H.B. 306

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 21, 2013 11:35 AM

Representative Lee B. Perry proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 7, Line 200 :    

             200      to serve on a subcommittee or task force, including parents
  or guardians       , school employees, or other

2.    Page 20, Line 601 :    

             601          (b) (i) The membership of the council shall include parents
  or guardians       of students enrolled at the

3.    Page 20, Line 603 :    

             603          (ii) The number of council members who are parents
  or guardians       of students enrolled at the school

4.    Page 20, Line 608 :    

             608          (d) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(d)(ii), council members who are parents
  or guardians       of

5.    Page 20, Line 613 :    

             613          (e) A parent
  or guardian       of a student enrolled at the school shall serve as chair or cochair of a

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