S.B. 23

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 20, 2013 9:58 PM

Representative Kraig Powell proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 9, Lines 261 through 266 :    

             261          (3) (a) [Within five working days of nomination, each lieutenant governor candidate]
             262      Each person seeking to become a candidate for
  the       office of lieutenant governor shall:

             263          (i) file a declaration of candidacy with the lieutenant governor on or after the second
             264      Friday in March and before the
{   Friday immediately before the convention at which the

             265      lieutenant governor candidate is nominated  
  earlier of:

(A) the last business day before the day on which the person's political party conducts a convention
or, as it relates to a political party that does not hold a convention, the last business day before the day on which the person's political party engages in the selection procedure described in Subsection 20A-8-401(2)(c); or
(B) the Friday immediately before the third Saturday in April of an even-numbered year  
; and

             266          (ii) pay the filing fee.

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