(b) A local school board of a school district that receives necessarily existent small schools
funding under Section 53A-17a-109 may exclude the following from a report made available to the
public pursuant to Subsection (3)(a):
(i) test scores aggregated by grade level or course at a necessarily existent small school, if fewer
than two classes of a course, or within a grade level, are taught; or
(ii) test scores aggregated by class or teacher at a necessarily existent small school.
(4) The board may charge a fee for the copying costs.
(5) The State Board of Education shall annually provide to school districts and charter schools a
comprehensive report for each of their students showing the student's U-PASS test results for each year the
student took a U-PASS test. School districts and charter schools shall give a copy of the comprehensive report
to the student's parents and make the report available to school staff, as appropriate.
4. Page
2, Line 41 through Page 3, Line 44
(A) by grade level or course [for the previous two years] and an indication of whether
there was a sufficient magnitude of gain in the scores [between the two years]
, except grade level or course
scores for a necessarily existent small school may not be reported if fewer than two classes of a course,
or within a grade level, are taught
; and
(B) by class
, as provided by Subsection (3)
(ii) online writing assessments required under Section
; and
5. Page
4, Lines 94 through 97
[(d) the number and percent of students receiving fee waivers and the total dollar
amount of fees waived.]
(3) (a)
Except as provided by Subsection (3)(c), beginning
with the 2013-14
school year, a school performance report shall
include the average growth score, as measured by an online computer adaptive test, of a
6. Page
4, Lines 100 through 102
the growth scores of students for whom the teacher is responsible for providing instruction in a
subject that is tested by an online computer adaptive test.
(c) At the request of a local school board of a school district that qualifies for necessarily existent
small schools funding under Section 53A-17a-109, the State Board of Education shall exclude from a
school performance report the average growth scores of a teacher's students as specified in Subsections
(3)(a) and (b) for a teacher employed at a necessarily existent small school.
(4) (a) The State Board of Education shall adopt common definitions and data
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