H.B. 259

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 January 31, 2013 1:33 PM

Representative Jim Bird proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 28 through 35 :    

             28          (2) For an errors and omissions policy issued on or after May 14, 2013
{   ,   }        :


             29      policyholder may cancel the errors and omissions insurance policy before its expiration or
             30      renewal date
  according to the procedure for cancellation set forth in the errors and omissions policy; and

(b) an insurer may not issue an errors and omissions policy that has fully earned premium upon issuance of the errors and omissions policy  

             31          (3) If the errors and omissions insurance policy is cancelled as provided in Subsection
             32      (2), the insurer shall refund the unearned premium to the policyholder minus any charge
             33      imposed by the insurer.
{       (4) The insurer shall pay the amount due under Subsection (3) by no later than 30 days

             35      from the day on which the errors and omissions insurance policy is cancelled.  

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