H.B. 302

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 12, 2013 10:00 AM

Representative Richard A. Greenwood proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 23, Line 687 :    

{   [   }      {   (6)   }        (7)       "Expenses" means actual labor costs of government and volunteer personnel,

2.    Page 23, Lines 690 through 691 :    

             690      and materials.
{   ]   }

{   (7)   }        (8)       "Hazardous materials emergency" means a sudden and unexpected release of any

3.    Page 23, Lines 695 through 696 :    

{   (8)   }        (9)       "Internal disturbance" means a riot, prison break, terrorism, or strike.

{   (9)   }        (10)       "Natural phenomena" means any earthquake, tornado, storm, flood, landslide,

4.    Page 23, Line 698 :    

{   (10)   }        (11)       "State of emergency" means a condition in any part of this state that requires state

5.    Page 23, Line 702 :    

{   (11)   }        (12)       "Technological hazard" means any hazardous materials accident, mine accident,

6.    Page 23, Line 704 :    

{   (12)   }        (13)       "Terrorism" means activities or the threat of activities that:

7.    Page 24, Line 712 :    

{   (13)   }        (14)       "Urban search and rescue" means the location, extrication, and initial medical

8.    Page 29, Lines 880 through 884 :    

{   (c) for a special service district:

             881          (i) the governing body as defined in Section 17D-1-301 ; or
             882          (ii) the administrative control board as defined in Section 17D-1-301 .  

     (c) for a special service district:
    (i) the chief executive officer of the county or municipality that created the special service district

if authority has not been delegated to an administrative control board as provided in Section 17D-1-301;
    (ii) the chair of the administrative control board to which authority has been delegated as provided in Section 17D-1-301; or
    (iii) the general manager or other officer or employee to whom authority has been delegated by the governing body of the special service district as provided in Section 17D-1-301; or
    (d) for a local district:
    (i) the chair of the board of trustees selected as provided in Section 17B-1-309; or
    (ii) the general manager or other officer or employee to whom authority has been delegated by the board of trustees.

             883          [(5)] (2) "Local emergency" means a condition in any
{   political subdivision   }        municipality or county       of the state

             884      which requires that emergency assistance be provided by the affected
  municipality or county or another       political subdivision to

9.    Page 30, Line 889 :    

             889          [(7)] (3) "Political subdivision" means
  a       municipality      {   or   }        ,       county        , special service district, or local district       .

10.    Page 35, Lines 1058 through 1059 :    

             1058          (1) (a) A local emergency may be declared by proclamation of the chief executive
             1059      officer of a
{   political subdivision   }        municipality or county       .

11.    Page 35, Lines 1060 through 1061 :    

             1060          (b) A local emergency shall not be continued or renewed for a period in excess of 30
             1061      days except by or with the consent of the governing body of the
{   political subdivision   }        municipality or county       .

12.    Page 35, Lines 1062 through 1063 :    

             1062          (c) Any order or proclamation declaring, continuing, or terminating a local emergency
             1063      shall be filed promptly with the office of the clerk of the affected
{   political subdivision   }        municipality or county       .

13.    Page 35, Lines 1065 through 1070 :    

             1065          (a) constitutes an official recognition that a disaster situation exists within the affected
     political subdivision   }
  municipality or county       ;

             1067          (b) provides a legal basis for requesting and obtaining mutual aid or disaster assistance

             1068      from other
{   cities, counties,   }        political subdivisions       or from the state or federal government;

             1069          (c) activates the response and recovery aspects of any and all applicable local disaster
             1070      emergency plans; and

14.    Page 36, Lines 1093 through 1094 :    

             1093          (1) All orders, rules, and regulations promulgated by the governor,
{   a political

             1094      subdivision  
  a municipality, a county,       , or other agency authorized by this [act] part to make orders, rules, and regulations,

15.    Page 36, Lines 1099 through 1100 :    

             1099          (b) the office of the clerk of the
{   political subdivision   }        municipality or county       , if issued by the chief executive

             1100      officer of a
{   political subdivision of the state or agency of the state   }        municipality or county       .

16.    Page 83, Line 2569 through Page 84, Line 2573 :    

{       (1) "Expenses" means actual labor costs of government and volunteer personnel,

             2570      including workers' compensation benefits, fringe benefits, administrative overhead, cost of
             2571      equipment, cost of equipment operation, cost of materials, and the cost of any contract labor
             2572      and materials.  

{   [   } (1)      {   ]   }      {   (2)   } (a) "Reimbursable expenses," as used in this section, means those reasonable

17.    Page 84, Line 2586 :    

{   [   } (2)      {   ]   }      {   (3)   } There is created the Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program within

18.    Page 84, Line 2588 :    

{   [   } (3)      {   ]   }      {   (4)   } (a) The program shall be funded from the following revenue sources:

19.    Page 84, Line 2594 :    

{   [   } (4)      {   ]   }      {   (5)   } The director shall use the money to reimburse counties for all or a portion of

20.    Page 84, Lines 2599 through 2600 :    

             2599          (c) rules made under Subsection
{   [   } (7)      {   ]   }      {   (8)   } .

{   [   } (5)      {   ]   }      {   (6)   } Program money may not be used to reimburse for any paid personnel costs or

21.    Page 85, Line 2602 :    

{   [   } (6)      {   ]   }      {   (7)   } The Legislature finds that these funds are for a general and statewide public

22.    Page 85, Line 2604 :    

{   [   } (7)      {   ]   }      {   (8)   } The division, with the approval of the Search and Rescue Advisory Board,

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