H.B. 225

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 7, 2013 9:14 AM

Representative Brian S. King proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 38 through 39 :    

             38          (c) greater than $1,000,000, the tax is
{   $42,500   }        $57,500       plus 7% of state taxable income greater

             39      than $1,000,000.

2.    Page 2, Lines 53 through 54 :    

             53          (iii) greater than $1,000,000, the tax is
{   $42,500   }        $57,500       plus 7% of state taxable income greater

             54      than $1,000,000.

3.    Page 3, Lines 67 through 68 :    

             67          (iii) greater than $1,000,000, the tax is
{   $42,500   }        $57,500       plus 7% of state taxable income greater

             68      than $1,000,000.

4.    Page 4, Lines 92 through 93 :    

             92          (iii) greater than $1,000,000, the tax is
{   $42,500   }        $57,500       plus 7% of state taxable income greater

             93      than $1,000,000.

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