2nd Sub. S.B. 72

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 6 March 4, 2013 9:47 AM

Senator Mark B. Madsen proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 24 through Page 2, Line 27 :    

             24      development project;

{   .    provides for a property tax increment to be paid to the authority to be applied to

             26      specified costs;
             27          .    modifies the distribution of some local option sales tax revenues; and  

2.    Page 2, Line 36 :    

{   59-12-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 9   }

3.    Page 2, Line 49 :    

{   63H-7-205, Utah Code Annotated 1953   }

4.    Page 3, Lines 63 through 64 :    

{   63H-7-505, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             64          63H-7-506, Utah Code Annotated 1953  

5.    Page 3, Line 77 through Page 7, Line 187 :    

{   Section 1. Section 59-12-205 is amended to read:

             78          59-12-205. Ordinances to conform with statutory amendments -- Distribution of
             79      tax revenues -- Determination of population.
             80          (1) A county, city, or town, in order to maintain in effect sales and use tax ordinances
             81      adopted pursuant to Section 59-12-204 , shall, within 30 days of an amendment to an applicable
             82      provision of Part 1, Tax Collection, adopt amendments to the county's, city's, or town's sales
             83      and use tax ordinances as required to conform to the amendments to Part 1, Tax Collection.
             84          (2) Except as provided in Subsections (3) through (5) and subject to Subsection (6):
             85          (a) 50% of each dollar collected from the sales and use tax authorized by this part shall
             86      be distributed to each county, city, and town on the basis of the percentage that the population
             87      of the county, city, or town bears to the total population of all counties, cities, and towns in the
             88      state; and
             89          (b) (i) except as provided in [Subsection] Subsections (2)(b)(ii) and (iii), 50% of each
             90      dollar collected from the sales and use tax authorized by this part shall be distributed to each

             91      county, city, and town on the basis of the location of the transaction as determined under
             92      Sections 59-12-211 through 59-12-215 ; [and]
             93          (ii) 50% of each dollar collected from the sales and use tax authorized by this part
             94      within a project area described in a project area plan adopted by the military installation
             95      development authority under Title 63H, Chapter 1, Military Installation Development
             96      Authority Act, shall be distributed to the military installation development authority created in
             97      Section 63H-1-201 [.]; and
             98          (iii) beginning the first day of the calendar quarter that is at least 90 days after the
             99      Prison Land Management Authority, created in Section 63H-7-201 , gives notice to the tax
             100      commission of the Authority's intent to receive sales and use tax revenue under this Subsection
             101      (2)(b)(iii), 50% of each dollar collected from the sales and use tax authorized by this part on
             102      former prison land, as defined in Section S. [ 63H-67-102] 63H-7-102 .S , shall be distributed to
             102a      the Prison Land
             103      Management Authority.
             104          (3) (a) Beginning on July 1, 2011, and ending on June 30, 2016, the commission shall
             105      each year distribute to a county, city, or town the distribution required by this Subsection (3) if:
             106          (i) the county, city, or town is a:
             107          (A) county of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class;
             108          (B) city of the fifth class; or
             109          (C) town;
             110          (ii) the county, city, or town received a distribution under this section for the calendar
             111      year beginning on January 1, 2008, that was less than the distribution under this section that the
             112      1county, city, or town received for the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2007;
             113          (iii) (A) for a county described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A), the county had located
             114      within the unincorporated area of the county for one or more days during the calendar year
             115      beginning on January 1, 2008, an establishment described in NAICS Industry Group 2121,
             116      Coal Mining, or NAICS Code 213113, Support Activities for Coal Mining, of the 2002 North
             117      American Industry Classification System of the federal Executive Office of the President,
             118      Office of Management and Budget; or
             119          (B) for a city described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B) or a town described in Subsection
             120      (3)(a)(i)(C), the city or town had located within the city or town for one or more days during
             121      the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2008, an establishment described in NAICS Industry
             122      Group 2121, Coal Mining, or NAICS Code 213113, Support Activities for Coal Mining, of the
             123      2002 North American Industry Classification System of the federal Executive Office of the
             124      President, Office of Management and Budget; and
             125          (iv) (A) for a county described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A), at least one establishment
             126      described in Subsection (3)(a)(iii)(A) located within the unincorporated area of the county for
             127      one more days during the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2008, was not the holder of a
             128      direct payment permit under Section 59-12-107.1 ; or
             129          (B) for a city described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B) or a town described in Subsection

             130      (3)(a)(i)(C), at least one establishment described in Subsection (3)(a)(iii)(B) located within a
             131      city or town for one or more days during the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2008, was
             132      not the holder of a direct payment permit under Section 59-12-107.1 .
             133          (b) The commission shall make the distribution required by this Subsection (3) to a
             134      county, city, or town described in Subsection (3)(a):
             135          (i) from the distribution required by Subsection (2)(a); and
             136          (ii) before making any other distribution required by this section.
             137          (c) (i) For purposes of this Subsection (3), the distribution is the amount calculated by
             138      multiplying the fraction calculated under Subsection (3)(c)(ii) by $333,583.
             139          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(c)(i):
             140          (A) the numerator of the fraction is the difference calculated by subtracting the
             141      distribution a county, city, or town described in Subsection (3)(a) received under this section
             142      for the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2008, from the distribution under this section that
             143      the county, city, or town received for the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2007; and
             144          (B) the denominator of the fraction is $333,583.
             145          (d) A distribution required by this Subsection (3) is in addition to any other distribution
             146      required by this section.
             147          (4) (a) For fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 1983-84 and ending with fiscal year
             148      2005-06, a county, city, or town may not receive a tax revenue distribution less than .75% of
             149      the taxable sales within the boundaries of the county, city, or town.
             150          (b) The commission shall proportionally reduce monthly distributions to any county,
             151      city, or town that, but for the reduction, would receive a distribution in excess of 1% of the
             152      sales and use tax revenue collected within the boundaries of the county, city, or town.
             153          (5) (a) As used in this Subsection (5):
             154          (i) "Eligible county, city, or town" means a county, city, or town that receives $2,000 or
             155      more in tax revenue distributions in accordance with Subsection (4) for each of the following
             156      fiscal years:
             157          (A) fiscal year 2002-03;
             158          (B) fiscal year 2003-04; and
             159          (C) fiscal year 2004-05.
             160          (ii) "Minimum tax revenue distribution" means the greater of:
             161          (A) the total amount of tax revenue distributions an eligible county, city, or town
             162      receives from a tax imposed in accordance with this part for fiscal year 2000-01; or
             163          (B) the total amount of tax revenue distributions an eligible county, city, or town
             164      receives from a tax imposed in accordance with this part for fiscal year 2004-05.
             165          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b)(ii), beginning with fiscal year 2006-07
             166      and ending with fiscal year 2012-13, an eligible county, city, or town shall receive a tax
             167      revenue distribution for a tax imposed in accordance with this part equal to the greater of:
             168          (A) the payment required by Subsection (2); or
             169          (B) the minimum tax revenue distribution.

             170          (ii) If the tax revenue distribution required by Subsection (5)(b)(i) for an eligible
             171      county, city, or town is equal to the amount described in Subsection (5)(b)(i)(A) for three
             172      consecutive fiscal years, for fiscal years beginning with the fiscal year immediately following
             173      that three consecutive fiscal year period, the eligible county, city, or town shall receive the tax
             174      revenue distribution equal to the payment required by Subsection (2).
             175          (c) For a fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2013-14 and ending with fiscal year
             176      2015-16, an eligible county, city, or town shall receive the minimum tax revenue distribution
             177      for that fiscal year if for fiscal year 2012-13 the payment required by Subsection (2) to that
             178      eligible county, city, or town is less than or equal to the product of:
             179          (i) the minimum tax revenue distribution; and
             180          (ii) .90.
             181          (6) (a) Population figures for purposes of this section shall be based on the most recent
             182      official census or census estimate of the United States Census Bureau.
             183          (b) If a needed population estimate is not available from the United States Census
             184      Bureau, population figures shall be derived from the estimate from the Utah Population
             185      Estimates Committee created by executive order of the governor.
             186          (c) The population of a county for purposes of this section shall be determined only
             187      from the unincorporated area of the county.  

6.    Page 7, Lines 198 through 201 :    

{   (2) "Base taxable value" means, for former prison land that is exempt from property tax

             199      at the time the authority accepts a proposal for a former prison land development project, as
             200      provided in this chapter, a taxable value of zero.  

{   (3)   }        (2)       "Board" means the authority's governing body established under Section

7.    Page 7, Line 203 :    

{   (4)   }        (3)       "Conceptual plan" means a plan that provides the conceptual framework for the

8.    Page 7, Line 205 :    

{   (5)   }        (4)       "Division" means the Division of Facilities Construction and Management created

9.    Page 7, Line 207 :    

{   (6)   }        (5)       "Former prison" means the state prison operating as of February 1, 2013 in Salt

10.    Page 7, Line 209 :    

{   (7)   }        (6)       "Former prison land" means all the land owned or controlled by the state on which

11.    Page 8, Line 213 :    

{   (8)   }        (7)       "Former prison land development project" means a project to develop the former

12.    Page 8, Lines 217 through 219 :    

{   (9)   }        (8)       "Host city" means the city in which the former prison land is located.

{   (10)   }        (9)       "Host county" means the county in which the former prison land is located.

{   (11)   }        (10)       "Master development project" means a former prison land development project

13.    Page 8, Lines 221 through 222 :    

{   (12)   }        (11)       "New prison" means a prison to be built to replace the former prison.

{   (13)   }        (12)       "New prison development project":

14.    Page 8, Lines 226 through 227 :    

{   (14)   }        (13)       "New prison land" means land on which a new prison is or is projected to be built.

{   (15)   }        (14)       "Prison programming" means a policy, plan, or program that, if implemented by

15.    Page 8, Lines 230 through 237 :    

{   (16) "Property tax" includes privilege tax and each levy on an ad valorem basis on

             231      tangible or intangible personal or real property.
             232          (17) "Public entity" means:
             233          (a) the state, including any department, division, agency, or other instrumentality of the
             234      state; or
             235          (b) a political subdivision of the state, including a county, city, town, school district,
             236      local district, special service district, or interlocal entity.  

{   (18)   }        (15)       "Publicly owned infrastructure and improvements" means water, sewer, storm

16.    Page 9, Line 246 :    

{   (19)   }        (16)       "State ownership" means ownership by the state or any department, division, or

17.    Page 9, Lines 248 through 255 :    

{   (20) "Taxable value" means the value of property as shown on the last equalized

             249      assessment roll as certified by the county assessor.
             250          (21) "Tax increment" means the difference between:
             251          (a) the amount of property tax revenues generated each tax year by all taxing entities
             252      from the former prison land, using the current assessed value of the property; and
             253          (b) the amount of property tax revenues that would be generated from that same land,
             254      using the base taxable value of the property.
             255          (22) "Taxing entity" means a public entity that levies a tax on former prison land.  

18.    Page 10, Lines 280 through 281 :    

{   (f) receive tax increment and other taxes and fees as provided in this chapter;   }

{   (g)   }        (f)       accept financial or other assistance from any public or private source for the

19.    Page 10, Line 284 :    

{   (h)   }        (g)       borrow money on a short-term basis, contract with, or accept financial or other

20.    Page 10, Lines 287 through 290 :    

{   (i)   }        (h)       hire employees, including:

{   (A)   }        (i)       contract employees; and

{   (B)   }        (ii)       a chief administrative officer;

{   (j)   }        (i)       transact other business and exercise all other powers provided for in this chapter;

21.    Page 10, Line 292 :    

{   (k)   }        (j)       exercise powers and perform functions that the authority is authorized by statute to

22.    Page 11, Line 315 :    

             315          (1) The authority may use
{   tax increment and other   } funds available to the authority:

23.    Page 11, Lines 319 through 320 :    

             319          (c) to pay for all or part of the development of the former prison land
{   from which the

             320      tax increment funds or other funds were collected  
, including assisting the ongoing operation of

24.    Page 11, Lines 323 through 324 :    

             323      infrastructure and improvements on the former prison land
{   from which the tax increment funds

             324      were collected  

25.    Page 11, Line 335 through Page 12, Line 337 :    

{   (3) For purposes of Subsection (1), the authority may use tax revenues received under

             336      Subsection 59-12-205 (2)(b)(iii).  

{   (4)   }        (3)       The determination of the authority board under Subsection (1)(e) regarding benefit

26.    Page 12, Lines 339 through 360 :    

{   (5)   }        (4)       The authority may give to another state or local government entity any of the funds

             340      it receives, if the funds are used for a purpose listed in
{   Subsections   }        Subsection       (1)      {   through (4)   }        or (2)       .

{   Section 7. Section 63H-7-204 is enacted to read:

             342          63H-7-204. Authority receipt and use of tax increment -- Distribution of tax
             343      increment.
             344          (1) (a) The authority may:
             345          (i) subject to Subsection (1)(b), receive up to 50% of tax increment for up to 25 years,
             346      as provided in this part; and
             347          (ii) use tax increment during and after the period described in Subsection (1)(a)(i).
             348          (b) With respect to a parcel located on former prison land, the 25-year period described
             349      in Subsection (1)(a)(i) begins on the day on which the authority receives the first tax increment
             350      from that parcel.
             351          (2) Improvements on a parcel on former prison land become subject to property tax on
             352      January 1 immediately following the day on which the authority issues a certificate of
             353      occupancy with respect to those improvements.
             354          (3) A county that collects property tax on former prison land shall pay and distribute to
             355      the authority the tax increment that the authority is entitled to collect under this title, in the
             356      manner and at the time provided in Section 59-2-1365 .
             357          (4) The board shall determine by resolution when the entire former prison land or an
             358      individual parcel on former prison land is subject to tax increment.  

             359          Section 8. Section 63H-7-
{   205   }        204       is enacted to read:

             360          63H-7-
{   205   }        204       . Authority funds nonlapsing.

27.    Page 20, Lines 586 through 588
    Senate Committee Amendments
    2-28-2013 :

{   (b) tax increment;

             587          (c) sales tax revenue under Subsection 59-12-205 (2)(b)(iii);  

{   (d)   }        (c)       savings realized from funds that had been intended for maintenance and upkeep of

28.    Page 20, Line 591
    Senate Committee Amendments
    2-28-2013 :

{   (e)   }        (d)       the amount of future construction costs anticipated to be spent for prison facilities

29.    Page 20, Line 593
    Senate Committee Amendments
    2-28-2013 :

{   (f)   }        (e)       reductions in future years' budgets of the Department of Corrections that equal the

30.    Page 20, Lines 596 through 599
    Senate Committee Amendments
    2-28-2013 :

{   (g)   }        (f)       proceeds from the issuance of bonds;

{   (h)   }        (g)       legislative appropriations;

{   (i)   }        (h)       financing provided by the developer; and

{   (j)   }        (i)       any other source of funds that the offeror proposes to be made available in order to

31.    Page 21, Line 640 through Page 22, Line 646 :    

             640          (6)
{   (a)   } Within 30 days after adopting an annual budget, the authority board shall file a

             641      copy of the annual budget with the auditor of the
  host       county      {   in which the authority is located   } , the

             642      State Tax Commission,
  and       the state auditor      {   , the State Board of Education, and each taxing entity

             643      that levies a tax on property from which the authority collects tax increment  
{   (b) The requirement of Subsection (6)(a) to file a copy of the annual budget with the

             645      state as a taxing entity is met if the authority files a copy with the State Tax Commission and
             646      the state auditor.  

32.    Page 22, Lines 655 through 669 :    

{   Section 20. Section 63H-7-503 is enacted to read:

             656          63H-7-503. Authority report.
             657          (1) (a) On or before November 1 of each year, the authority shall prepare and file a
             658      report with the county auditor, the State Tax Commission, the State Board of Education, and
             659      each taxing entity that levies a tax on property from which the authority collects tax increment.
             660          (b) The requirement of Subsection (1)(a) to file a copy of the report with the state as a
             661      taxing entity is met if the authority files a copy with the State Tax Commission and the state
             662      auditor.
             663          (2) Each report under Subsection (1) shall contain:
             664          (a) an estimate of the tax increment to be paid to the authority for the calendar year
             665      ending December 31; and
             666          (b) an estimate of the tax increment to be paid to the authority for the calendar year
             667      beginning the next January 1.  

             668          Section 21. Section 63H-7-
{   504   }        503       is enacted to read:

             669          63H-7-
{   504   }        503       . Audit requirements.

33.    Page 22, Line 673 through Page 23, Line 689 :    

{   Section 22. Section 63H-7-505 is enacted to read:

             674          63H-7-505. Audit report.

             675          (1) The authority shall, within 180 days after the end of the authority's fiscal year, file a
             676      copy of the audit report with the county auditor, the State Tax Commission, the State Board of
             677      Education, and each taxing entity that levies a tax on property from which the authority collects
             678      tax increment.
             679          (2) Each audit report under Subsection (1) shall include:
             680          (a) the tax increment collected by the authority for each project area;
             681          (b) the outstanding principal amount of bonds issued or other loans incurred to finance
             682      the costs associated with the authority's project areas; and
             683          (c) the actual amount expended for:
             684          (i) acquisition of property;
             685          (ii) site improvements or site preparation costs;
             686          (iii) installation of public utilities or other public improvements; and
             687          (iv) administrative costs of the authority.  

             688          Section 23. Section 63H-7-
{   506   }        504       is enacted to read:

             689          63H-7-
{   506   }        504       . Authority chief financial officer is a public treasurer -- Certain

34.    Page 23, Lines 695 through 696 :    

             695          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection 63E-2-110 (2)(a),
{   tax increment funds, municipal

             696      services revenue, and  
appropriations that the authority receives from the state:

     Renumber remaining sections accordingly.

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