H.B. 281

Senate Committee Amendments

Amendment 2 February 8, 2013 8:37 AM

Senator John L. Valentine proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Lines 67 through 67b
    House Committee Amendments
    2-4-2013 :

             67      the health discount program] by entering into a contract or agreement, directly or indirectly,
             67a      with a person or persons in this state who agree to provide discounts for health care services to
             67b      enrollees of the health discount program
  and determines the charge to members.       .H .

2.    Page 6, Lines 181 through 182 :    

             181          (3) (a) A contract shall be signed by the purchaser acknowledging the terms before any
             182      fees are collected and shall include notice of the purchaser's
{   10-day   }        30-day       [recision]      {   rescission   }        free look       rights.

3.    Page 7, Lines 195 through 205 :    

             195          31A-8a-205.5.
{   Rescission   }        Free look       right.

             196          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a person that purchases a health discount
             197      program may, with or without cause, within
{   10   }        30       days after the day on which the purchase

             198      contract is signed, cancel the contract without payment, damages, penalty, or liability of any
             199      kind by giving written notice of cancellation to the other party to the contract.
             200          (2) A person may not exercise the right of cancellation described in Subsection (1) if
             201      the person has used the services of the health discount program under the contract.
             202          (3) If a person cancels a contract under Subsection (1), the other party to the contract
             203      shall refund all money and other consideration paid in relation to the health discount program,
  less a maximum of $25 of      

{   including   } any enrollment charge, regardless of whether the enrollment charge was designated

             205      as nonrefundable.

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