S.B. 130

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 2 February 18, 2013 4:47 PM

Representative Keith Grover proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 12 through 15 :    

             12          .    modifies the Security Personnel Licensing Act by:
             13              .    adding an additional board member

        .     amending board member provisions  
; and

             14              .    changing the requirements for an applicant to be licensed as an armored car
             15      company or a contract security company; and

2.    Page 2, Lines 29 through 37
    Senate Committee Amendments
    2-4-2013 :

             29          58-63-201. Board -- Duties.
             30          (1) There is created the Security Services Licensing Board consisting of:
             31          (a) S. [[]
{   two   } []]      {   [   } three      {   ]   } .S individuals who are officers or owners of a licensed contract

             31a      security
             32      company;
             33          (b) one individual who is an officer or owner of a licensed armored car company;
             34          (c) one individual from among nominees of the Utah [Sheriff's] Sheriffs' Association;
             35          (d) one individual from among nominees of the Utah [Chief's] Chiefs of Police
             36      Association
  or the Utah Fraternal Order of Police       ; and

             37          (e) S.
{   [   } one      {   ]   }      {   two   } .S individual representing the general public.

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