H.B. 344

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 March 5, 2013 8:30 AM

Representative David E. Lifferth proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 13
    House Committee Amendments
    3-4-2013 :

             13          .    requires the State Charter School Board to request applications to establish a
  charter school that employs new and creative methods to meet the unique learning styles and needs of students, including a       :

2.    Page 2, Lines 41 through 43
    a.House Committee Amendments
    b.3-4-2013 :

             41          (2) (a) The State Charter School Board shall request individuals, groups of individuals,
             42      or not-for-profit legal entities to submit an application to the State Charter School Board to
             43      establish
  a charter school that employs new and creative methods to meet the unique learning styles and needs of students, including       :

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