             367          (3) Subject to Section 32B-1-201 :
             368          (a) (i) The commission may not issue a total number of social club licenses that at any
             369      time exceeds the number determined by dividing the population of the state by [7,850]
{   11,784   }        11,504       .

             370          (ii) The commission may not issue a total number of dining club licenses, equity club
             371      licenses, and fraternal club licenses that at any time exceeds the number determined by
             372      dividing the population of the state by 19,694.

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