H.B. 322

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 March 1, 2013 8:58 AM

Representative Eric K. Hutchings proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 17 through 20 :    

             17          .    requires a municipality or county to record with the county recorder and mail to a
             18      property owner a notice of a lien if the municipality or county plans to record
{   a   }        an abatement       lien

             19      against the property;
             20          .    enacts language governing
{   a   }        an abatement       lien recorded for clean-up costs; and

2.    Page 2, Lines 54 through 55 :    

             54          (A) that failure to pay the expenses described in Subsection (1)(b)(i)(B) may result in
{   a   }        an abatement      

             55      lien on the property in accordance with Section [ 10-11-4 ] 10-11-5 ;

3.    Page 3, Line 62 :    

             62          (d) (i) [A] No later than 30 days before recording
{   a   }        an abatement       lien on the property, a municipality

4.    Page 3, Line 67 :    

             67          (B) mail a copy of the notice of the
  abatement       lien to the property owner's of record last known

5.    Page 3, Lines 69 through 72 :    

             69          (ii) If a municipality files a notice of a lien indicating that the municipality intends to
             70      [certify] record
{   a   }        an abatement       lien against the property for the unpaid costs and expenses in accordance with

             71      Subsection (2)(a)(ii) and Section [ 10-11-4 ] 10-11-5 , the municipality shall file for record in the
             72      county recorder's office a release of the
  abatement       lien after all amounts owing are paid.

6.    Page 3, Line 79 :    

             79          (ii) record
{   a   }        an abatement       lien against the property in accordance with Section 10-11-5 .

7.    Page 4, Line 102 :    

             102          (b) subject to Subsection (5), record
{   a   }        an abatement       lien against the property in accordance with

8.    Page 4, Lines 104 through 105 :    

             104          (5) (a) If the municipality files an action in district court under Subsection (2)(a)(i) or
             105      (4)(a), or records
{   a   }        an abatement       lien for the past due costs and expenses under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) or

9.    Page 4, Line 120 :    

             120          (1) A municipality may record
{   a   }        an abatement       lien with the county recorder of the county in which a

10.    Page 5, Lines 123 through 125 :    

             123          (2)
{   A   }        An abatement       lien imposed under this section:

             124          (a) has priority over any lien, mortgage, security interest, or other encumbrance arising
             125      after the day on which the
  abatement       lien is recorded; and

11.    Page 5, Lines 142 through 149 :    

             142          (3) If a county records
{   a   }        an abatement       lien with the county recorder of the county in which a property

             143      described in Subsection (1) is located for the unpaid costs and expenses that the county has
             144      incurred for an inspection, clean up, or abatement with regard to the property, the county shall
             145      no later than 30 days before recording
{   a   }        the abatement       lien on the property:

             146          (a) file a notice of a lien, including a copy of the statement described in Subsection (2),
             147      in the records of the county recorder; and
             148          (b) mail a copy of the notice of the
  abatement       lien to the property owner's of record last known

             149      address.

12.    Page 5, Line 150 :    

             150          (4)
{   A   }        An abatement       lien imposed under this section:

13.    Page 6, Line 152 :    

             152      after the day on which the
  abatement       lien is recorded; and

14.    Page 6, Lines 156 through 157 :    

             156          (5) The county shall file for record in the county recorder's office a release of the
  abatement       lien

             157      after all amounts owing are paid.

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LRGC victoriaashby victoriaashby Y 03/01/13 8:16a